Turing test


  • If the human judge fails to identify the participant as human or computer the computer is said to have passed the Turing Test .

    如果人类法官无法识别出人类或计算机,那么计算机就是说通过了 图灵 测试

  • The Turing Test : Build a computer system that wins the imitation game at least 30 % of the time .

    图灵 测试:建造在模仿游戏中获胜概率至少为30%的计算机系统。

  • If the judge fails then the computer is said to have passed the Turing Test .

    如果法官失败了,那么就说计算机通过了 图灵 测试

  • The key point of Turing Test is can 't tell very well ;

    图灵 测试的要点在于“分不清”;

  • I personally have no doubts that within a few years the Turing Test will be passed particularly if average interrogators are involved .

    我个人看法,毫无疑问数年之内, 机器将会通过 图灵 测试,尤其当“普通人”审问者参与其中。

  • I 'm sure that this is a very common objection to the Turing test or to natural language processing : there is no possible exhaustive testing .

    我确信这是一个针对 图灵 测试和自然语言处理的很普遍的异议:不可能进行穷尽式的测试。

  • This brings about a few questions . In other words how long must the machine fool the human being before we conclude that the Turing test is a success ?

    这带来了一个新问题,在我们得出 图灵 测试已经成功的结论之前,机器要愚弄人类多久?

  • The Loebner Prize-Site of the annual Turing Test contest .

    该Loebner奖-比赛地点每年 图灵 测试

  • The so-called Turing test says a computer capable of carrying on a natural conversation without giving itself away can be considered intelligent .

    所谓的“ 图灵 测试”就是说,如果一台电脑能和人自然地交流而不露馅,它 就算是智能的。

  • The Turing test is a one-sided test .

    图灵 测试是一个单边测试。

  • As of a few months ago these spam filters no longer pass my little Turing test .

    但从几个月前开始,这些邮件过滤器再也不能通过我小小的 图灵 测试了。

  • CAPTCHA as a Turing test its purpose is to distinguish the user is a human or computer CAPTCHA can effectively block attacks and maintain network security .

    验证码作为一种 图灵 测试,目的在于区分用户是人类还是计算机,验证码可以有效地阻挡机器攻击,维护网络安全。

  • Turing test physical symbolic hypothesis and soon play important roles to push research on intelligence .

    图灵 测试、物理符号假设等对智能研究的发展起了积极的推动作用。

  • To this day no machine has passed the Turing Test .

    迄今为止,还没有机器通过了 图灵 测试

  • Far from being a mere parlor game the Turing Test is an important measure of just how far one aspect of Artificial Intelligence has come .

    图灵 测试远非仅仅是一个休闲游戏,而是人工智能已经达到了什么水平的一个重要衡量工具。

  • But a computer that can pass an unrestricted Turing test could do it easily .

    但是,一个能够通过不受限 图灵 测试的计算机就可以轻易完成此事。

  • Q.What is the Turing test ?

    图灵 测试是啥?

  • This paper presents a research work on children Turing test ( CTT ) .

    报告了关于少儿 图灵 测试(CTT)的一项研究工作。

  • Turing Test Chinese Room Argument and the Nature of Mind

    图林 测验、中文屋论证与心灵的本质

  • The Turing test obviously has its limitations .

    显然, 图灵 测试也有其局限性。

  • Various ploys are used to try to trip up the machines competing in the Turing test .

    在那次 图灵 测试中,人们采用了各种手段去让竞争机器出差错。

  • But where are we today with the Turing Test ?

    可是,对于 图灵 测试如今怎样?

  • Jeopardy-playing computer seems like a remarkable accomplishment not too short of having a machine pass the famous Turing Test .

    一台能过参加Jeopardy的计算机似乎是一个了不起的成就,似乎就距离一台通过著名 图灵 测试的机器不远了。

  • It 's a form of AI that takes a few more steps closer to an app that could pass the Turing test .

    它是一种人工智能形式,只需要再向前 ,就是一款能通过图灵 测试Turing test,一个关于机器人是否具有人类智能的著名判断原则&译注)的程序了。

  • There is little sign of any machine passing the Turing test in the near future .

    目前几乎没有迹象显示,在不远的将来会有通过 图灵 测试的电脑 问世