turn volume

[tɚn ˈvɑljum][tə:n ˈvɔlju:m]


  • Could you turn down the volume ?

    请你 音量 小一点好吗?

  • Would you turn my volume up before of the cops

    你能否在警察面前 我的 音量调大

  • Turn the volume down please . I have little tolerance for noise .

    请把 音量 小,我对噪音的忍耐力是有限的。

  • And in our dorm you can 't turn up the volume and play loud music .

    在我们宿舍,你不能 音箱而且大声放音乐。

  • Turn the volume of the music down ?


  • And unlike us fish can 't ask the restaurant manager to turn the volume down as they dine .

    更杯具的是,鱼类也不能像我们一样,在用餐的时候让老板 音量 小一点。

  • If you turn the volume down on your radio it will be soft .

    如果你 收音机的 音量 小,声音就会轻柔。

  • I asked them to turn the volume down low .

    我让他们 音量调低。

  • They 'll turn the volume way up .

    他们会 音量开大。

  • The television is too loud turn the volume down .

    电视机的声音太响了, 音量放小一点。

  • Oh boy ! It 's too loud . I 'd better turn down the volume .

    喔!太大声了。我应该 小声一点。

  • Then could you turn the volume down ?

    那可以 小一点吗?

  • Turn up the volume . It 's too soft .

    电视 音量 一点,太轻了。

  • But could you please turn the volume down a bit ?

    可以麻烦你 声音 小声一点吗?

  • The issues that which connection form is adopted between two annular ramp how much turn traffic volume the distance can adapt need to be resolved .

    在两环形匝道之间采用何种连接形态,其 转弯交通 多大,能适应多长的距离都是亟待解决的问题。

  • Be sure to turn the volume all the way up on your laptop speakers . I had to plug my headphones into the laptop to hear him .

    一定要 你的外放的 音量调到最高。我甚至必须插上耳机才能听得到他在说什么。

  • Turn off the volume of your television and try to understand what is being said .

    关掉你电视的 声音,并且努力理解其中所说的是什么。

  • Regardless of all the character shapes are adopted or turn the volume of contrast relaxation to express creative idea and finish .

    所有的造型无论繁简,都是通过 体积 转折或对比、突兀与缓和来表达思想且完成创意的。

  • I 'm doing my homework could you turn down the volume a little bit ?

    我正在做功课,请你 声音 小一点好吗?

  • Turn down the volume of the radio will you ? The noise is driving me up the wall .

    收音机的 音量放小一点儿好吗?吵得我心烦意乱的。

  • The infrastructure construcion in Guangdong has a great development . Road high way the civil aviation carryings and the turn volume all these Guangdong stand the first place .

    广东基础设施有了长足的发展,公路、高速公路、民航旅 客运、吞吐量均居全国首位。

  • Did you ask him to turn the volume down ?

    你有没有请他 音量调低?

  • Turn down the volume please .

    音量 小一点。

  • Turn the volume down a bit .


  • I would appreciate it a lot if you could turn down the volume .

    如果你将 音量 小,我将十分感激。

  • If howling occurs reposition the speakers or turn down the volume on the amplifier .

    如果发生啸声,请重新配置扬声器,或 小放大器的 音量

  • A.Could I possibly ask you to turn down the volume on your TV ?

    我能不能请你 你的电视 音量开小一些?

  • I ask him to turn the volume down .

    我要求他 大量 声音 小一点。

  • Want to turn down the volume in your music player when the phone rings ?

    想要在电话铃响时减少您的音乐播放器的 音量吗?

  • Hello . hello ? Hey turn down the volume . it 's too loud .

    喂!喂? 声音 小点,太响了。