type of function

[taɪp ʌv ˈfʌŋkʃən][taip ɔv ˈfʌŋkʃən]

[计] 函数类型

  • An external function is a type of function declaration that opens the door for implementations to allow the user to define the body of the function in a different programming language .

    外部函数是一 开放实现的 函数声明 类型,用户可以用不同的编程语言定义函数体。

  • Finally a Basis Function Neighbor ( BFN ) preconditioning method is presented to solve the equation system obtained from the application of the moment methods . It is a physically based general-purposed preconditioning method for any type of basis function .

    为了提高矩量法的计算效率,本文深入地研究了求解矩阵 方程的预条件CGN方法,提出了一 以基函数邻居为基础的预条件方法&BFN预条件方法。

  • This text emphasized to study several kinds design method that drive electric circuit passing to this several kinds design and research that drive electric circuit for design a more outstanding PWM type of function switch power supply to provide the theories foundation .

    本文着重研究了几种驱动电路的设计方法,通过对这几种驱动电路的设计和研究,为设计 性能更加出色的PWM 开关电源提供理论基础。

  • The type of self-adjusting function is an index function . According to different instances and requests .

    自调整 函数为指数函数,根据控制对象的具体情况和要求的不同,自调整函数中各参数可通过 键盘进行调试。

  • Some Properties of B Class Exponential Type of Meromorphic Function

    B类指数 亚纯 函数的一些性质

  • A novel type of function simulator of flight simulation electro-hydraulic servo turntable is introduced . The model principle of electro-hydraulic servo turntable the hardware construction and software design of function simulator are emphatically described .

    介绍了一 用于飞行仿真的电液伺服转台 功能模拟器的实现方案,着重论述了电液伺服转台的模型原理、功能模拟器的硬件结构及软件设计。

  • The function can be one that solves a particular application problem or performs some other type of GIS function .

    该功能可以解决一个特定的应用问题,或执行一些其他 类型的地理信息系统的 功能

  • However even HTTP users can see the growing need for this type of function since portlets began essentially forking HTTP requests .

    不过,甚至HTTP用户都看到了对 这种 功能的需求的增长,因为Portlet已开始对HTTP请求进行实际分叉操作了。

  • On the type of function compared with the technology foresight technology roadmap goes into details . It has much more pertinence and maneuverability .

    活动 类型上,与技术预见相比较,技术路线图更加细化了,更具有针对性和可操作性。

  • Order and type of entire function of finite order represented by Laplace-Stieltjes transform

    Laplace-Stieltjes变换所定义的有限级整 函数的级与

  • In this paper the type function of zero order and finite positive order of hyperspherical series is investigated . The relationship between its order maximal module and the type of type function is established .

    研究了零阶与有限正阶超球级数的型函数,得出了超球级数的阶、最大模与型 函数所对应的 之间的关系

  • A new type of Boolean function And-or / exclusive and its simplified method are proposed by using characteristic of exclusive operation .

    同时利用异或的特殊性质,提出了与-或/异或 逻辑 函数的化简方法。

  • According to the synthesis theory of Assur Groups the type synthesis of function generator with two degrees of freedom is accomplished in this paper by means of connecting the external pairs of the group to the input links and frame .

    本文应用杆组综合理论,在杆组外副上并接输入构件及机架的方法进行两自由度 函数综合仪的 类型综合。

  • The value returned must have the same type as the return type of the function or be a type that can be converted to that type .

    返回值类型必须和 函数的返回类型相同,或者可以转换成 函数的返回 类型

  • This paper summarizes the recent progress of hydroxyapatite as a type of environmental function material and puts forward envisagement and prospects in the field .

    本文综述了 HAP环境 功能材料改 的研究进展,并对其提出了相应的设想和展望。

  • When the spectral density of random input of the system is given the type of transfer function can be determined then the synthetical problem of the system can be summed up as to solve the linear algebra equations with undeterminate coefficients .

    当系统随机输入的频谱密度给定时,就可完全确定有限记忆最佳线性系统传递 函数 形式,从而把系统的综合问题归结为求解待定系数的线性代数方程组。

  • This paper defines series of Leibniz type item of function distinguishes uniform convergence and probes into the application of distinguishing approach .

    本文给出了莱布尼兹 函数项级数的定义、一致收敛性判别定理,并用它来判断几个 函数项级数的一致收敛性。

  • A new type of interpolation function that is similar to Lagrange function has been established in this paper with the uniqueness theorem and interpolation cosine theorem given .

    本文建立了一种类似拉格朗日插值函数的 新型插值 函数,并给出了唯一性定理和插值余项定理。

  • Convex function is an significant type of function .

    凸函数是一 重要的 函数

  • No change after menstrual type of luteal function had no significant impact .

    术后月经 类型无改变, 黄体 功能无明显影响。

  • Because GUI tests posed special problems for us this type of function test is discussed in detail in the next section .

    因为GUI测试为我们造成了特殊的问题,因此这 功能测试将在下一部分被详细的讨论。

  • The taxation management has changed from the traditional guidance type of function to the modern type of flow .

    实现税收管理形态由传统 职能导向 ,向现代流程导向型的根本转变。

  • A new Type of Interpolation Function

    一种 新型 插值 函数

  • This paper makes use of the different type of spline function in the same domain to make the displacement function of the semi-analytical spline element .

    利用 函数在同一区域上的变异,建立半解析样条元位移场函数。

  • In this artical we introduce a new type of gastric function detector .

    本文介绍一种 新型的胃 功能测试仪。

  • The result is hundreds of plug-ins that provide nearly any type of function needed on a Web application .

    结果所产生的这数百个插件几乎能够提供一个Web应用程序内所需的任何一 函数

  • This paper puts forward a suit of initial value determinate method of separated periodic to go on nonlinear fitting for this type of autocorrelation function .

    本文提出一套分周期的初值确定方法以对该 自相关 函数进行非线性拟合。

  • GMM ( Giant Magnetostrictive Material ) is a new type of function material appearing in recent years with giant strain fast response speed high energy density and large output force and so on .

    超磁致伸缩材料(giantmagnetostrictivematerial,简写为GMM)是近年才出现的一种 新型 功能材料,具有应变大、响应速度快、能量传输密度高、输出力大等优异性能。

  • The static analysis of member call is defined as determining the type of member function pointer or reference in compiling stage .

    在面向对象程序设计中,成员调用的静态分析是指在编译阶段确定调用成员 函数指针或引用的 类型