turn and turn about

[tɚn ənd tɚn əˈbaʊt][tə:n ænd tə:n əˈbaut]


  • Still the Indian Summer held on and he continued to crawl and faint turn and turn about ;

    幸亏天气仍然继续放晴,他于是继续爬行,继续晕倒, 辗转地爬;

  • During the cultural turn in the translation studies and the translational turn in the culture studies it has been a hot point to talk about the complicated relationship between the culture and the translation .

    在翻译研究的文化 转向 文化研究的翻译 转向中,文化与翻译的复杂关联引起了众多 关注

  • We can do the work turn and turn about .

    我们可以 轮流干这个工作。

  • Thinking that turn and turn about is fair play she seized the scissors and cut off one of my curls and would have cut them all off but for my mother 's timely interference .

    就这样,我们俩 轮流玩起 公平的游戏,她抓过剪刀剪掉我的一束鬈发。我想,要不是妈妈及时制止,她一定 我的头发都剪光的。