tuning coil


  • We designed a new method which makes the tuning and matching of RF coil easy and fast .

    本文介绍一种新的电路设计,使得 调谐过程中 减少 调谐和匹配的相互影响,使得 线圈在调谐过程中,而且连接到系统时能够 稳定可靠地工作。

  • With the extensive application of automatic tuning arc-suppression coil the secure operation of distribution network influenced by the parallel operation of automatic tuning device becomes one of the key problems .

    随着自动补偿 线圈的广泛应用,自动补偿装置的并联运行成为影响配电网安全运行的关键问题之一。

  • To solve the Petersen coil grounding system after the failure of the arc suppression making capacitive current online tracking measurement this paper analyses various operating modes then design the electronic tapping point & automatic tuning Petersen coil .

    为解决经消弧线圈接地系统发生故障后的消弧问题,使得电容电流在线跟踪测量,本文分析了消弧 线圈的各种运行方式,设计了电子式多分接头自动 调谐消弧 线圈

  • From view point of tuning mode and operation for the arc suppression coil there are 3 kinds of parallel operation modes including automatic parallel primary and secondary parallel and concentrated control .

    从消弧 线圈 调谐方式和运行情况来看,可采用3种并联运行方式,即自动并联方式、主从并联方式和集中控制方式。

  • By introducing the current development and problems of arc-suppression coils a novel automatic tuning arc-suppression coil based on the theory of transformer with controllable current source load is proposed which has the properties of linear reactance tuning capacity and little harmonics pollution .

    介绍了当前消弧线圈技术的发展以及存在的问题,提出了一种宽范围自动 连续可调且谐波污染小的新型消弧 线圈设计原理。

  • Analysis of automatic tuning principle about the arc - suppression coil

    消弧 线圈自动 调谐原理的分析

  • Based on the detailed analysis of the various automatic tuning principle of the arc-suppression coil ( ASC ) a tuning method of the magnetic bias ASC is acquired .

    在对消弧 线圈的各种自动 调谐原理系统分析的基础上,确定了适用于偏磁式消弧线圈的调谐方法。

  • At last the characteristics of capacitor tuning arc-suppression reactor are summarized which draws a conclusion that capacitor-tuning arc-suppression coil has a good application prospect .

    最后总结了 容式自动消弧线圈的特点,得出调容式自动消弧 线圈是一种比较有前景的补偿装置的结论。

  • Simulation of New Capacitor Automatic Tuning Arc-suppression Coil Based on TSC

    基于晶闸管的 容式消弧 线圈自动 跟踪补偿系统仿真研究

  • The several years ′ application practice of the earth compensation device of automatic tuning of the arc extinction coil in Handan Iron & Steel Co. is presented .

    介绍了消弧 线圈自动 调谐接地补偿装置几年来在邯钢的应用实践。

  • We can realize synthetically optimal control of line selection and compensation to capacitive current in single-phase fault by a new control method which organically combines line selection based on zero order current changing and automatic tuning of new the arc-suppression coil with magnetic bias .

    将零序电流变量法选线和新型偏磁式消弧 线圈自动 调谐有机结合,实现小电流接地电网单相接地选线和接地电流补偿的综合最优控制。

  • The advantage of Resonant Earthed Neutral System ( RENS ) lies on the performance of arc-suppression coil * The leading-support & automatic tuning arc-suppression coil aggregates the advantages of traditional coil and electronic technology which is an orientation of new type coils .

    谐振接地方式的优势取决于消弧线圈的性能,主辅式自动 调谐消弧 线圈集合了传统消弧线圈与电力电子技术的优点,是新型消弧设备的一个发展方向。

  • Effect of Automatic Tuning Mode Principle on Parallel Operation of Arc-Suppression Coil

    调谐方式对消弧 线圈并联运行的影响

  • All automatic following compensation or automatic tuning designed under power frequency are based on arc quenching coil .

    现行所有以消弧 线圈设计的自动跟踪补偿或自动 调谐是在电网工频( 50Hz)下完成的。

  • A new automatic tuning principle and its application of arc-suppression coil with magnetic bias

    偏磁式消弧 线圈自动 调谐新原理及应用

  • Improved Design of Automatic Tuning Arc Suppression Coil with Thyristor Series Capacitors

    新型TSC式自动 调谐消弧 线圈

  • Automatic tuning extinction coil realizes automatic measurement for capacitance current of power network and automatic tracking compensation for single-phase earth fault which enhances the security of network operation and the reliability of power supply but brings much difficulty to single-phase earth fault line selection .

    自动 调谐消弧 线圈实现了电网电容电流测量的自动化以及单相接地故障的自动跟踪补偿,提高了电网运行的安全性和供电可靠性,却给电网的单相接地故障选线带来很大的困难。

  • Improvement Method of Measuring and Tuning of Automatic Arc-suppression Coil

    自动消弧 线圈的测量及 调谐改进方法