turtle heart

[ˈtɚtl hɑrt][ˈtə:tl hɑ:t]

[医] 窦房性心传导阻滞

  • Most people are heartless about turtles because a turtle 's heart will beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered .

    许多人对于海龟感到有点害怕。因为一 海龟 心脏在被挖出来之后,还可以跳动好几个小时。

  • Type of adrenergic receptors in the soft-shelled turtle heart

    中华 的肾上腺素能受体类型

  • Third he thought turtle meat must be good for the heart and kidneys .

    三,他相信吃 和肾有好处。