

abbr.tussis (Latin=cough) (拉丁语)咳嗽

  • By applying the stabiliy theory on the system a kind of generalized energy & Liapunov function was introduced to reflect the stability sta - tus of bearing and rotor subsystems and their aggregated system .

    运用大系统稳定性的理论和方法,为各滑动轴承和转子子系统及其集结系统引入了反映其各自稳定性状态的广义能量&李 雅普诺夫函数。

  • The married songs with tears are important categories concerning the music and songs of wedding ceremony custom of the Tus a kind of cultural manifestations of the Tus and contains the aesthetic consciousness of the Tu people .

    哭嫁歌是 土族婚礼风俗乐歌的重要类型,是土族文化的一种表现形式,蕴含着土族人民的审美意识。

  • Son tus amigos aquellos jovenes ?

    那几位年轻人是 的朋友吗?

  • Comparative Analysis On The Economic Consciousness Of The Salas And The Tus

    撒拉族、 土族的经济意识对比分析

  • A Study on the Tus ' Form of Nuo Culture

    傩文化 土族形态探微

  • An Analysis of Component Part of the Tus


  • On the Development of the Touring Resource of the Tus ' Cultural Arts


  • Think that the Tus ' folk beliefs flood with the square aspect of their social activities but with the society and economy development and education universality Tu people 's idea gets a certain change .

    认为,民间信仰充斥与 土族社会生活的方方面面,但是随着社会经济发展、教育普及,人们的思想观念得到一定的改变。

  • The Salas and The Tus are similar to some aspects but their economical consciousness are different the reasons caused various .

    撒拉族和 土族在有些方面较为相似,但其经济意识却颇为不同,造成这种不同的原因是多方面的。

  • Probing into the taboo culture of the Tus is helpful to regulate the relationship between man nature and member of society .

    认为 长期 以来土族 丰富的禁忌文化在调整人与自然、社会以及各成员之间的关系中 发挥了重要的作用。

  • The author think the Zhuangjiaqi reflected the process from the nomadic to the farmer of Tus ' ancestry emerged the cultural conflict and integrate phenomenon among different nationalities .

    认为庄稼其反映了 土族先民从游牧生活逐步走上农耕生活的历程,展现了不同民族之间文化的冲突与整合现象。

  • This article makes a detailed discussion on necessity projects and mode of the development of the touring resource in the Tus ' cultural arts .

    本文就 土族文化艺术旅游资源开发的必要性、开发内容、开发模式等进行了探讨。

  • These actually are materialized forms of Tus ' folk beliefs are result of stamped ethnic thoughts on the natural space and time and hallowed the natural space and time under the instruction of folk beliefs idea .

    这些实际上是 土族民间信仰的物化形式,是在民间信仰的观念的指导下,对自然空间和时间进行民族化、神圣化的结果。

  • Draw out the cosmology of Tus ' folk beliefs analyze a nation symbol sign in the folk beliefs of present .

    勾画了 土族民间信仰的宇宙观,分析了国家象征符号在民间信仰中的在场。

  • The Chieftain System of the Region Inhabited by the Tus in Qinghai and its Influence

    青海 土族地区的土司制度及其影响

  • The Research about the Development Interaction Mechanism of the Tus Folk Custom Culture and Earth Township Economy


  • The writer narrates unique custom of the Tus marriage in the course of social development which embodies the cultural connotation of martial custom of the Tus in Datong county .

    大通 土族在社会发展过程中 周边 汉族文化的 影响而形成的独特的婚姻习俗,其鲜明的民族特色和浓郁的乡土气息,体现了大通土族婚姻习俗的文化意蕴。

  • By the various figures that are bright lively and modeled by the folk narrative poems of Tu nationality the article is to analysis the peculiar cultural connotation which the figures embody and probes the Tus ' special aesthetic disposition and characteristics of their personalities .

    本文通过梳理土族民间叙事诗所塑造的各种鲜明生动的人物形象,分析其所体现的独特的文化内涵,进一步探究从中反映出的 土族独特的审美情趣和性格特征。

  • The symbol analysis of the Tus ' folk beliefs the aim is to understand the deeper idea and realize and the inside logic concealed in concrete manifestation back by the various symbol of rites of the Tus ' folk beliefs .


  • The taboo culture of the Tus


  • A Study on the Tus Folk Beliefs


  • Studies into the Clergymen in the Folk Religion of the Tus


  • The customary law of the Tus is social norms of adjust social relations of the Tus which mainly embodies in the social life of a vary kind of ceremony and festival .

    土族习惯法是 用来调节 土族社会关系的某些社会规范,主要体现在土族氏众的各种仪式、节庆等社会生活之中。

  • A Study on the Tus ' Form of Nuo Culture On the Gods and Ceremony in the Fold Belief of the Tus

    傩文化 土族形态探微 土族民间信仰中的神只与仪式&对民和土族村寨保护神信仰及相关仪式的人类学考察

  • There are variety of versions in academic circles concerning the historical origin of the Tus .

    关于 土族的历史来源,学术界有各种说法。

  • On the basis of insisting the Tuyuhun theory the author of the History of the Tus has further advanced the ones view that the Tus is Tuyhun this paper reviews the above-mentioned views .

    土族史》作者在坚持“吐谷 浑说”的基础上,进一步提出“土族就是吐谷浑”的观点。

  • An analysis of the Tus ' birth condition and its influence


  • Investigation and Analysis on the Habit Laws of the Tus and its Changes

    关于 土族习惯法及其变迁的调查与分析&以 互助 大庄