

n.翻滚,翻倒,弄翻,逆转,转向半圆形的小馅饼营业额,成交量,证券交易额[体育运动] 易手,失球


  • Turnover increased . However profitability fell .


  • Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover .

    承办酒席现在可能占酒吧 营业额的近1/4。

  • This paper analyzes the relationships among knowledge-workers compensation justice organizational commitment and turnover intention by empirical method .

    采用实证的方法研究了知识型员工的薪酬公平与组织承诺、 离职倾向的关系。

  • This indicator reflects the overall turnover speed and corresponding liquidity .

    这一指标反映了总的 周转速度和相应的流动性。

  • Job satisfaction and turnover is one of the important psychological indicators to the living standard for the corporate employees .

    工作满意度和 离职是员工企业生活质量的一项重要心理指标。

  • The Engineering Group announced it had made a pre-tax loss and turnover had fallen .

    工程集团宣布它遭受了税前损失, 成交 已经下降了。

  • Our turnover actually increased last year .

    去年我们的 营业额竟然增加了。

  • We have had a turnover of150000 yuan this month .

    本月做了十五万元的 流水

  • Company 's young employee turnover rate is high influence the stability of the work .

    公司年轻员工 流动率高,影响了工作的稳定。

  • Staff turnover is particularly high among junior grades .

    基层职员的 流动 特别高。

  • Her annual turnover is around £ 45

    她的年 营业额大约是4.5万英镑。

  • This paper is a summary on the relation between the ownership structure and top management turnover .

    本文对股权结构与高管人员 变更关系研究的系列文献进行综述。

  • The company had a turnover of £ 3.8 million .

    那家公司 营业额为380万英镑。

  • The industry has a high turnover of young people .

    该行业的年轻 从业者 流动 较高。

  • Our turnover have be Increase by & 20000 .

    我们的 交易 增加了2000镑。

  • Trading volume increased by4.5 % which was well up on recent years and turnover rose by3 % .

    贸易额增加了4.5%,与近几年相比有了大幅度的提高。 营业额提高了3%。

  • I succeeded in increasing the annual turnover .

    我成功地增加了年 营业额

  • They have maintained high credit ratings increased assets and turnover and expanded their membership and customer base .

    它们保持了很高的信用评级,增加了资产和 营业额,并扩大了它们的成员和客户基础。

  • The seven companies have an aggregate turnover of £ 5.2 million .

    7家公司的总 营业额为520万英镑。

  • Short-term contracts increase staff turnover

    短期合同使得员工 流动 增高。

  • This store has a daily turnover of several thousand yuan .

    这个商店每天有好几千元的 进出

  • Our average daily turnover is about £ 300 .

    我们的平均日 营业额约为300英镑。

  • Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving .

    为了维持 资金 周转,利润率已被降为最低。

  • The liquidity problem is not only an issue of seeking bank loans but also a problem of capital turnover .

    流动性问题不仅是个寻找银行贷款的问题,也是个资金 周转的问题。

  • I believe they 've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press .

    我相信,那些广告在报上刊登出来后,他们的 营业额已经翻番。

  • How do you account for the company 's alarmingly high staff turnover ?

    你怎么解释这家公司高得令人忧虑的人员 流动

  • The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover .

    这家商店实行大减价以迅速 周转 资金

  • But the enterprise turnover of capital speed directly is relating enterprise 's survival and the development .

    而企业资金 周转的快慢,直接关系着企业的生存与发展。

  • After just one year he had his own rice stall which soon overtook rivals in turnover and profits .

    仅仅一年之后,他就拥有了自己的米店,并很快在 营业额和利润方面超越了对手。

  • The asset turnover ratio was improved by increasing sales by $ 2 and by reducing investment by $ 3 .

    资产 周转率的提高是由于增加了2元的销售额和减少3元的投资额的结果。