turn factor

[tɚn ˈfæktɚ][tə:n ˈfæktə]

[电] 匝因数

  • Based on the characteristic of multi variety and batch and turn manufacturing the production overlap factor is presented and is used to modify the traditional resource restriction conditions .

    根据多品种成批 轮番生产的特点,提出用生产重叠 系数修正传统资源约束条件;

  • The reactionary forces are a negative factor but even so we should do our work well and turn this negative factor as far as possible into a positive one . Once again no book is genuinely free from political bias .

    反动势力虽是一种消极因素,但是我们仍然要做好工作,尽量 争取 消极 因素为积极 因素。就像美感 因素一样,没有一本书能真正消除政治倾向。

  • The results show that the front and back turn stiffness is the most important factor which makes the head to deviate away from the equilibrium position .

    计算结果表明:磁头气体动压正 刚度是影响磁头稳定的重要 因素,它会使磁头越来越偏离平衡位置。

  • As an intermediary ethical spirit can turn non-economical ethics into a kind of special economic factor .

    伦理精神作为一种中介,它有可能 使非经济因素的伦理道德转化为一种特殊的经济 因素

  • This paper includes 7 parts composed of 14 researches which in turn are : discussion on the exploring and testifying factor analysis the rate of popularity and developmental feature of college and middle school students ' test mental problem ;

    考试 绩效的探索性和验证性 因素分析、发展特征探讨;考试心理问题、考试心理素质和考试绩效的关系;

  • Turn seismic is an important factor that cause to structure reverse .

    转动地震作用是结构产生扭转的重要 因素

  • Second web services technologies enable interoperability which in turn is a key success factor when building composite applications .

    第二,WebService技术为组件互用能力提供了保障,而这一点 恰恰是构造复合式应用的成功 关键

  • The financial crisis at the turn of the century has announced the inappropriate exchange rate system is an important factor of the crisis especially the monetary crisis of new developing marketing country .

    世纪之 的金融危机揭示了不适当的汇率制度是引发危机,尤其是引发新兴市场化国家货币危机的一个重要 因素

  • Therefore relying on the traditional increasing in capital and labor inputs cannot meet the practical needs and we should turn up to focus on improving agricultural total factor productivity ( TFP ) .

    因此依靠传统的增加资本和劳动力投入已不能满足现实需要, 转而庆将重点放在提高农业的全 要素生产率(TFP)上来。

  • In this way the production efficiency of the first and secondary industries will be promoted by the transfer of redundant elements which may lead to greater output in turn . And increasing the factor inputs of the tertiary industry will also get greater output .

    这样,通过对第一产业和第二产业中的要素投入冗余的转移,第一产业和第二产业的生产效率会得到提升,并且,通过对第三产业 要素投入的增加也 得到更大的产出。

  • ( p < 0.05 ) The phlegm Yu Zu Zhi set more the other be two sets of comparison its body turn factor cent force factor cent worry anxiously factor cent have already shown Zhao difference .

    痰瘀阻滞组较其它两组比较,其躯体 因子分、强迫因子分、焦虑因子分有显著性差异。(P<0.05)。

  • The training of preschool teachers is a key factor for the quality of kindergarten teachers which is in turn the decisive factor for the preschool education .

    幼儿园教师职后培训事关幼儿园师资质量, 师资质量是教育质量的决定 因素

  • This paper includes 6 parts and consists of 11 concrete researches . On turn they are : exploring and testifying factor analysis of academic stressor developmental characters exploration ;

    本研究分为六个部分,由11项研究构成, 依次涉及中学生学业压力源的探索性和验证性 因素分析、发展特征探讨;

  • How to turn the experience-design into scientific design method that follows a certain theory becomes a key factor in mechatronic design .

    如何 经验设计变成遵循一定理论的科学的设计方法是进行机电系统研究的 关键

  • The basic composing that high technique building region turn primarily contain natural environment factor region cultural factor and technique factor etc.

    高技术建筑地域 的基本构成主要有自然环境 因素、地域文化因素和技术因素等。

  • How men or women conduct their private lives is a key to their moral character which in turn is a factor that people have the right to consider when voting for public officials .

    男男女女个人生活是什么样,非常能够说明他们的道德品质,而这一 是人民投票选举政府官员时有权考虑的 因素

  • Firstly the paleo-tectonic stress provides enough energy for organic matter to turn into hydrocarbon and becomes an important factor during the hydrocarbon-forming process .

    首先,古构造应力为有机质成烃 转化提供了足够的能量,是生烃过程中的一个重要 因素

  • Thermal stress caused by difference in temperature can reach or exceed live load and turn into main factor for structural cracks in concrete structure or statically indeterminate structural system .

    在混凝土结构和超静定结构体系中,由于温差作用引起的温度应力可以达到甚至超过活载应力而 成为结构开裂的主要 因素

  • On the other hand the mass organization in our country also has many problems in the developing process if we do not put it in order and make reforms on time it will certainly turn into barrier factor in the political development .

    另一方面,我国社团在发展过程中还存在许多问题,如不及时进行治理、改革,必将 成为政治发展的障碍性 因素

  • What they mostly wanted to know in turn were emergency measures family nursing pathogenic factor normal medicine indications of deliver hospital .

    家长最想了解的急症知识 依次为紧急处理、家庭护理常识、致病 因素、常用药选择、送院指征;

  • Then I iterate over the possible factors up to the number itself checking each in turn to see if it is a factor .

    然后,我迭代可能的因子直到该数字本身, 逐个检查以查看它是不是一个 因子

  • City is carry out the society organization and mankind 's life styles excellent turn of tool and environment from various construction with common composing main factor .

    城市是实现社会组织以及人类生活方式 优化的工具和环境,由各种构成 要素共同营造。

  • Turn speed is not a balance factor .

    转身不再是一个限制 因子

  • From a small beginning at the turn of the century they have become a very important factor in shaping developments in higher education and the arts .

    世纪初,基金 数量并不多/比较少,而现在已在高等教育和艺术发展的格局中显得 举足轻重了。

  • At experiment platform of seed sowing device passing changes the different parameter of the seed sowing device dish turn rate rate of ribbon etc. factor to proceeded the contrast experiments .

    在排种器试验台上,通过改变排种盘的不同参数、 转速、带速等 因素,对其排种性能进行了对比试验。

  • On turn they are : exploring and testifying factor analysis of academic stressor developmental characters exploration ;

    学业压力 应对策略的探索性和验证性 因素分析、发展特征探讨;

  • Village inpatient disease spectrum first 5 in turn are the damage is poisoned with the external factor the pregnancy childbirth disease the respiratory system disease the digesting system disease the circulatory system disease .

    农村住院病人疾病谱前5位 依次是损伤中毒和 外因、妊娠分娩疾病、呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病、循环系统疾病。