turns ratio


  • Influence of different parameters ( the antenna location number of turns of antenna and aspect ratio of reactor and so on ) on plasma density distribution and electric field distribution is discussed .

    文中讨论了不同参数(天线的位置和 数,反应室高宽 等)对等离子体密度分布和电场强度分布的影响。

  • The open-loop constant-current theory is analyzed and the design basis for the switching frequency resonant inductor and capacitor transformer turns ratio is given .

    文中对开环恒流原理进行了详细分析,得出开环恒流条件。同时给出了开环恒流驱动器中开关频率、谐振电感电容以及变压器 变比的设计依据。

  • So the smaller turns ratio of the flyback transformer in the forward-flyback hybrid bi-directional DC-DC converter helps to transfer power with higher efficiency .

    减小反激变压器的 ,可以减小耦合电感传输功率占总输出功率的比例,有助于功率的有效传输。

  • A method of designing a low impedance lumped parameter nonuniform capacitance pulse forming network ( PFN ) to fit in with the needs of a high voltage large turns ratio low impedance pulse transformer with large leakage inductance are introduced .

    从工程实用角度出发,针对高压、高 变比、低阻抗工作的脉冲变压器具有漏感大的特点,提出了要采用低阻抗集中参数非均匀电容脉冲形成网络的设计方法。

  • It turns out that the remaining ratio of hadrons decreases from 1 ( the QGP phase ) to 0 ( the hadrons phase ) with the proper time evolution and the energy density decrease with it .

    结果 表明,强子化剩余 随固有时的增加从1(完全QGP相)逐渐减小到0(完全强子相),能量密度随固有时的增加而连续的减小。

  • At present the equipment has been put into operation it turns out that the design has the advantages of simple high reliability high real-time high performance-price ratio .

    目前设备已经投入运行,事实 证明该设计具有结构简单、可靠性高、实时性强、性能价格 高等特点。

  • Impedance will reflect back as the square of the turns ratio .

    阻抗将会按照 的平方反射回来。

  • During UV mutation process there were three turns of UV-mutation on the starting strains in all and the mutation time was 40-60 seconds . After one turn of mutation strains with high mutation ratio were selected from fifteen strains to receive the next turn for mutation .

    在紫外诱变过程中,对出发菌株共进行了 三轮紫外诱变,照射时间是40秒~60 ,每轮照射后,从15株菌中筛选正突变高的菌株进行下一轮的诱变。

  • A step-down transformer has a turns ratio less than 1 .

    降压变压器的 小于1。

  • By reference value transformation and parasitic parameters referred to the high voltage side the coupling problem of the transformer turns ratio and the parasitic parameters on integration design issues are solved so that integrated design method can be implemented .

    通过基准值变换和寄生参数折算到变压器高压侧等方法,成功解决了变压器 和寄生参数对一体化设计的相关性问题,使一体化设计方法具有实际可操作性。

  • The structure and efficiency of Energy use are studied it turns out that the ratio of energy I-O is2.2 which indicates Xiedao system has done well in energy use with reasonable structure .

    结果表明,系统总的能量产投 2.2,能量利用效率较高,系统结构趋向合理化,取得了较好的经济、生态和社会效益。

  • Forward-flyback hybrid BDC with different forward and flyback transformer turns ratio

    变压器 不同的正反激组合式双向DC-DC变换器

  • The influence on the power transfer and the current ripple with different turns ratio was researched . The experimental results verified the analysis .

    文章研究了采用不同的正激、反激变压器 比对传输功率的 分配 比例、电流纹波等影响,并进行了试验验证。

  • At the same time non-forest land area turns wide and distributing range enlarges . ( 2 ) From the landscaping and ecology angle characters of two periods of landscape pattern are quantificationally analyzed in 1958 and 1999 ; all kinds of styles of landscape change ratio are confirmed .

    与此同时,非有林地总面积 增加且分布范围扩大。(2)从景观生态学角度对1958年和1999年两期景观格局的空间特征进行了定量分析,确定了各种景观类型的转移 概率

  • It turns out that the birth sex ratio imbalance will lead to chaotic development of population scale .

    得到了出生人口性别 比例失调将导致人口规模 混沌状态发展的结论。

  • Discuss on Test Error of Model ZB_x Transformer Winding Turns Ratio Tester

    ZBx型变压器 测试仪测量误差的探讨

  • The critical value of blank width ratio when the transverse tense stress turns to compressive stress under given reduction ratio and tool width ratio is obtained too .

    不同砧宽比条件下,都存在着使横向应力由拉应力 转变为压应力的临界料宽比( b/h)cr。

  • Effects of Capacitor and Turns Ratio on Performance of single-Phase Reluctance Motor

    电容c和 a对单相磁阻电动机性能的影响

  • Only transformer coupling can contribute to the voltage gain of an amplifier by virtue of a stepup turns ratio .

    只有放大器耦合方能通过开压 提高变压器电压增益。