turn back to

[tɚn bæk tu][tə:n bæk tu:]


  • It was tempting to turn back to my former company knowing they wanted me to stay but I was certain that if I went back I would never leave .

    回到我之前的公司这个想法是非常有吸引力的,他们 希望我一直在那,但是我知道如果我回去,我绝不会再离开那。

  • What 's more radar data suggests the Boeing 777 might have tried to turn back to Kuala Lumpur before contact was lost a detail that prompted a search for the plane on both sides of the Malaysian peninsula .

    此外,雷达数据显示,这架波音777客机在失去与地面的联络前可能曾试图 返回吉隆坡。这个细节使搜救队在马来半岛两侧都开始进行搜索。

  • America today begins to turn back to God !

    今天的美国开始再次 转向上帝。

  • The plane had to turn back to Berlin .

    这架德国飞机不得不 返回柏林。

  • On the other hand with the temporary stop of the fixed assets investment in the metallurgical industry the existing metallurgical machinery manufacturers will surely turn back to the market of metallurgical spare parts and tools participating in and intensifying the market competition .

    另一方面,随着冶金行业固定资产投入暂时告一段落,现有各冶金机械制造厂家势必 冶金备件和工具市场,参与并加剧市场竞争。

  • In their practical teaching if they find there is a big gap between the theories they learned from the training program and practice they may turn back to their old teaching methods .

    在教学中如果他们发现培训时所学的理论与实践差距太大,毫无疑问,他们 回到原来的教学模式中,因而树立教师自我发展意识成为各大学英语教师的当务之急。

  • Now turn back to page five .

    现在 第五页。

  • They had to turn back to their plan after a failed trial .

    尝试失败后,他们不得不 回到 原来的计划。

  • Fourthly while having a doubt can it turn back to the basic principles of criminal law ?

    它能否 在(其)有 疑义时即应 回归 相应的原则 上去”。

  • But if you turn your back to me then you should .

    但如果你一直 对着我,那你就得 难过了哦。

  • They are extremely profound influence of western culture when they chose to turn back to go into the deep heritage of Chinese traditional culture and going through the excavation of traditional culture to try to re-awaken its vitality .

    他们在西方文化影响极为深刻的时候,却选择了背 转身 ,投入到中国传统文化的深厚底蕴中去,通过对传统文化的挖掘来试图重新唤醒其生命力。

  • It is no wonder that the Iliad is a text that people constantly turn back to and continually translate .

    所以人们 不断 回头讨论《伊利亚特》,并且一再翻译也就不足为奇了。

  • A good horse will not turn back to crop the old grass .

    老板啊老板,你但 知道“兔子不吃窝边草”,却不知“好马不吃 回头草”。

  • We need to turn back to long-term investing .

    我们需要 回归长期投资。

  • Malaysia Airlines said authorities were looking at a possibility of an attempt made by the aircraft to turn back to Subang an airport 50km from Kuala Lumpur .

    马来西亚航空公司表示,有关部门正在研究的一种可能性是,那架飞机曾试图折返距离吉隆坡50公里的梳邦( Subang)机场。

  • Modernism opposes tradition with traditional categories whereas postmodernism has to turn back to tradition after deconstructed all .

    现代主义在传统的范畴中反抗传统,而后现代主义在解构了一切之后,似乎 不得不 回归传统。

  • The next day another JAL 787 in Boston was forced to turn back to the gate after its pilots discovered a fuel leak .

    第二天,日本航空公司另一架787型飞机在波士顿起飞前因飞行员发现漏油, 被迫 返回登机口。

  • Turn back to the previous page .

    前一页有一 幅画

  • If you want to turn Back to nature please try wild herBs . Vacuum packed-wild herBs will Be all the fashion in China .

    回归自然,请食 野菜。真空小包装野菜将风靡神州。

  • Zhou-fang is still painting looking back to pian-pian absent-mindedly he was about to turn back to painting when he felt something was wrong hurriedly turning back he looks at pian-pian with quizzical eyes .

    周正在做画,无意识地回头看了翩翩一眼,正要 转头 继续做画,似乎感到不对,忽然回头,用询问的目光看着翩翩。

  • We can never turn our back to them .

    我们绝不能 他们 不顾

  • Please turn back to page 3 and start again from there .


  • Whereas the Obama administration did turn back to a tough posture which is influenced by many factors especially the domestic force .

    但是最终受多方面因素影响,尤其是国内的压力,奥巴马的政策作出 调整,姿态 转而 趋于强硬。

  • Tried to turn back to the King 's summer palace also failed .


  • The current account which measures trade and net income flows should turn back to positive territory in the second quarter this year many economists say .

    许多经济学家认为,日本经常项目应该 在今年第二季度 重新取得盈余。

  • A good and necessary way to prepare for Easter is to turn back to God if we have been away from Him .

    如果我们已远离上帝,那么准备复活节的一个好的也是必要的方法是 转向上帝。

  • All those who repent and turn back to God will be saved from the day of trouble .

    所有悔改及 归向神的将会于大而可畏之日中被拯救。

  • You see but your shadow when you turn your back to the sun .

    当你 太阳的 时候,你只看到自己的影子。

  • I left the schedule at home . I have to turn back to pick it up .

    我把行程表放在家里,我必须 回去拿。