tungstic oxide

[ˈtʌŋstɪk ˈɑkˌsaɪd][tʌŋˈstik ˈɔksaid]


  • Based on the current situation we attempt some new methods to prepared hollow silver spheres and rectangular tungstic oxide nanotubes .

    基于这种情况,我们就 单质银空球和方形 三氧化钨纳米管的制备 了一些尝试性的创新工作。

  • Discrepancy between methods of preparing yellow and white tungstic oxide hydrates and versatile uses of the latter

    黄、白 钨酸制备法的差异,以及粉状 钨酸 反应研究的 进展

  • Study on improvement of electrochromic properties of tungstic oxide film by PVA-doping

    添加聚乙烯醇改善 三氧化钨电致变色薄膜性能的研究

  • Study and Application of Technology for Violet Tungstic Oxide Preparation

    紫色 氧化 制取工艺的研究及其应用

  • A pH sensor was fabricated with tungstic oxide pH electrode and this reference electrode and the inner resistance of this sensor is 22 K Ω much less than that of glass pH meter ( 1 ~ 10 M Ω) .

    可用于基于W 氧化物pH电极的 电化学传感器,传感器的内阻为 22kΩ,小于玻璃pH电极计内阻(1~10MΩ)。