type specification

[taɪp ˌspɛsəfɪˈkeʃən][taip ˌspesifiˈkeiʃən]


  • In terms of such requirements as galvanized Z type steel wire specification galvanizing process and making of Z type steel wire and the laying of full locked wire rope the production procedure is determined .

    根据生产工艺方案中镀锌Z 钢丝 尺寸、Z型钢丝镀锌工艺、Z型钢丝的加工、镀锌密封钢丝绳捻制等要求确定了生产工艺路线。

  • Single type angle drills : Use to machine chamfer for hole of glass stones etc . Various type and specification .

    独立倒角钻头:用于玻璃孔、石材孔倒角使用。各种 型号规格

  • The Research of Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Type Specification Based on Doctors Medical Case History Database

    基于历代名医医案数据库的腹痛 症状 规范研究

  • GDB could not parse a type specification output by the compiler .

    GDB不能分析编译器产生的某种 类型 说明

  • As expressions get more complicated the need to reduce the verbosity of type specification gets more compelling .

    当表达式变得更加复杂,减轻 类型 说明的冗长的要求变得更加迫切。

  • Design and Selection for Type Specification and Components of Roof Support

    液压支架架 参数及其元件的设计与选择

  • Please instruct the product 's type and specification when you order it .

    产品说明:1、货时请注明产品的 型号 规格

  • A new type of formal specification language ( PD_ Cal ) is introduced which is of good capacities of description and abundant types .

    介绍了一种 新型的形式 说明语言PDCal,该语言具有良好的表达能力以及丰富的类型。

  • Internal combustion engines Cast iron wet type cylinder liners Specification

    GB/T1150-1993内燃机湿式铸铁气缸套 技术 条件

  • Tests are not the only type of specification you need .

    测试不是您所需的唯一的 规范

  • Type specification and quantity of main electric elements inside switchgear .

    开关柜内主要电气元件的 型号规格及数量。

  • Age type of specification and development of psychological contract type were significantly different .

    年龄对 规范 和发展 的心理契约有显著差异。

  • In the data refinement we give the method and rules of transforming the abstract data type in the specification into more concrete and computer oriented data type which can be supported by concrete language ;

    数据求精给出了把 规格 说明语言中数学化的抽象数据 类型,求精成具体目标语言能够支持的、更加面向计算机的具体数据类型的具体方法与规则;

  • Due to domestic forklift portal - frame structure is generally not unified its type and specification are also unable to be unified so design and selection of forklift bearings are not convenient and standardizing work in this respect must be strengthened .

    由于国内叉车门架结构普遍不统一, 型号 规格也无法统一,给叉车轴承设计和选用带来不便,应加强这方面的标准化工作。

  • The supply structure of university talents is the integration of professional structure and training level type and specification . Talent 's supply structure should adjust strategically and meet the change of the demand structure of talents in order to meet society 's demands for talent .

    高校人才的供给结构是专业结构与培养层次、 类型 规格的总体构成,人才供给结构要满足人才需求结构的变化,就要从战略上进行调整,以满足社会对人才的需求。

  • We model this by adding a port to the Invoicer which is of the type InvoiceService service specification .

    我们通过添加一个端口到Invoicer中(它的 类型是InvoiceService服务 规范)来对其进行建模。

  • Data type specification : The ability to tell the UI to display the data at a given address as a specific data type & for example this address represents the start of a null-terminated string .

    数据 类型 规范:能够通知UI将特定地址的数据显示为具体的数据类型。例如,此地址表示以null结尾的字符串的开始。

  • In order to solve these problems a novel method that could automatically translate one type of formal specification to one common state transition diagram of system-level was proposed .

    鉴于此,提出一 新的方法将支持面向对象开发的形式化 语言描述 软件 规范自动地转化为系统级状态机,从而改善其可读性与可理解性。

  • Type specification for variable preset capacitors & Type C in electronic equipments

    GB/T6254-1986电子设备用C类预调可变电容器 类型 规范

  • The constructed type algebra specification has been used to specify communication protocols in protocol conformance testing .

    在通信协议的一致性测试中,可以使用构造 类别代数来对 协议进行 形式 的描述。

  • What you need to do is place the job in the background ; a bg command takes the same type of job specification as the fg command and does exactly that .

    您需要做的就是将作业放回到后台;bg命令的作业 指示 fg命令相同,它的作用就是将作业放回到后台。

  • Instrument and install material type specification and material should comply with the design rules .

    仪表和安装材料的 型号规格和材质要符合设计规定。

  • Mutation Analysis Based on Constructed Type Algebra Specification

    基于构造 类别 代数的变异分析

  • Instrument with the main project installation materials especially special materials should press its material type specification classification safekeeping .

    仪表工程用的主要安装材料,尤其是特殊材料,应按其材质、 型号规格分类保管。

  • Education is the leading form of manpower resources development and the locatization of running a university directly influences the type and specification of personnel training .

    教育是人力资源开发的主导形式,高校办学定位直接影响着人才培养的 类型 规格

  • Using the command-line interface you type the drive specification and file name of the kernel manually .

    用命令行界面时,你可以手工 输入 指定的磁盘和核心文件名;

  • This method provides a new probable direction for the protocol conformance testing based on the constructed type algebra specification .

    这种方法为基于构造 类别 代数的协议测试提出了一个新的方向。