turn in

[tɚn ɪn][tə:n in]


  • The market showed an upward turn in july .

    7月间市场情况有所 好转

  • I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar .

    现在让我 入室窃贼送交警方,我可能会有所顾虑。

  • Impatient to turn in his term paper one restless student kept clicking the Print command .

    一个坐立不安的学生正不耐烦 要递交他的学期论文,他不停地点击“打印”的命令。

  • Now we wait for them to turn in their essays

    现在我们等着他们 上作文。

  • He has been given until noon today to turn himself in to authorities

    他被要求 今天中午前向当局投案 自首

  • New reports in the journals Geology and Earth-Science Reviews say we can thank the very first land - lubbing plants for putting the turn in the river .

    《地质与地球科学评论》杂志中最新的报道称:我们要感谢最早期的固定水土的植物根系,正是它们造就了今天的 河湾

  • Most schools require students to complete a life experience application and turn in a portfolio of their work .

    大部分学校都学生要求填写一份生活履历表,并上 工作成就的档案。

  • He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road

    他猛打方向盘, 路中间 掉头

  • Turn in everything captured .

    一切缴获要 归公

  • Be late to turn in your papers and your grade gets lowered . Be late to pay your bills and you get stuck with a penalty . Be late to finish your work and you may be out of a job .

    没按时 论文你的分数就会降低;没按时付账单你就要被罚款;没按时完成工作你就可能被炒鱿鱼。

  • You can 't be so bad . it 's to make your grandmother turn in her grave .

    你不能如此坏,那会让你的祖母 死不瞑目

  • I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot

    听到钥匙 前门的声音,我立即从床上起来了。

  • I want everybody to turn a report in .

    我希望每个人都上 一份报告。

  • I should be glad to take a turn in it if you will favour me with your company .

    我很 想到那儿去逛逛,可否请你陪我一

  • Let 's turn in early so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train .

    今儿早点 ,明儿好早起赶火车。

  • To qualify you must turn in at least one USB power adapter and bring your iPhone iPad or iPod to an Apple Retail Store or participating Apple Authorized Service Provider for serial number validation .

    要符合购买条件,您必须 送交至少一个USB电源适配器并携带您的iPhone、iPad或iPod前往AppleStore零售店或相关Apple授权服务提供商处进行序列号验证。

  • You must turn in your uniform when you leave the army .

    你离开部队时,必须 军服 上缴

  • I went back to the station-house to turn in my badge and gun

    我回到警局交还 警徽和佩枪。

  • He seems to be making all the arrangements necessary so that he can continue trafficking in drugs when he turns himself in


  • Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance .

    科学 文艺复兴时期发生了新的 转变

  • A : Would it be all right if I turn in the paper next Monday ?

    下周一我 作业可以吗?

  • the latest turn in the fighting

    战斗 最新 进展

  • The official showed up to tell her to turn in her library books .

    那名管理人员 出面让她返还所借图书馆的书。

  • After four trains and a wrong turn in Florence I was in Siena Italy carrying too much luggage and struggling for words I didn 't know .

    好不容易我才 抵达了意大利的锡耶纳,一路上拖着沉重的行李,我 辗转搭了四趟火车,中途还在佛罗伦萨搭错了 ,沿途的人都在说着我听不懂的意大利语。

  • Every individual must also turn in an individual retrospective on the project .

    每一名成员还 必须对项目做一个回顾。

  • Retailers have given up waiting for a turn in the housing market .

    零售商们已放弃等待房产市场上的 转机

  • There would be strong incentives to turn someone in

    警方 举报某人将获重赏。

  • And when they were by Jebus the day was far spent ; and the servant said unto his master Come I pray thee and let us turn in into this city of the Jebusites and lodge in it .

    临近耶布斯的时候,日头快要落了,仆人对主人说,我们不如 耶布斯人的城里住宿。

  • JAXB Quick and Zeus all turn in respectable performance figures compared to dom4j but take nearly twice as long as JiBX overall .

    与dom4j相比,JAXB、Quick和 Zeus都获得了不错的性能数字,但是所花费的时间整体来说都几乎是JiBX的两倍。

  • A native of Australia Ledger shot to fame as a teen heartthrob in10 Things I Hate About You before graduating to more adult roles most notably his Oscar-nominated turn in Brokeback Mountain .

    希斯·莱杰是土生土长的澳大利亚人,他在《对面恶女看过来》 一鸣惊人成为少女杀手, 继而接手演绎了更多的成年人角色,并终因《断背山》 的角色而得到了奥斯卡提名名噪一时。