


  • Public Opinion and World War II . Typescript .

    民意和第二次世界大战 印刷

  • Your thesis should be presented in typescript .

    你的论文应该 打印 出来 递交

  • Please use Chinese and English to complete all sections in typescript on computer and print it out or print it out first and then fill it out .

    请用中文和英文在电脑上 填写并打印出来,或先打印后填写。

  • The poems arrived in ( fifty pages of ) typescript .

    送来的诗歌是(五十页) 打字 稿

  • I spent much of what I laughingly call ' the holidays ' working through 621 pages of typescript

    我把我戏称为“假日”的大部分时间都花在那621页的 打字 稿 了。

  • My father 's hand elegant as typescript before his stroke .

    我父亲的手,在他中风之前 曾经 打印 文字 优雅。

  • The poems arrived in typescript .

    送来的诗歌是 打字 稿

  • He has inked out the mistakes in the typescript .

    他已用墨水涂去了 打字 稿中的错误。

  • You can search in the typescript file to review the information that was on the screen during the upgrade .

    您可以搜索 日志文件来复查升级过程中显示的屏幕信息。

  • The draft was revised several times before it was finalized . The poems arrived in typescript .

    稿子几经删改才定下来。送来的诗歌是 打字 稿

  • She 's just sent in a typescript of the first chapter of her novel to the publishers .

    她刚刚把小说的第一章的 打印 稿 寄给出版商。

  • She went through the typescript carefully to eliminate all errors from it .

    她仔细地检查了 打字 稿,排除里面所有的错误。