type of microprocessor


  • These intelligent type sodium instrumentations are suitable particularly for the instrument control and protective systems of LMFBR by means of these excellent functions based on microprocessor .

    单片 微机为基础的这些优越功能,使得这些智能 钠仪表特别适用于钠冷快堆的仪表、控制与保护系统。

  • Digital signal processor is a new type of microprocessor chip which has been developed and widely applied of late years .

    数字信号处理器是近年来发展和应用十分迅速的 新型 处理机芯片。

  • The benefits of this type of flow meter include high accuracy good linearity wide measuring range good anti-vibration and excellent reliability.MSP430 microprocessor is chosen as the main control chip which has such features as low-power high - stability and strong driving ability and so on .

    相对于传统仪表,它 具有功耗低、线性度好、测量精度高、测量范围宽、可靠性好等优点。控制器的主控芯片采用具有低功耗、稳定性好、驱动能力强等优点的MSP430系列 单片机

  • Exciter field rheostatic type automatic voltage regulator Actuating Device of Digital Microprocessor Excitation of Synchro Generators

    数字式同步发电机 微机励磁调节装置

  • Aimed at the disadvantages of secondary harmonic restraint a new type of transformer protection based on microprocessor is presented in the paper .

    针对目前变压器 微机保护中广泛使用的二次谐波制动原理的缺陷,介绍了一 变压器 微机保护方案。

  • DSP a type of special microprocessor for digital signals is mainly applied in real-time and fast digital processing algorithms .

    DSP是一 处理数字信号的专用 微处理器,主要应用于实时快速的实现各种信号的数字处理算法。

  • Intelligent vortex street flowmeter is a new type of checking instrument on the basis of microprocessor .

    智能型涡街流量计是以 微处理器为基础的 新型流量检测仪表。

  • A new type of microprocessor is introduced in this paper . The microcontroller core is compatible with 8051.It uses an efficient 8051 core that results in an improved instruction execution speed and low power consumption .

    介绍TI公司推出的一款用于数据采集系统的MSC1201 微处理器,该电路具有与8051 微处理器完全兼容的内核,执行速度更快,功耗更低。

  • A type 8801 measuring standard of ultra-low frequency signal 's voltage and distortion is a sample calculating instrument in which the A / D convertor and microprocessor are used . It can measure ultra-low frequency signal 's period voltage distortion and harmonic .


  • The digital store oscillograph is a new type of oscillograph . It can realize conveniently that store the simulation signal for a long time and utilize the microprocessor in the machine to do further treatment to the signal that is stored .

    数字存储示波器是一种 新型 示波器,可以方便地实现对模拟信号进行长期存储并利用机内 微处理器对存储的信号作进一步的处理。

  • The TSI device type 9000 composed of chip processors type 8031 and monitored by a microprocessor is the first of its kir d developed in China .

    采用 8031单片机构成的9000系列主从分布式 微机监控的TSI装置在国内尚属初次开发研制。

  • In the design of integrated circuit field Various of microprocessors type play a very important role in entire chip . As the day passing people have increasingly high performance of microprocessor so every part of microprocessor should be improved .

    在集成电路设计领域中, 各类 微处理器已经成为了整个芯片系统的核心,人们 其性能要求越来越高,使得微处理器中的每一个部件的性能都在不断的提升。

  • The control principle and characteristics of a light-operated brushless excitation system for a synchronous generator are investigated ; Such a system provides the possibility for the development of a new type of automatic regulator in particular for the excitation control by a microprocessor .

    本文研究了同步发电机光控无刷励磁系统的控制问题,介绍了其控制原理及特点,为研究新 自动励磁调节 ,尤其是 处理机控制励磁提供了条件。

  • Based on an actual engineering project this paper proposes a better verification test flow . By integrating multiple test methods into this flow this paper verifies a type of microprocessor chip and gives the quantitative and qualitative analysis for the related test projects .

    基于实际工程,该文提出了一个较有效的验证分析流程方案,采用多测试项目融合的测试法对一 微处理器芯片进行了验证分析,并对相关测试项目进行了定量、定性的评估。

  • The development of PLC is based on the conduct KA control and computer control . PLC gradually becomes a new type of equipment for industry control which cored of microprocessor and a combination of the automatic technique computer technique and communication technique .

    可编程序控制器即PLC是在传统的继电器控制和计算机控制的基础上开发的产品,并逐渐发展成以 微处理器为核心,把自动化技术、计算机技术、通信技术融为一体的 新型工业自动控制装置。

  • The industrial programmable language controller ( PLC ) is a new type of industrial controlling device based on microprocessor and so is called the Industrial computer .

    工业可编程序控制器(以下简称PLC机)是以 微处理器核心 新型工业控制装置,工程上称其为工业计算机。

  • This paper presents a new type of adjustment-free digital servo system implemented using a special microprocessor and based on this a new method for head drum control is proposed .

    本文介绍了用一个专用 微处理器实现 新型无调整式数字伺服系统,并在此基础上提出了一种新的磁鼓电机控制方法。

  • Brushless Direct Current Motor is a new type motor which developed on base of Direct Current Motor due to the advancement of the power electronics motor control technology and microprocessor .

    永磁无刷直流电动机( BLDC)是随着电机控制技术、电力电子技术和微电子技术的发展而出现的一种 新型电机。

  • This paper introduces a new type of portable and no invasive fetal heart rate monitor which based on32-bit ARM embedded microprocessor LPC2290 and MEMS acceleration transducer .

    介绍一 基于32位ARM嵌入式 微处理器LPC2290和MEMS微加速度传感器的一种便携、无创的胎儿心率检测仪。

  • According to the function syntax format and semantic requirements of instructions we build instruction type sets and instruction operand sets of microprocessor .

    根据指令集构造的指令功能、语法格式和语义要求,建立了 微处理器指令 类型集合和指令操作数集合;

  • With the development of new type of relay equipment especially of the protection based on microprocessor there are more requirements on the technology of measure and test and also more requirements on relay tester .

    随着 新型继电保护装置特别是 微机保护的发展,对测试技术有了更高的要求,因此对继电保护测试的要求也越来越高。

  • This paper describes a type of blood pressure monitor we have developed using 8031 chip microprocessor based on oscillometric method and the designs of hardware and software .

    描述一 用8031 单片机 实现的基于测振法的无创伤血压监护仪,给出硬件的原理图和软件的算法框图。