ultraviolet stabilizer

[ˌʌltrəˈvaɪəlɪt ˈstebəˌlaɪzɚ][ˌʌltrəˈvaiəlit ˈsteɪbəˌlaɪzə]


  • The novel PP special material used in automobile is prepared by using new ultraviolet light stabilizer - antioxidant ( UV - AO ) system .

    采用新型 紫外光 稳定剂-抗氧剂(UV-AO)体系制备了汽车用新型聚丙烯专用料。

  • As a kind of anti-aging additive ultraviolet light stabilizer is widely applied in plastic packaging materials to absorb ultraviolet radiation without the occurrence of photochemical reactions . Therefore plastic packaging can withstand longer sunlight and its service life will be prolonged .

    紫外光 稳定剂是塑料包装材料中使用较广的一类抗老化添加剂,它能有效吸收紫外线,且不发生光化学反应,可使塑料耐受更长时间的阳光照射,从而延长使用寿命。