turn out well

[tɚn aʊt wɛl][tə:n aut wel]


  • I have to admit this could turn out rather well for me .

    我得承认,这对我来说 更好

  • But any child from any country would turn out well with such abundant good fortune .

    但任何国家的孩子,若是有如此的好运 成长公民。

  • This trip is going to turn out well I 'm sure .

    我相信这次旅行一定 顺利的。

  • Do you think the crops will turn out well ?

    你想庄稼 会长 不错吗?

  • If the photos turn out well please enlarge this picture .

    如果照片 效果 不错,请放大这张照片。

  • Cuba women 's volleyball game and encountered many Americans there although the game did not turn out well for the U.S.

    比赛中,有很多美国球迷,但却未能助美国队 一臂之力赢得这场比赛的胜利。

  • And even if I have not underrated him hitherto he may yet turn out well .

    即使我没有低估他,他以后兴许还是 的。

  • You know it may not turn out well .

    你知道也许事情 不会 顺利

  • When you hope things will turn out well for someone .

    当您希望事情对某人 转好时。

  • He set another example where in the short term it did not turn out so well but in the long term it clearly was the right thing to do .

    他树立了一个榜样,在短期,情况不是 ,但在长期,明显是应该这样做的。

  • The American dream promised older people that if they worked hard enough all their lives things would turn out well for them .

    美国梦答应老年人,如果他们终其一生足够认真工作了,事物会为他们 变得

  • Most successful people in life experience many failures along the way . Not all of the risks you take will turn out well .

    多数成功人士都经历过失败的人生体验,并非一切冒险都 成功

  • McGann 's argument is that the1820 version is better because it 's a poem about a guy and a girl who sort of meet and the next thing you know they 're having sex and that doesn 't turn out so well .


  • The optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well .

    一切都将 好转的乐观的情绪。

  • I feel certain that it will all turn out well

    我觉得最后肯定会 皆大欢喜

  • And it turn out that the total soluble sugar and can sugar as well as other kinds of sugar cane sugar and ther kinds of sugar all showed significant correlation ;

    结果是:总可溶糖与蔗糖 其它糖,蔗糖与其它糖,均呈显著正相关;

  • Some experiments will turn out well and some won 't he says but as they say ' Nothing ventured nothing gained . '

    有些尝试 结果,但有些不会。但有人说过,不冒风险,就不会有所收获。

  • If aliens ever visit us I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus frist landed in America which didn 't turn out very well for the Native Americans .


  • This increases their confidence that future trades will turn out well .

    这样也增加了他们信心,认为未来的交易 成功

  • He did not know what his son might turn out to be but it was always well to have an anchor to windward .

    虽说她不知道儿子长大以后 究竟会怎样,但是未雨绸缪总是没有错。

  • I hope she will turn out well .

    但愿她能够 个人样。

  • Be calm and sit tight and everything will turn out well .

    保持镇静,听其自然,一切都会 好转

  • And secondly you could survive if it doesn 't turn out well .

    第二 确保如果失败 自己可以生存 下来

  • Last year Professor Hawking warned against inviting an unwelcome visit from aliens pointing out : ' The outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America which didn 't turn out well for the Native Americans . '

    去年,霍金教授警告不应该贸然邀请外星生物来访,他说:外星生物的到来很可能跟哥伦布踏上美洲大陆时的情形一样,对美洲原住民来说并不是什么 好事

  • It is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out .

    希望不是确信事情 结果 ,而是不管结果如何,都相信事情是有意义的。