typhoid fever

[ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd ˈfivɚ][ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd ˈfi:və]


  • Researchers have sequenced the genome of the bacterium responsible for typhoid fever a move they say will improve diagnosis and tracking of the disease and aid new vaccination strategies .

    科学家测出了 伤寒致病菌的基因组序列,他们说这一举措可能改善这种疾病的诊断和追踪,而且可能帮助新的疫苗接种策略。

  • Typhoid fever is frequently transmitted by human carriers .


  • Typhoid fever must be given a higher priority in the international health community if it is to be controlled say Denise DeRoeck and colleagues in this New England Journal of Medicine article .

    DeniseDeRoeck和他的同事在这期《新英格兰医学杂志》上说,如果要控制 伤寒,国际卫生界就必须把伤寒放在更高的优先级上。

  • Conclusion : We should consider the possibility of typhoid fever accompanied malaria in the epidemic area and season of malaria .

    结论:在疟疾流行地区、流行季节, 诊断 伤寒时,要考虑 重叠 感染疟疾的可能。

  • In particular the advent of antibiotics and vaccines so that a variety of infectious diseases such as typhoid fever is no longer an incurable disease .

    特别是抗生素和疫苗的问世,使 伤寒等多种传染病不再是不治之症。

  • A culture of typhoid bacilli used to test for the presence of typhoid fever .

    伤寒素伤寒病菌的培养,用来测试 伤寒的存在。

  • Aetiological Investigation of A Typhoid Fever Outbreak

    某市一起 伤寒爆发的病原学调查与分析

  • Lassa fever is difficult to distinguish from many other diseases which cause fever including malaria shigellosis typhoid fever yellow fever and other viral haemorrhagic fevers .

    拉沙热很难与引起发烧的许多其它疾病区分,包括疟疾、志贺菌病、 伤寒、黄热病和其它病毒性出血热。

  • He and Jane had one son who died of typhoid fever in1884 when the family was traveling in Italy .

    斯坦福和妻子简育有一子,但小利兰在1884年全家赴意大利旅游的途中死于 伤寒 ,年仅15岁。

  • My mother came down with typhoid fever and spent the entire trip 's infirmary .

    我的母亲染上了 伤寒,整旅程中都躺在船上的医疗室。

  • Model of Back - Propagation Neural Network About Meteorological / geological Factors and Typhoid Fever Paratyphoid Fever


  • Have you been vaccinated against typhoid fever ?

    你接种过 伤寒疫苗了吗?

  • In the autumn of1828he fell ill for the second time in his life and died of typhoid fever .

    1828年秋,他生平第二次病倒,最后死于 伤寒

  • Typhoid ( or typhoid fever ): Acute infectious disease resembling typhus ( and distinguished from it only in the 19th century ) .

    伤寒(亦称 伤寒 ):很像斑疹伤寒(到19世纪时才把它们区分开)的一种急性感染。

  • Effect of meteorological and geological factors on epidemic of typhoid fever / paratyphoid fever in Guilin

    桂林市伤寒副 伤寒发生的气象及地质因素研究

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical profile and pattern of various drugs used for treatment of typhoid fever .

    目的评价 伤寒临床表现和 伤寒 沙门菌对各种抗菌素的 反应

  • Until a little under a century ago public drinking water carried with it the risk of typhoid fever or cholera .

    在不到1个世纪以前,公共饮用水还携带着 感染 伤寒或者霍乱的风险。

  • Sudden-onset disasters are frequently accompanied by fears of disease outbreaks like cholera typhoid fever or measles .

    突发灾难常常伴有霍乱、 伤寒或麻疹等疾病暴发的担忧。

  • Any of a variety of infectious intestinal diseases resembling typhoid fever .

    任何形式的肠内感染疾病有点像 伤寒

  • Data Analysis of Typhoid Fever in Tianzhu County from 2000 to 2007

    2000~2007年天柱县 伤寒资料分析

  • Epidemiological Analysis on Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever from 1999 to 2007 in Guizhou Province

    贵州省1999-2007年 伤寒副伤寒流行特征分析

  • In the earliest stage of infection symptoms are non-specific and may be easily confused with more common diseases including malaria yellow fever and typhoid fever .

    在感染的最初阶段,症状为非特异性并可容易地与包括疟疾、黄热病和 伤寒在内的较常见疾病相混淆。

  • Widespread communicable diseases include HIV / AIDS malaria TB sleeping sickness typhoid fever and meningitis .

    广泛存在的传染病包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核、昏睡病、 伤寒和脑膜炎。

  • Typhoid fever sneaks in when sanitation fails .

    环境卫生搞不好, 伤寒就会乘虚而入。

  • He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever .

    在五岁时一次 伤寒之后,他聋了。

  • WHO has received reports of a significant ongoing outbreak of typhoid fever in Kinshasa .

    世界卫生组织已收到关于金沙萨发生 伤寒严重持续暴发的报告。

  • After the river flooded there was an outbreak of typhoid fever in the town .

    那座城镇在洪水氾滥后爆发了 伤寒

  • Progress on laboratory diagnosis for typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever


  • The presumptive diagnosis was typhoid fever .

    推定诊断为 伤寒

  • Chlorine was first added to a community water system in1908 in Chicago and was instrumental in eliminating many types of water-borne disease such as Cholera and Typhoid fever .

    1908年,芝加哥的公共用水系统首次加入氯,为的是要消除饮用水引起的多种疾病,如霍乱、 伤寒等。