


  • Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia .

    血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起 外膜的变性。

  • The tunica is made up of one or more peripheral layers in which cell division it mostly anticlinal .


  • Use Fogarty catheter to pull EIA tunica intima establishing RS models .

    应用Fogarty导管拉伤兔EIA 内膜,建立RS动物模型。

  • Then tunica serosa tunica mucosa and tunica submucosa were striped so that intact tunica muscularis were reserved .

    然后, 分别将浆膜、粘膜和粘膜下层剥去,获得完整的胃肌层标本;

  • Corpus The central region of the meristem below the tunica where cell divisions are in all directions giving both increased width and length to the apex .

    原体 位于 下的分生组织的中央区域,细胞可以进行各个方向的分裂,不断增加体积。

  • Nursing care of pterygium patients treated with contained limbus corneae stem cell and tunica conjunctiva flap autotransplantation

    带角膜缘干细胞 结膜瓣自体移植治疗翼状胬肉的护理

  • The wall of intestine consists of mucous membrane tunica muscularis and serous membrane .

    各段肠壁均分为粘膜层、 层和浆膜三层。

  • Optic nerve was broken with complete tunica vaginalis . 2 .

    1例视神经断裂 鞘膜完整。

  • The Perioperative Nursing Care of Snodgrass Hypospadias Repair with Tunica Vaginalis Blanket Wrap

    Snodgrass尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂带蒂 睾丸 鞘膜嵌置覆盖结合Snodgrass尿道成形术的护理

  • B.The thrombus models in the moral artery in rabbits were established by injuring the tunica intima and injecting thrombasein ;

    通过损伤动脉 内膜和注入凝血酶的方法,形成家兔股动脉血栓模型。

  • The internal surfaces of prosthesis were smooth and glossy with white tunica mucosa covered .

    管腔内表面光滑,表面有一层白色的 黏膜覆盖。

  • Average thickness of tunica intima and average plaque were obviously higher than those in control group .

    高血压 患者平均 内膜增厚 和平均斑块形成数明显高于对照组。

  • In extravaginal testicular torsion group scrotal sac and muscles were slightly enhanced while tunica vaginalis was not enhanced .

    结论睾丸扭转超声造影环状增强 主要来源 睾丸 鞘膜层,少量来源于阴囊皮肤肌肉层;

  • Histopathology Observation of arteries revealed : tunica media of artery thickening in group B.Thoracic aorta abdominal aorta atherosclerotic lesions formationed in group C D.

    动脉病理学观察:C、D组 主动脉及胸、腹主动脉形成粥样硬化病变。

  • Methods Found the relationship of aortic dissection false lumens ectonexine of aortic tunica media by test and measurement their shape-changed strength ratio .

    方法通过胸 主动脉夹层假腔内外层的屈服形状改变比能,发现两者间的关系。

  • Conclusion The tunica vasculosa of rat 's crystal is a good material to study angiogenesis .

    结论大鼠晶体血管膜是一 极好的研究血管发生的实验材料。

  • The pathohistological examination of the abdominal aortas showed serious disruption of the elastic tissue and loss of smooth muscle cells in tunica media of aortic aneurysm in the experimental group .

    实验组腹主动脉的病理改变为中 弹性纤维组织严重破坏,平滑肌细胞减少。

  • Only one case had trauma of tunica albuginea ( 2.08 % ) and the implantation had to be cancelled .

    仅1例术中损伤 白膜(2.08%)终止手术。

  • Chronic infective hydrocele of tunica vaginalis

    慢性感染性 鞘膜积液

  • KOR distributed primarily in the tunica intima layer of the aortas . 2 .

    结论:1.大鼠主动脉上有KOR的表达,KOR主要分布在 主动脉内膜上。

  • They wear the tunica molesta soaked in pitch .

    他们穿着浸泡了松脂的 袍子

  • The vegetative shoot apex in Rosa chinensis Jacq . has two layers of tunica cells .

    月季的营养苗端具有两层 细胞。

  • Clear fluid accumulates in a sac of tunica vaginalis lined by a serosa with a variety of inflammatory and neoplastic conditions .

    因各种各样的炎性和肿瘤的原因,透亮液体在由浆膜围绕形成的 睾丸 鞘膜囊中聚集。

  • Objective To investigate the application of tunica vaginalis flap in repairing the deformity of urethra and urethral fistulas .

    目的探讨 睾丸 鞘膜瓣覆盖技术在尿道畸形和尿道瘘修复中的效果。

  • Secondary implantation is to take hydroxyapatite orbital with suture line to four muscles rectus suctioning and make spatium and tunica conjunctive to pack orbital .

    Ⅱ期植入用带线的义眼台与四条直肌缝合后,再缝合筋膜和 结膜,包裹义眼台。

  • There are two Layers of cells in the tunica of the shoot apex of Sesa-mum indium and the second layer of cell of tunica .

    芝麻茎尖有2层原套细胞,叶 原基起源于原套的第二层。

  • SIS was obtained by firstly removing the tunica mucosa serosa and tunica muscularis through mechanical erasion .

    首先通过机械刮除方法去除 粘膜层、肌层和浆膜层,初步得到SIS。

  • The wall of the stomach consists of tunica mucosa tela submucosa tunica muscularis and serosa .

    胃壁由 粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜四层组成。

  • Study on detection of Helicobacter pylori in tunica mucosa vesicae felleae bile and stone in patients with lithic cholecystitis

    结石性胆囊炎患者胆囊 黏膜、胆汁和结石中幽门螺杆菌的检测研究