turnover of capital

[ˈtɚnˌovɚ ʌv ˈkæpɪtl][ˈtə:nˌəuvə ɔv ˈkæpitl]


  • The purported obstacles are many : costs technological limits slow turnover of the capital stock inability to implement policy globally and natural inertia .

    报告声称这面临很多障碍:成本、技术局限、 资本存量 周转缓慢、政策无法在全球范围内推行以及自然惯性。

  • The conclusion is that listed companies ' current assets ratio and current liabilities ratio in China is too high and the turnover of working capital is longer than the advanced level of the same industry .

    结论认为我国上市公司流动资产的 占用水平普遍偏高,并 较多的使用流动负债融资,同时营运 资本 周转 周期明显高于国外同行业的先进水平。

  • Objective : To reduce hospital drug stock and to speed up turnover of capital .

    目的:降低医院药品库存,加速库存药品 资金 周转

  • The difference between capital turnover and capital cycle lies in studying the cycle of capital in term of periodicity rather than the times of capital cycle .

    资本 周转与资本循环的区别在于是否从周期性上去考察 资本的循环,而不在于资本循环次数的多少。

  • Organize balance production to speedup the turnover of production capital ;

    组织均衡生产,加速生产 资金 周转

  • But the enterprise turnover of capital speed directly is relating enterprise 's survival and the development .

    而企业 资金 周转的快慢,直接关系着企业的生存与发展。

  • Profit on Capital turnover of capital and return on capital are the basic tools for a company .

    资金利润 资金 周转 和投资回报率是一个企业 竞争力的最 真实体现,所有成功的企业都在努力的处理好这三者关系。

  • The expansion of the credit market can attract more deposit and increase more bankroll and quicken the turnover rate of the social capital ; in addition it enhances expedience of the consumption activities .

    信用卡市场的扩大可以成为吸引存款和增加信贷资金的手段,可以加快社会 资金 周转速度,也可以方便消费活动。

  • Secondly the concept of working capital and turnover of the working capital have been reconstructed .

    其次,本文重构了营运 资金概念和营运资金 周转 概念。

  • Take for example the dynamic analysis of the circle and turnover of capital analysis of dynamic balance of social capital in motion .

    例如对于 资本循环和 周转的动态分析,对于社会资本运动中的动态平衡的分析,等等。

  • Planned days of turnover of current capital

    流动 资金计划 周转天数

  • Thereinto the internal finance theory studies the efficiency and the security about the turnover of the interior capital of the groups .

    其中,内部财务理论研究的是企业内部 资本 周转的效率与安全 问题资本 周转的安全,是确保企业长期稳定发展的前提;

  • Turnover of Capital : the Only Way to Develop Specialized Frequency Channel

    资本 运营:专业化频道发展的必由之路

  • The research found that enhancing the psychological capital would promote the job satisfaction and the job embeddedness and lower turnover intention but different dimensions of psychological capital had different effects on job satisfaction and job embeddedness .

    研究发现:提高职业适应期高校毕业生的心理资本有助于提升其工作满意度和工作嵌入,降低 离职倾向,但心理 资本的不同维度对工作满意度和工作嵌入作用不同。

  • Furthermore this research is to study the turnover problem of non-management employees at corporation A so it is also valuable for the human resource management of foreign capital corporations similar to corporation A.

    此外,本研究是针对A公司非管理层员工的 离职问题所进行的研究,对于类似于A公司的 外资企业的人力资源管理工作具有很高的应用价值。

  • Due to influence of planning economy and natural environment problems such as low management level lagged managing means relatively large non-effective consumption severe overstock of material and slow turnover of capital etc.

    我国矿山的物资管理由于受计划经济和自然环境的影响,普遍存在着管理水平较低、管理手段滞后、无效消耗偏大、物资积压严重、 资金 周转缓慢等问题。

  • Reducing the operation cost of state-owned enterprises accelerating the turnover of the capital strengthening the market competitive power enhancing the profit-seeking ability are the key content of the cost management .

    降低国有企业运营成本,加快 资金 周转 速度,增强市场竞争力,提高盈利能力,是成本管理的核心内容。

  • Based on Marxism Theory on commercial capital turnover this paper Points out the characteristics of the function of industrial capital and discusses foe influence of commercial capital turnover on the profit of commercial capital and market price by comparing the theory with the function of industrial capital .

    本文根据马克思的商业资本周转理论,通过与产业资本周转运行的比较指出了商业资本周转运行的特点;并论证了商业资本 周转对商业 资本自身的利润和市场价格的影响。

  • High nominal returns low real returns little risk great oversubscription and high turnover of Initial Public Offerings ( IPOs ) are long-standing distinguishing features of Chinese capital markets which damage the market efficiency and the resource allocation efficiency .

    首次发行新股(IPOs)的高名义回报、低实际收益、低风险约束、巨额冻结资金、高 换手 一直是我国 资本市场的一个显著特点,大大降低了市场运行效率和资源配置效率。

  • At the core of this progress stands peeling off of the circuit of capital out of the turnover of capital and thus the establishment of the abstract-concrete structure of presentation from circuit of capital to turnover of capital .

    而这个进步的核心,在于把资本循环从 资本 周转中剥离出来,建立了从资本循环到资本周转的抽象&具体结构。

  • Their main measures are : improve material manage-ment to speed up the turnover of reserve capital ;

    他们的主要做法是:改善物资管理,加速储备 资金 周转

  • In the second chapter of Ms. ⅱ the framework and main theoretical points of Turnover of Capital takes shape basically .

    在第Ⅱ稿第二章, 资本 周转部分的阐述框架和理论要点基本成型。

  • The R D human capital of software enterprises has the characters of incomplete substitution frequent turnover and team production etc. Various uncertainties are included in the characters which lead to the risks of R D human capital in software enterprises .

    软件企业RD人力资本具有不完全替代性、较强的 流动性、团队生产等特征,这些特征隐含着诸多不确定性,导致软件企业RD人力 资本 投资风险的产生。

  • On the one hand it broadens and deepens domestic research about psychological capital 、 turnover intention and organizational identity . It would enrich and perfect the theory of psychological capital 、 turnover intention and organizational identity .

    一方面本研究拓宽和加深了国内对员工心理资本、 离职意向和组织认同的研究,有助于心理 资本理论、离职意向理论和组织认同理论的进一步丰富和完善。

  • Turnover rate of merchandise current capital

    商品流动 资金 周转

  • Foreign enterprises produce spillovers through the channels of demonstration effect turnover effect of human capital and competition effect .

    外资企业对内资企业的技术外溢会通过示范模仿效应,人力 资本 流动和竞争效应等途径产生。

  • The financial indicators selected include current ratio quick ratio assets-liability ratio rate of stock turnover turnover of accounts receivable total capital profit ra-tio ratio of asset inflation proof and incremental value and social contribution etc.

    所选财务指标包括流动比率、速动比率、资产负债率、存货 周转率、应收帐款周转率、 销售利润率、总 资产报酬率、 资本保值增值率、社会贡献率。

  • As the real estate capital turnover cycle is too long many developers lack of capital and the developer defaulted contractor construction project loan situation is getting worse .

    由于房地产资本 周转周期过长,很多开发商 资本不足,发包人拖欠承包人建设工程款的情况也日益严重。

  • But total asset turnover total return on assets and company of the influence of the scale capital costs by contraries including total asset turnover and total asset yield no through significant tests and scale but passed significant test .

    但是总资产 周转 、总资产收益率以及公司规模对 资本成本的影响与预期相反,其中总资产周转率和总资产收益率没有通过显著性检验,而规模却通过了显著性检验。

  • The goals of informatization were to enforce regulations stop up loopholes strengthen stock control standard flows and accelerate turnover of capital raising the efficiency of management and manufacturing .

    中小型化纤企业信息化的实施,以制度的严格化、堵塞漏洞、强化库存管理、规范业务流程、加快 资金 周转为目标,大大提高了企业的管理和生产效率。