turn the corner

[tɚn ði ˈkɔrnɚ][tə:n ðə ˈkɔ:nə]


  • I really hope that you can turn the corner and make it eventually !

    我真心希望你能 克服 难关,并最终取得成功!

  • How to turn the corner in case of crisis .

    遭遇危机如何 转危为安

  • Raising our sales volume by10 % will enable us to turn the corner .

    如果 销售额提高10%,我们就能 度过 难关

  • Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner .

    除非 ,我永远不知道还有多远。

  • Walk three block and then turn leave at the corner .

    走过三个街区然后 左转

  • If we have no solution about Ashley Cole in a couple of days we turn the corner and we see other faces .

    如果这两天 科尔的事情得不到解决,那么我们 看看别的选择了。

  • You have been at this part for a long time and now it is starting to turn the corner again .


  • Turn left at the corner and go straight on .

    转弯 左转,然后一直往前走。

  • We are a company that does over half a billion in revenue . If we stay diligent we hope to turn the corner to become profitable soon .

    我们公司的年营收超过5亿美元,如果我们继续努力下去,公司有望在不久 将来 扭亏为盈。

  • Therefore the enterprises do not need to put the crisis as a disaster . If it could turn the corner it will seize the opportunity .

    因此,企业不需把危机当作灾难,能够 转危为安就把握住了这次机会,经受住了挑战。

  • We counted cars and tried to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner .

    我们数着汽车,并猜下一辆要 街角 过来的汽车的颜色。

  • First all major economies must put forward decisive national actions that will reduce their emissions and begin to turn the corner on climate change .

    首先,所有的主要经济体必须提出明确的国家行动减少各自的排放量,着手在气候变化问题上 创新 局面

  • To turn the corner it must instead embrace the innovation that emerges naturally in our great urban centres .

    要想 实现 突破,它就必须接纳大城市中心自然而然出现的创新。

  • Turn left at the corner and go straight ahead until you see a red brick building .

    拐角 向左 ,然后一直走直到你看见一个红砖砌的大楼。

  • Turn back the corner of the page to save your place in the book .

    在书 一下来作读到哪里的记号。

  • The only political purpose was to strive to turn the corner and reinforce their rule .

    其唯一的政治目的就是 力求 度过 危机,重固统治。

  • Go straight turn left at the corner .

    笔直走,在 拐角 左转

  • As you turn the corner of Regent Street you realise immediately that something is up . A crowd has gathered outside Marks and Spencer right where you normally wait for the bus .

    当你 来到摄政王街 街角,立刻就意识到发生了什么事,一群人聚在“马克斯和斯潘瑟商场”外面,那儿正是你平时等公共汽车的地方。

  • I 'm fully aware that depression could get its ugly grip on me if I don 't turn the corner .

    我完全清楚,如果我不赶快 振作 ,我会被忧郁给整疯

  • Could you turn right at the corner of the bank ?

    能在河岸 拐角 右拐吗?

  • Can we make a right turn at the next corner ?

    我们可以在下个 拐角向右 吗?

  • What kind of indications are you looking for as signs that the economy is about to get better and that the stock market and the investment world are about to turn the corner ?

    您觉得出现什么迹象就能表明经济将出现好转,股市和整个投资界即将 转危为安了?

  • She is very ill but seem to have turn the corner now .

    她曾病得很重,但现在看上去已 好转了。

  • And turn right at the corner .

    然后在 拐角 右拐

  • You must address resistance head on and address people 's needs to help them turn the corner .

    你必须解决迎面而来的阻力、处理人们的需要,帮助他们 渡过 难关

  • Even so analysts said it was too early to conclude from these signs of life that the US economy had started to turn the corner .

    尽管如此,分析师称,根据目前迹象推断美国经济已开始 扭转为时尚早。

  • The moment he saw a police car turn the corner he took off in the opposite direction .

    他一看见警车 出现 拐角 ,立即 掉头 相反的方向跑开了。

  • Turn the second corner to the left .

    二个 拐角 向左