turn over a new leaf

[tɚn ˈovɚ e nu lif][tə:n ˈəuvə ə nju: li:f]


  • Concept serves first innovation is the soul turn over a new leaf for the construction of world first-rate railway stations

    理念为先创新为魂 谱写建设世界一流铁路客站 篇章

  • She wants to turn over a new leaf .

    她愿意 弃旧图新

  • Many experimental works have been carried out all over the country which play an active role in helping juveniles successfully return to society and turn over a new leaf .

    一直以来,全国各地都开展了相关的试点工作,对于保障未成年人顺利回归社会和 重新 做人发挥了积极作用。

  • Fall is here and these fluffy pets are ready to turn over a new * leaf .

    秋天来了,这些毛茸茸的家伙也将 翻开 ”。

  • Do you promise to turn over a new leaf .

    你保证要 改过自新吗?

  • I want to settle down and turn over a new leaf .

    我想安顿下来, 洗心革面重新 做人

  • He realized he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf .

    他认识到自己错了,答应 改过自新

  • She decided to turn over a new leaf after her mother 's death .

    她母亲去世 后,她决定 开始 生活

  • This is a new project to help ex-prisoners turn over a new leaf .

    这是一项皆在帮助出狱的犯人重新 做人 计划。

  • It is therefore bodiless . It is wonderful workmanship ! The criminal was determined to cast off his old self and turn over a new leaf .

    所以,它是脱胎。这真是高超的工艺!这个罪犯决心 脱胎换骨重新 做人

  • C-is the first step to repentance . He felt like a sinner overcome with remorse and decided to turn over a new leaf .

    他感到像一个 痛悔 过去的罪人,决心 重新 做人。属于或关于悔罪或忏悔的。

  • Few criminals ever really turn over a new leaf .

    没有几个罪犯会真心诚意地 改过自新

  • After it has found out how many students have used drugs the government must formulate a practicable drug treatment plan to help drug users to turn over a new leaf .

    掌握有多少学生吸毒后,就要制订实际可行的戒毒方案,提供足够戒毒服务协助吸毒者 改过自新

  • He has been very lazy but he is going to turn over a new leaf and work hard .

    他以前一直很懒,但他将 改过自新,努力工作。

  • Deciding to turn over a new leaf in the new year could do more harm than good a mental health charity has warned .

    一家心理健康的慈善组织警告人们:新年立志,决定 开启 人生 崭新 的做法, 身体造成的影响弊大于利。

  • Second turn over a new leaf and never ever do anything like that again .

    其次, 改过自新,永远别再犯类似的错误。

  • What Champollion will decipher this hieroglyphic for us that we may turn over a new leaf at last ?

    香波利盎能够为我们解出这象形文字的意义,使我们终于能 一叶去呢?

  • Why don 't you turn over a new leaf and start studying again ?

    你为何不 从头 做起开始认真读书?

  • He decided to turn over a new leaf and study harder .

    他决定要 改过自新而且用功读书。

  • The young man was lazy at first but a word from his grandfather made him turn over a new leaf .

    那年轻人本来很懒惰,后来听了祖父一番话,他 改过自新了。

  • David Terry 14 said he was hoping to turn over a new leaf after discipline problems in his previous school left him with an average to really bad academic record .

    14岁的大卫·特里说,他希望自己能在这所学校“ 翻开 ”,他在过去那所学校因为学科问题,学习成绩被评定为“很差”。

  • Pledge to turn over a new leaf .

    发誓要 改过自新

  • Once you are determined to turn over a new leaf you should stick to the principle without faltering at all .

    一旦下定决心要 重新 做人,就必须坚守原则,毫不犹豫。

  • Their highly efficient programmatic and creative work will turn over a new leaf in the course of healthy development of Beijing real estate industry .

    通过高效务实和创造性的工作,为北京房地产事业的健康发展演绎 的传奇, 谱写 篇章

  • But they must turn over a new leaf .

    不过,他们必须 改过自新

  • After released from prison he was determined to turn over a new leaf .

    出狱后,他决心 洗心革面重新 做人

  • She decided to turn over a new leaf and give up smoking .

    她决定 改掉 习惯,把 戒掉。

  • I 'll turn over a new leaf and hope to do better .

    我准备 重新,希望能做得更好。