


  • The conclusion has direct significance to typify and design of vane curve of solid liquid two-phase flow centrifugal pump in lower rotating rate .

    所得结论对离心式固液两相流泵叶片型线的 选型和设计具有指导意义。

  • Catherine Deneuve seemed to typify cool gallic elegance .

    凯瑟琳德纳弗似乎具有 典型的法国冷傲而高雅的气质。

  • His latest book reflects the old preocccupations with sex and religion that typify much of his work .

    他最新的书反映了人们 历来对性和宗教的不减热情,这也是他大部分作品的特点。

  • Bouquet : This Zinfandel is bursting with the spicy aromas and flavors of raspberry and black pepper that typify these quintessential Californian varietals .

    气味:带有 辛辣的芳香,成熟的浆果,黑胡椒味,是加州葡萄酒中的 代表作之一。

  • It may indeed typify a famous quote from Roosevelt : The only thing we should fear is fear itself .

    这或许 应验了罗斯福的一句名言:我们唯一值得恐惧的就是恐惧本身。

  • These examples typify what GE has done to assure Japanese sellers or partners that our company is worthy .

    这些例子 表明,为使日本卖家或合作伙伴相信通用电气值得信任,我们 付出了多大努力。

  • a more intelligent and articulate breed of disc jockeys typified by university graduate Simon Mayo .

    更机智、更有口才的一类电台音乐主持人, 大学毕业生 西蒙·梅奥 代表

  • Literary workers should typify its language make it artistic as well as make aesthetic assessment on the ugly entity with comparative accuracy .

    作家必须 语言 典型 、艺术 ,对丑的客体做出比较准确的审美评价。

  • These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture .

    这两座建筑物 体现了爱尔兰建筑 风格的极致 多变

  • They grew out of his heart and typify it may be some hideous secret that was buried with him and which he had done better to confess during his lifetime .

    这种草是从死者的心里长出来的,或许是显示了 某种 随同 死者一起埋葬的隐私,要是能在生前 公开承认就好了。

  • Those five pages also typify his odd priorities .

    那5页也是他古怪优先权的 典型 例子

  • This single item will suffice to typify all the rest .

    即此一端, 其余。

  • The card and a handshake typify trust and abolish views that the bank was out to seize money .

    卡片和 握手 形象 代表了信任,消除了银行总是想抓钱的看法。

  • Rather speculation conflicts and theoretical extrapolation typify their every action .

    相反,怀疑、冲突和理论上的推断 他们 每步行为的 特征

  • Artist put these scattered do not have the features available for the enjoyment of the natural emotions together to typify the arts to create a typical image .

    艺术家就把这些分散的不具备可供享受特性的自然情感集中起来,进行艺术的 典型 ,创造出典型形象。

  • Although this kind of approach may typify large company cultures it is far from optimum and you should strive to avoid this anti-pattern .

    尽管这类方法可能 代表大多数公司的文化,但是它较之最适宜相距甚远,并且您应当努力避免这种反模式。

  • a reaction against the achievements of science as typified by the development of nuclear weapons .

    对以核武器发展为 代表的科学成就的反对

  • Hornbills starlings vultures rollers bee-eaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous avifauna of the Kruger .

    犀鸟、椋鸟、秃鹫、金丝雀、蜂虎和 伯劳 克鲁格常见鸟类中的 典型品种。

  • In this book we have tried to typify the main classes of verbs .

    在本书中,我们 力图明显 方式 动词 划分 大类。

  • Service portals typify this pattern providing a single point of contact for multiple services and hiding the details of internal services .

    服务门户 此类模式的 代表为多个服务提供单一联系点,并隐藏内部服务的细节。

  • The merits in physical genesis typify the progresses in the research on hydrology .

    水文学在物理成因上的 成就 标志 整个 水文学的进展。