


  • Alice : tulip ? It 's my first time to see it .

    艾丽斯: 郁金香?我是第一次见到这种花。

  • The tulip is followed in popularity by the daffodil the gladiolus the lily and the crocus .


  • By careful selection he had created a dark-purple tulip .

    谨慎的挑选,他种出了一株紫黑色的 郁金香

  • This beautiful tulip I liked very much so I photographed them right from ground to the sky .

    这个美丽的 郁金香我非常喜欢,所以我拍他们的权利,从地面到天空。

  • You are like a tulip .

    你就像是一 郁金香

  • Elegant and sophisticated the tulip is a very romantic flower to give .

    优雅和成熟, 郁金香是一个非常浪漫的花朵让。

  • No no the calla lily is this year 's tulip .

    不不!马蹄莲是今年的 郁金香

  • Most people think of the tulip when they think of bulb flowers .

    大多数人一提起球茎花就想到 郁金香

  • The tulip remains the most popular and recognizable bulb flower .


  • It really was a tulip a red and yellow one too .

    它真的是一 郁金香,而且是红中 黄的。

  • Will you stand close to the tulip flowers ?

    你站在 紧靠 郁金香花的地方,好吗?

  • Your two hands are seizing that emaciated purple tulip tightly .

    你用你的双手紧紧地抓住那 瘦弱的紫色 郁金香

  • The red and the white tulip are very beautiful .

    红色 郁金香 白色 郁金香很美。)

  • At last she believed that the tulip bed was under the protection of the fairies .

    她终于相信, 郁金香 花圃是受了仙女的保护。

  • Tulip show the perfection of our love .

    郁金香 象征完美的爱情。

  • One day I noticed my tulip garden and suddenly had the urge to paint it .

    有一天,我发现我的 郁金香花园,突然有了作画的冲动。

  • The fairy flew with the baby over the tulip bed .

    仙女抱着小孩飞到了 郁金香 花圃的上空。

  • Would you hand me a dry towel miss beautiful tulip ?

    能给我条浴巾么,美丽的 郁金香小姐?

  • The self-conscious tulip unfolded her petals and carpeted the ground with gaudy colour .

    含羞的 郁金香舒展开她的花瓣,在地上铺上一层炫丽的色彩。

  • Beneath this on the mantelshelf is displayed a collection of seventeenth-century tulip vases .

    下面的壁炉架上陈列的是一批17世纪的 郁金香花瓶。

  • W : The virus came to the tulip from a louse living on peaches and potatoes .

    W:这些病毒来自于 桃子和土豆上的一种寄生虫。

  • Those are tulip trees ; they are the largest deciduous trees in North America .

    那些是 郁金香树,它们是北美最大的落叶树”我 朋友

  • Light easily worked wood of a tulip tree ; used for furniture and veneer .

    美国 鹅掌楸的木料,轻、 适于木工,用于装饰和制作家具。

  • The tulip became so popular because of its bright colours dramatic fames and frilly petals .


  • Red Tulip field in Lisse .

    利瑟镇的红色 郁金香园地。

  • It 's the day of tulip and also the day for you .

    这是 郁金香的日子,也是你的日子。

  • You show a smile and say the tulip died last night .

    你微笑对他说。那 紫色 郁金香昨晚凋谢了。

  • Sniff its bouquet however and the wine boom has hints of tulip mania .

    馥郁的酒香让人沉浸,然而,人们从中也嗅到了 郁金香狂热 的兆头。

  • Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring .
