type checking

[taɪp ˈtʃɛkɪŋ][taip ˈtʃekiŋ]

[计] 类型检验

  • Debug mode provides additional error-handling features such as type checking and argument checking and provides more detailed error messages than release mode does .

    侦错模式提供额外的错误处理功能(例如 型别和引数的 检查),并能提供比发行模式更详细的错误讯息。

  • Static type checking will prevent non-Strings from being passed to this method .

    静态 类型 检查会防止把非String对象传递给这个方法。

  • Character type checking : If special character is not allowed then give some special character negative values and make sure proper error message has been thrown by the system .

    字符 类型 检查:如果不允许特殊字符,那么就用一些特殊字符、负数并确保系统提示正确的出错信息。

  • The Criteria API 's strong type checking is based on the availability of instantiated metamodel classes at development time .

    CriteriaAPI的强 类型 检查基于开放期间的实例化元模型类的可用性。

  • In addition to type checking and unit tests assertions provide a great way to determine that various properties are maintained in a program .

    除了 类型 检查和单元测试外,断言还提供了一种确定各种特性是否在程序中得到维护的极好方法。

  • Unmanaged compilers provide no type checking on pointer types making the code susceptible to potentially harmful activity .

    非托管编译器不对指针类型提供任何 类型 检查,从而使代码容易受到潜在危害性活动的影响。

  • First of all the bounds give us added static type checking .

    首先,范围使我们增加了静态 类型 检查功能。

  • The instanceof function provides a good way of checking type but you can also roll object type checking into the method signature itself by using type hints in the argument list .

    虽然instanceof功能提供了一种检查类型的好方法,但您还可以通过在参数列表中使用类型提示,来将对象 类型 检查滚动到方法签名自身中。

  • He is also concerned with the verification of security protocols through semantic formalisms and type checking .

    他关注的领域还有通过语义形式和 类型 检查对安全性协议进行验证。

  • Of course you also give up the safety net of the compile-time type checking .

    当然,还会失去 编译检查的安全保障。

  • You now have the choice at assembly time to override the usual type checking and create a wire between a property and an action of different types .

    在组装时就需要进行选择,是覆盖常用 类型 检查,还是在不同类型的属性和行为之间创建连接。

  • Its primary purpose is to produce LINQ-compatible object models from XSD files giving developers some measure of static type checking while accessing XML data .

    它的主要目标是从XSD文件中生成兼容LINQ的对象模型,让开发人员在访问XML数据的时候可以进行一定的静态 类型 检查

  • Doing so causes the compiler to perform argument type checking .

    这样做会导致编译器执行参数 类型 检查

  • A template can be thought of as a macro with type checking .

    模板可以被看作是有 类型 检查功能的宏。

  • After all the whole point of static type checking is to prevent exactly that sort of exception .

    毕竟静态 类型 检查主要是严格防止那种异常。

  • We all know about type checking separate compilation user-defined types ( classes today ) and abstraction .

    我们都知道 类型 检查,独立编译,自定义类型(现在的类)和抽象。

  • It 's going to do a lot of type checking for you before it actually passes things back .

    它会在将输入值进行计算之前,做很多 类型 检查

  • In contrast in intensional Type Theory type checking is decidable but the representation of many mathematical concepts is non-standard due to a lack of extensional reasoning .

    相反的,在内涵类型论中, 类型 检查是可判定性的,但是很多数学概念的表达是不标准的,因为缺乏外延推理。

  • Union types require careful handling because of type checking .

    由于 类型 检查,联合类型要求进行小心地处理。

  • He would have liked stronger static type checking of template arguments .

    他本来想要更强的模板参数的静态 类型 检验

  • You could fall back on type checking inside the add () method but that is not elegant and inflexible .

    您可以依赖add()方法内部的 类型 检查,但这并不优雅而且不固定。

  • The second thing I want to highlight is that what 's going on is that Python is doing some type checking .

    我想强调的第二件事情是,这里发生的是,是Python做了一些 类型 检查的工作。

  • Debasish Ghosh advocates for using this kind of solutions rather than trying to achieve dynamic type checking .

    DebasishGhosh提倡使用这种解决方法,而不是试图实现动态 类型 检查

  • Determine if your application needs the stricter type checking for XML queries and XML schema compliance .

    判断应用程序是否需要更严格地对XML查询进行 类型 检查,以及 检查XML模式的遵从性。

  • Not only do these casts make Java code wordier they also diminish the value of static type checking ( since each cast is a directive to selectively ignore static type checking ) .

    这些数据类型转换不仅使Java代码变得更加拖沓冗长,而且它们还降低了静态 类型 检查的价值(因为每个数据类型转换都是一个选择忽略静态类型检查的伪指令)。

  • So I actually want to have type checking as much as I can early on .

    因此我会在尽可能早的地方去,做一个 类型 检查

  • As a consequence type checking becomes undecidable .

    作为结论 类型 检查成为不可判定性的。

  • It 's clear that type checking isn 't enough to prove that your code is correct .

    很明显, 类型 检查并不足以证明代码的正确性。

  • With PHP V5 however you can build object type checking right into the class or method declaration .

    但是,如果使用PHPV5的话,可以将对象 类型 检查构建到类或方法声明中。

  • With type erasure generic types are used for type checking only ; afterwards they are replaced with their upper bound .

    使用类型消除(typeerasure),泛型类型仅用于 类型 检查;然后,用它们的上界替换它们。