type of security

[taɪp ʌv sɪˈkjʊrɪti/sə'kjurətɪ][taip ɔv siˈkjuəriti]

[计] 保密类型

  • Cheque paper : A type of security paper . The body of which has been chemically treated to prevent alteration or fraudulent usage .

    支票纸:是 保密纸的一 ,纸身经过化学处理,防止改或欺诈性的使用。

  • WTO multilateral trade system signifies the establishment of a new type of international security pattern with regulation and principle as the base and economic strength as the backbone .

    WTO多边贸易体制的建立,标志着以规则和制度为基础、以经济实力作为支撑力量的 新型国际 安全格局的确立。

  • A new Type of Food Security Early Warning System Based on AHP and the Evaluation of the Food Security Situation in The Pearl River Delta Region

    运用AHP法构建粮食 安全预警体系及对珠江三角洲地区粮食安全的评析

  • Until recently activity in this type of asset-backed security had held up reasonably well .

    直至最近, 此类资产支持 证券活动仍保持相当良好的状态。

  • Ernst Young found some staff working at the centre without developed vetting clearance the most comprehensive type of security vetting although this has now been reduced to just two .

    安永发现,在该中心工作的一些工作人员尚未通过高度审查(developed vetting,简称DV),即最全面的 安全审查,尽管其人数已减至两人。

  • Meanwhile the type of security event will be distinguished two indexes will be proposed to evaluate the reliability and emergency of meta-event .

    同时判断触发告警的 安全事件 类型,提出度量指标来评估超级告警的可信度和紧急程度。

  • The2nd ought to undertake in the light of its job characteristic to special type of work technical security is taught .

    第二,对非凡 工种应当针对其工作特点进行专门的 安全教育。

  • As an typical security system it was came along with the economic development of the needs of a new type of security system .

    其作为一种非典型担保制度,是伴随着经济发展对新 类型 担保制度的需要而产生的。

  • First of all in theory a new type of rural social security is part of the social security of our country is also the new rural construction and an important content of the construction of harmonious society .

    首先, 新型农村社会 保障 制度是我国整个社会保障制度的重要组成部分,也是建设社会主义新农村和构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成内容。

  • The Economical Housing is a type of policy-related security commercial house which the government provides for preferential policy limits construction standard objective consumer and price .

    经济适用住房是指政府提供优惠政策,限定建设标准、供应对象和销售价格,具有 保障 性质 政策性商品住房。

  • Based on the analysis of existing problems in China 's present social security system the author suggests establishing a new type of social security system in China and discusses its characteristics and detailed reforming measures .

    本文在分析我国现行社会保障制度存在问题的基础上,提出建立我国 新型社会 保障制度,并对新型保障制度的特色及改革的具体措施进行了论述。

  • Intrusion detection system ( IDS ) is an active protection system for network security . It is a new type of security protection technology following traditional security protection methods such as data encrypting firewall and so on .

    入侵检测系统IDS是一种主动的网络安全防护系统,它是继数据加密、防火墙等传统安全技术之后的新一 安全保障技术。

  • Secondly it analyses the concept characteristic reason and type of nontraditional security .

    二是分析介绍了非传统 安全的概念、特征以及非传统 安全问题凸现的原因及其主要 类型

  • New type of active security management

    新型的主动 安全管理

  • Our sector specific traders know which brokers are capable of providing best execution on any particular type of security .

    我们的行业专家交易员都知道哪一个券商有能力提供任何特定 类型 证券的最佳执行。

  • The paper analyzed the present condition and the existent problems in our country 's training of information security professional put forward the professional 's type of information security building demand and the direction about the training of information security professional .

    本文分析了我国信息安全专业人才培养的现状和存在的问题,提出了信息 安全建设需要的专业人才的 类型及信息安全专业人才培养的方向。

  • An implementation of the Trust Association Interceptor ( TAI ) is required for every type of security server .

    类型 安全服务器都需要实现信任关联拦截器(TAI)。

  • This paper designs and implements a new type of network security vulnerability detection system and introduces its frame each fuction module and each part in details at last emphasizes the merits .

    设计并实现了一种 新型的网络 安全漏洞检测系统,介绍了整体系统结构的设计、各个功能模块的设计以及各组成部分的设计和实现,最后强调了这一系统的优点和先进性。

  • These results constitute the type of financial security in residential design elements and finally concluded in the paper presented a design method for reference .

    这些成果构成了经济 保障 住宅的设计要点,最后在论文总结中提出了一套可供参考的设计方法。

  • If switches disable some type of security what effect will that have on the security of the queue manager overall ?

    如果开关禁用某种 安全 类型,对队列管理器的总体安全性会产生什么影响?

  • Thus many girls look at dating and marriage as a type of security blanket that can protect them .

    因此,许多女生把恋爱和婚姻当成是一把能够提供保障的 安全保护伞。

  • Guaranty as a type of security is exerting extremely important effect in modern economic life .

    作为 担保制度 之一的保证制度,因其自身的优势在实践中被广泛采用,在现代经济生活中具有不可替代的作用。

  • Considering of compatibility and portability and combining the advantages of virtual machine this paper presents a type of universal security enhancement technology which was called security virtual machine and can be implemented on many operation systems .

    本文基于可移植性和兼容性的考虑并结合虚拟机的优点,提出了一 在不同操作系统平台上通用的 安全增强技术,即安全虚拟机。

  • From this angle the author holds that the basic reason for China and Russia 's good cooperation in the field of security lies in that both countries pursue transitional type of security which keeps pace with the request of times .

    从这个研究视角出发,本文认为冷战后中国和俄罗斯之所以在安全领域进行了良好的合作,其根本原因是都能顺应时代的要求,奉行的都是过渡 安全观。

  • Secondly comparing to the charge the legal nature of the reverse mortgage is a new type of real of security which has the nature of material property valuable guarantee but has the difference with the charge .

    其次,与抵押权相比较,倒按揭制度具有抵押权的物权性、价值性和担保性之法律属性,但又不同于抵押权,是一种 新型 担保物权。

  • This type of security realm is generally referred to as an Application Scoped security realm .

    通常,将这种 类型 安全领域称为应用程序范围的安全领域。

  • This article describes the design and development process of a specific type of security plug-in one that uses a DB2 database to store authentication information .

    本文描述如何设计和开发一种特定 类型 安全性插件,这种 安全性插件使用DB2数据库存储身份验证信息。

  • Market manipulation is one type of primarily security fraud behaviors .

    市场操纵行为是 证券欺诈的一种 形式

  • For Web applications the most important type of security static analysis is called taint flow analysis .

    对于Web应用程序, 安全静态分析最重要的 类型叫做污染流分析。