turn to

[tɚn tu][tə:n tu:]


  • Your turn to make the pack .

    该你 洗牌了。

  • God will help you if you turn to Him in humility and trust .

    如果你怀着一颗谦恭而信任的心向上帝 求助,上帝会帮助你。

  • Turn to me and have mercy on me as you always do to those who love your name .

    求你 转向我,怜悯我,好象你素常待那些爱你名的人。

  • It 's my turn to be on duty .

    该我 轮值了。

  • Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures .

    在特定温度下固体 变成液体。

  • If someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also .

    有人打你的右脸,连左脸也 过来 他打。

  • Which corner can I turn to go there ?

    我该 转弯就可以 那里?

  • If your partner is always waiting for their turn to speak you might be dating the wrong person .

    如果你的另一半总是在等着发言的 机会,你可能在约会错的人。

  • You know days turn to weeks turn to months yeah it 's been a while .

    你知道天 周,变成了几个月,这是已经有一段时间。

  • That is you now turn to creating the data set for this new data source .

    也就是说,您现在 转向为这个新数据源创建数据集。

  • It 's your turn to go on .


  • Almost all young women who turn to prostitution do so as a means of survival .

    几乎所有从事卖淫的年轻女孩 这条 都是为了生存。

  • It 's your turn to carve the meat .

    该你 肉切开了。

  • Tonight it 's my turn to cook

    今晚该我 做饭了。

  • Armed with this tooling analysts no longer turn to diagrams for knowledge in the same way .

    有了该工具,分析人员不再 同样的方式 图中了解信息。

  • Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to .

    她丈夫并不懂得体恤人,她觉得无人可 依靠

  • There was no one to turn to no one to tell .

    没人可以 求助,没人可以诉说。

  • It 's your turn to nail your colours to the mast .

    该你阐述你的 观点了。

  • It was your turn to wash them yesterday .

    昨天 轮到他们洗干净。

  • This time it was my turn to help Sharon as she had helped me over those past years .

    多年来沙伦帮我度过了一次又一次难关,这次该我 帮助她了。

  • The students were summoned in turn to be interviewed .

    学生 依次被召入进行口试。

  • Where 's your book ? Take it out and turn to page 4 .

    你的书呢?拿出来, 第4页。

  • It was my turn to recite .


  • The girls took it in turn to wipe down the tables after meals

    女孩子们饭后 轮流擦桌子。

  • B : They turn to you because they trust you .

    他们信任你才 求助的。

  • It 's your turn to give a presentation .


  • More and more victims turn to litigation to redress wrongs done to them .

    越来越多的受害人 通过诉讼来申雪 冤屈

  • To order turn to page 236 .

    如需订购, 参见236页。

  • Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance .

    有时候年轻小伙子只是需要 一个母亲式的人物聊一聊,从中获得安慰。