tungsten trioxide

[ˈtʌŋstən traɪˈɑkˌsaɪd][ˈtʌŋstən traiˈɔksaid]


  • Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten concentrates & The ammonium tungstate igniting gravimetric method for the determination of tungsten trioxide content

    光度法测定黑钨矿浸出液中的PGB/T6150.1-1985钨精矿化学分析方法钨酸铵灼烧法测定 三氧化钨

  • Study on Computer Temperature Control System of Continuous-Heating Reduction Furnace for Tungsten Trioxide

    氯化 连续加热还原炉微机温度控制系统的研究

  • Synthesis of new hexagonal tungsten trioxide and its doping reaction

    新六方 化合物的合成与掺杂反应

  • The result was that the product of tungsten trioxide quantity reached up to 99.92 % and the content of Molybdenum reduced from 0.1 % to 0.00061 % .

    同时,该法采用了氨水反萃取,热过滤和结晶时差,结果产品中 WO 3含量高达99.92%,钼含量由0.1%下降到 0.00061%

  • Simultaneous Determination of Trace Metal Impurities in High-Purity Tungsten Trioxide by Coprecipitation and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry

    共沉淀分离富集-电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定高纯 氧化 中痕量金属杂质

  • The samples of tungsten carbide were prepared from the blue tungsten trioxide and the ammonium paratungstate Separately .

    用蓝色 氧化 和仲钨酸铵分别制取碳化钨。

  • The purified precipitate burns at elevated temperature and high pure tungsten trioxide can be obtained .

    通过这一系列过程将 钨酸纯化,然后高温灼烧即得高纯 三氧化钨

  • The new process of calcine for ammonium paratungstate to tungsten trioxide by microwave was investigated .

    探讨了微波煅烧仲钨酸铵制取 三氧化钨的新工艺。

  • In this study tungsten trioxide EC films were successfully prepared via sol-dip-coating method and sol-electrophoretic method using stable tungsten trioxide sol synthesized by tungstic acid .

    本实验以钨酸为原料成功的配制出了性能稳定的氧化钨溶胶,采用溶胶浸渍提拉方法和电泳沉积方法制备出了 氧化 电致变色薄膜。

  • Tungsten trioxide powder has been prepared from ammonium paratungstate via hydrothermal method using orthogonal and mono-level design of experiments .

    以仲钨酸铵(APT)为原料,通过正交设计和单水平实验,采用水热法处理制备了 WO3粉体。

  • Additionally the factors such as the ultrasonic conditions the use of absolute ethyl alcohol the abstersion and desiccation of the separated precipitation and the conditions of calcinations which have influence on the preparation of the tungsten trioxide nanoparticles have been discussed also .

    讨论了超声条件、无水乙醇的使用、沉淀的分离洗涤与干燥以及煅烧条件等因素对制备 WO3纳米颗粒的影响。

  • Here we prepared tungstates molybdates and tungsten trioxide nanostructure materials by microwave-assisted method .

    本论文采用微波辅助合成法,方便快捷的合成了钨酸盐、钼酸盐和 三氧化钨纳米粉体材料。

  • Study on the solid state reaction of tungsten trioxide and calcium chloride


  • The Theoretical Calculation of Optimum Doping Content in Tungsten Trioxide Electrochromic Films


  • The blank reference ( experiment ) shows that hydrothermal crystallization treatment favors the formation of hexagonal tungsten ( trioxide ) and the tungsten trioxide powder sample prepared by this method has a high degree of crystallinity .

    水热晶化处理的空白对比实验表明,水热晶化处理有利于介 稳态六方 WO3的形成,晶粒发育更完整,结晶程度更高。

  • Tungsten trioxide ( WO3 ) as one kind of functional materials has been investigated systematically because of its potential for technological applications such as electrochromic devices gas detection and chemical catalyst .


  • So far a variety of gas sensitive materials have been developed when tungsten trioxide ( WO3 ) is considered as one of the most promising materials in the field of gas sensors materials .

    迄今为止,人们已经开发了多种气敏材料,其中, 氧化 (WO3)被认为是最有潜力的NO2气敏传感材料。

  • The problems about increasing the recovery ratio of tungsten trioxide and purifying sodium tungstate with additives are also discussed in the paper .

    并对加入添加剂以提高 三氧化钨回收率、净化钨酸钠溶液等问题进行了探讨。

  • Synthesis and Electronic Transport Property of Single-Crystalline Hexagonal Tungsten Trioxide Nanowires ; The Three-phase Four-wire Series Active Power Filter with Four-leg Based on One-cycle Control

    单晶六方晶相的 三氧化钨纳米线的制备及电输运性质的研究基于单周控制的四桥臂三相四线制串联型有源电力滤波器

  • Negative thermal expansion material ZrW_2O_8 powders were synthesized using solid state reaction with zirconium dioxide and tungsten trioxide as raw materials .

    以分析纯ZrO2和 WO3为原料,用固相法制备了负热膨胀材料ZrW2O8粉体。

  • This method which is characterized by high_efficiency and low_cost can be used in industrial mass production . It can raise the productivity over one time compared with the conventional process of direct vacuum carbonization from tungsten trioxide .

    此工艺方法比采用 三氧化钨直接真空碳化的方法产量提高一倍以上,具有高效率、低成本的特点,适合大规模生产。

  • Tungsten trioxide is 99 . 9 % ( by scanning electron microscopy ICP photometric analysis ) .

    通过扫描电镜、ICP、光度分析 测定三氧化钨可达99.9%。

  • Purifying of the Tungsten Trioxide with Improved Extractive Method of the Amino - Benzene

    改进的苯胺萃取法提纯 三氧化钨

  • Determination of micro amount of arsenic in high-purity tungsten trioxide by copper reagent silver method

    铜试剂银法测定高纯 三氧化钨中微量砷的研究

  • The result shows that : tungsten trioxide thin film for 5 minutes sputtering time has the best gas-sensitive properties .

    研究表明:溅射氧化 薄膜的时间为5分钟的样品具有较好的气敏特性。

  • Recently gas sensors based on tungsten trioxide have been considered as one of the most promising gas sensing materials to detecting NOx O3 H2S NH3 and so on owing to their simple structure low cost high sensitivity .

    目前, 氧化 基气敏传感器因具有结构简单、成本低廉、灵敏度高等优点,已被认为是检测NOx、O3、H2S和NH3等最有前景的新型氧化物气敏传感器之一。

  • At the same time the research of this aspect has certain progress at present . For example Zhang et al . using scheelite for tungsten source successfully prepared the high purity tungsten trioxide by activated carbon adsorption and ethylene glycol purification method .

    而且目前这方面的研究已经有了一定的进展,例如:张永安等采用活性炭吸附和乙二醇净化法成功地制备出了高纯 三氧化钨

  • Study on the Reduction of Tungsten Trioxide Nanowire Films by Argon Ion Bombardment with X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometry

    氩离子轰击还原 三氧化钨纳米线薄膜的光电子能谱研究

  • Anometer tungsten trioxide powders were prepared by a wet chemical method .

    我们用简单的湿化学方法制备了纳米 WO3和CeO2粉末。

  • Method of determinating of tungsten trioxide in artificial scheelite is described .

    建立了人造白钨中 三氧化钨的测定方法。