


  • Query Tuner also provides index advice .

    Query Tuner还提供索引建议。

  • Includes tuner and other accessories to get you started .

    包括 调谐器和其他配件,让您开始。

  • Annotated die image of the XC3028 single-chip analog and digital TV tuner showing the fully integrated RF-to-baseband functional blocks .

    注明模具的形象,该xc3028的单芯片模拟和数字电视 调谐器显示完全集成的射频到基带功能块。

  • Design and application of a kind of Single-Chip Tuner IC for Car Radios are presented in this thesis .

    本论文论述了一种用于汽车收音机的单片 调谐集成电路的设计方案及应用。

  • The first tuner semiconductors RF transistors and diodes used supply voltages of as high as12 to15V .

    第一代的 调谐器芯片、射频晶体管和二极管需要高达12至15伏的供电电压。

  • You can easily identify the SQL hot spots and launch Optim Query Tuner directly from this view .

    您可以方便地识别出SQL热点并从这个视图直接启动OptimQuery Tuner

  • It would have received more for the tech specs if there were a TV tuner and a discrete graphic card .

    它可能会收到更多的为技术规格,如果有电视 调谐器和一个离散的图形卡。

  • The MD Walkman with a radio and tuner is so convenient that it can be taken with you anywhere .

    一款带有手印功能和 调频 MD,这款机型使用如此的便利以至于你能够带出它到任何地方。

  • A fully integrated direct-conversion digital satellite tuner for DVB-S / S2 and ABS-S applications is presented .

    本文设计了一种满足DVB-S/S2和ABS-S标准的全集成直接变频数字卫星 调谐芯片。

  • It 's not the tuner it 's the antenna .

    不是 调谐器的关系,是天线的问题。

  • Optim Query Tuner can format the problem query which provides a good starting point for analysis .

    OptimQuery Tuner可以格式化问题查询,这为以后的分析提供了一个良好开端。

  • The second section introduces some basic knowledge about the TV tuner and its phase noise .

    第二部分介绍了一些有关的电视 调谐器,其相位噪声的基本知识。

  • I found out that despite the fact that the tuner includes a demodulator the I and Q outputs are available from the tuner .

    我发现一事实,尽管这 调谐器包含一个解调器,但是可从调谐器得到I和Q输出。

  • If the TV tuner was replaced it now has to be reprogrammed .

    如果已更换电视 调谐器,现在必须对其重新编程。

  • You can select the costliest query and you can launch Optim Query Tuner directly from that view .

    您可以选择成本最低的查询,并可以从那个视图直接启动OptimQuery Tuner

  • With the powerful Resource Tuner you no longer need to suffer with ugly default icons and pictures .

    有了强大的资源 调谐器,您不再需要忍受与丑陋默认图标和图片。

  • Fit TV tuner holder and only tighten the two fastening screws on the left .

    安装电视 调谐器支架,只拧紧左侧的两个紧固螺钉。

  • This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner .

    这架钢琴需要一个合适的 调节 的注意力。

  • You have also been shown ways to accelerate query tuning by using the Query Tuner advisors .

    我们还演示了如何使用Query Tuneradvisor工具来加快查询调优。

  • You also can use Optim Query Tuner to analyze and tune the performance of your queries .

    您也可以使用OptimQuery Tuner来分析和优化查询性能。

  • Piano Tuner : I know but your neighbours did .

    钢琴 调音 :这我知道,可这是你的邻居要我这样做的。

  • The description of each operation includes a Query Tuner access path graph that explains its operational semantics .

    每一个操作的描述都包括一个解释其操作语义的Query Tuner访问路径图。

  • Therefore the tuner is essential to the frequency modulation radio .

    所以调频收音机中的频率 调谐器是至关重要的。

  • The built-in Auto Chromatic Tuner also provides a Mute function for silent tuning .

    内置式自动半音阶 调谐器还提供了静音功能,为沉默的调谐。

  • Multistub tuner with three stubs .

    带三根短线的多短线 调谐器

  • Remove TV tuner and holder .

    拆下电视 调谐器和支架。

  • Then it presents a tentative plan of the realization of LCD digital analog integrated machine by a single tuner .

    阐述了数字电视与模拟 电视 区别,提出使用单 高频头实现液晶数字模拟一体机的设想及设计。

  • Reports generated by the workload tuner offer a wealth of detailed information about your objects .

    工作负载 调优 生成的报告提供了关于您的对象的丰富的细节信息。

  • Please ensure that both the tuner card and a valid tuner card driver are installed .

    请确保两个 调谐器卡都已安装并安装了有效的调谐器卡驱动程序。