ultrasonic diagnosis

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk ˌdaɪəɡˈnosɪs][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk ˌdaiəɡˈnəusis]


  • Ultrasonic diagnosis of congenital biliary dilatation in children

    小儿先天性胆总管扩张症的 超声 诊断

  • Objective To evaluate the ultrasonic diagnosis value of acute suppurative cholecystitis in old .

    目的:探讨老年化脓性胆囊炎的 超声 诊断价值。

  • Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Pneumatic Reduction Therapy of Intussusception in Children

    小儿肠套叠的 超声 诊断和超声监视下注气治疗

  • Prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of fetal absence of radius with multiple malformation : one case report

    超声 诊断胎儿桡骨缺如并多发畸形1例

  • Objective To study the clinical value of ultrasonic diagnosis for low segment ureteral polyp .

    目的探讨 超声 诊断输尿管下段息肉的临床应用价值。

  • The ultrasonic diagnosis and differential diagnosis of fetal tetralogy of Fallot

    胎儿法乐四联症的 超声 诊断及鉴别诊断

  • Ultrasonic diagnosis of cervical lymphatic hygroma in fetus during middle and late pregnancy

    中晚孕胎儿颈部淋巴水囊瘤的 超声 诊断中晚期妊娠胎儿淋巴水囊瘤的超声 诊断

  • The Relationship between Hydramnios and Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Fetal Anomaly

    胎儿羊水过多的 超声 诊断与胎儿畸形的关系

  • Color Doppler Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Aoute Scrotum Pain in Children

    彩色多普勒 超声对小儿急性阴囊疼痛的 诊断价值

  • The criterion for ultrasonic diagnosis of CDF was dynamic observation of the contrast medium entering the gallbladder through the fistula orifice .

    超声造影 诊断胆囊十二指肠瘘的标准是动态观察可见造影剂经瘘口进入胆囊。

  • The investigation of ultrasonic diagnosis for fetal anomaly and the reason of fetal anomaly in Zunyi area of Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau

    云贵高原遵义地区 超声 诊断胎儿畸形的探讨及畸形原因分析

  • Objective : To analyse sonographical features of epididymis tuberculosis with caseous necrosis and improve the accuracy of ultrasonic diagnosis .

    目的:总结干酪样坏死性附睾结核高频彩色多普勒声像图特征,提高其 超声 诊断准确率。

  • Methods : The ultrasonic instrument was adopted to conduct the planar ultrasonic and Doppler ultrasonic diagnosis analysis on30 RAML patients in our hospital .

    方法:对我院30例RAML患者采用超声诊断仪进行二维超声和多普勒 超声 诊断分析。

  • Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Clinical Evaluation of the Space-occupying Lesions on Head of Pancreas

    胰头占位性病变的 超声 诊断及临床评价

  • The clinical value in ultrasonic diagnosis of adult patients with ureter cyst

    超声 诊断成人输尿管囊肿的临床价值

  • Objective : To evaluate the ultrasonic diagnosis of carcinoma of head of pancreas and analyze its clinical data .

    目的:评价胰头癌的 超声 诊断并进行临床分析。

  • Ultrasonic diagnosis of twin fetuses ( one normal and one with complex malformation ): case report

    超声 诊断双胎妊娠:一胎正常,一胎复杂畸形1例

  • Research status of prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis in fetal cleft lip and palate

    胎儿唇腭裂畸形的产前 超声 诊断现状

  • Study on ultrasonic diagnosis of common diseases of knee joint or knee joint peripheral

    膝关节及周围常见疾病的 超声 诊断研究

  • Experimental study on reliability of ultrasonic diagnosis of renal micro calculus

    超声 诊断微小肾结石可靠性的实验研究

  • A clinic value of ultrasonic diagnosis on axillary lymph node metastasis in breast carcinoma

    超声 诊断乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结转移的临床价值

  • Objective To explore the value of ultrasonic diagnosis in abnormal twin pregnancy .

    目的探讨 超声在双胎妊娠中胎儿发育异常的 诊断价值。

  • The ultrasonic diagnosis of surgical emergencies of the urinary and reproductive system

    超声 诊断在外科泌尿生殖系统急症中的 应用 分析

  • Application of real time contrast-enhanced ultrasonic diagnosis for breast lesions

    实时 超声造影在乳腺病灶 诊断中的应用

  • Analysis on the Diagnosis of 203 Cases ' Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease by Progenital Type Ultrasonic Diagnosis

    阴式 超声 诊断慢性盆腔炎203例分析

  • Objective : To evaluate the value of the ultrasonic diagnosis of early acute gangrenous cholecystitis ( AGC ) .

    目的探讨急性无结石性 坏疽性胆囊炎的 诊断及外科治疗方法。

  • Analysis of ultrasonic diagnosis on 216 fetuses of malformation of urinary system

    216例胎儿泌尿系畸形 超声 诊断分析

  • Color Doppler Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Vertebral Artery Insufficiency in Cases with Cervical Spondylosis

    彩色多普勒 超声血流图对颈椎病椎动脉供血不足的 诊断 价值

  • The current status on the prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of fetal ACC was reviewed in this article .

    本文对胎儿胼胝体发育不全的 超声 研究进展进行综述。