tunnel kiln

[ˈtʌnəl kɪln][ˈtʌnəl kɪln]


  • Computer distributed control system for coal gas tunnel kiln

    煤气 隧道 计算机分散控制系统

  • A study on mathematical and physical model for heat transfer of tunnel kiln car

    隧道 车传热过程的数学模型与物理模型研究

  • Simulation Research on Inner Temperature Field of Tunnel Kiln Car

    隧道 加热过程内部温度场的仿真研究

  • The wide-section tunnel kiln introduced in this article is a recently developed energy-saving ceramic tunnel kiln for sanitary wares .

    本文介绍的宽断面 隧道 就是一种新近开发的节能卫生陶瓷隧道窑。

  • Design of PLC automatic control system for waste coal sintered brick tunnel kiln cars

    煤矸石烧结砖 隧道 出车PLC自动控制系统设计

  • Application and Selection of oil-Saving Technology in Tunnel Kiln

    陶瓷 隧道 节油技术的应用和选择

  • This paper analyses the cause of the upper lower temperature difference stemming from oil-burning tunnel kiln and puts forward the technical measures of improving kiln structure and firing system .

    本文主要从窑体结构和烧成制度等方面分析了油烧 隧道 产生上下温差的原因,并提出了改进结构和烧成操作缩小上下温差的技术措施。

  • Between Thanksgiving and Christmas of2003 the tunnel kiln was demolished and removed and the site was prepared for the new kiln .

    与2003年感恩节与圣诞节期间, 隧道 被拆除以腾出位置将铺设新窑。

  • A Research and Design of a New Tunnel Kiln for Silica Bricks

    现代新型硅砖 隧道 研究与设计

  • Measures and results of energy saving for a 45m high temperature tunnel kiln

    45米高温 隧道 的节能措施与效果

  • The temperature monitoring of tunnel kiln played a necessary role in pottery manufacturing .

    隧道 温度检测是陶瓷生产过程中必不可少的环节。

  • This introduces the design for the kiln structure burning system and cooling system of a105m1600 ℃ energy-saving gas tunnel kiln and its commissioning .

    本文介绍了105米1600℃节能型燃气 隧道 的窑体结构、燃烧系统、冷却系统的设计特点和调试情况,首创国内高温焙烧石英获得成功。

  • Cooling System of the Tunnel Kiln and the Application of the Boiler Worked by Wasting Heat from the Kiln

    隧道 的冷却系统和余热锅炉

  • On Computer Simulation of Temperature for the Preheating Section of Tunnel Kiln

    隧道 预热带温度分布数值模拟的研究

  • Application of spray to tunnel kiln

    喷射器在 隧道 中的应用

  • The measured thermodynamic parameters and heat balance data of tunnel kiln were regressed by computer several factors affecting the thermal efficiency of tunnel kiln were analysed and main saving energy ways were put forward .

    借助计算机对 隧道 的热工测定参数和热平衡数据进行了回归,分析了影响隧道窑热效率的若干因素,并提出了节能的主要途径。

  • The temperature system of tunnel kiln is a large inertia slow time-change nonlinear system .

    隧道 温度系统是一个大惯性非线性系统。

  • Application of heat pipe technique in oil-fired China tunnel kiln

    热管技术在燃油陶瓷 隧道 中的应用研究

  • This thesis has Put forward a Complete Program of APPLE BASIC - Chinese system for designing of tunnel kiln .

    本文提出了一个完整的用APPLE&BASIC中文系统 编制的 隧道 设计程序。

  • In this paper the atmosphere control of gas firing tunnel kiln in ceramic industry is studied . A new forecasting-control method is developed and its simulation is carried out by computer .

    本文对陶瓷工业燃气 隧道 的气氛控制问题进行了探讨,提出了一种预报前馈控制的新策略,并进行了计算机仿真。

  • The software has chinese prompt and is conveniently suitable to the design of ceramics tunnel kiln .

    软件包具有中文提示,适用面广,它为陶瓷 隧道 的设计提供了方便。

  • The study job of this paper is completed in tunnel kiln of the fire-resistant material .

    本文的研究工作,是在大型耐火材料 隧道 窑炉上具体完成的。

  • The article describes some limitation in design and operation of tunnel kiln in China brick and tile industry .

    文章对目前我国砖瓦行业使用的 隧道 存在的某些缺陷从设计与操作方面进行了阐述。

  • It is proved to be reliable and to be a key measure to improve its properties of tunnel kiln .

    理论和实践都已验证了该系统的可靠性,是全面发挥 隧道 先进性的关键性措施。

  • Study and Application on Kiln Car Operation Equipment in Gangue Brick Tunnel Kiln

    煤矸砖 隧道 操车装置的研究与应用

  • Development and Study on Oil Water Coke Slurry for High Temperature Tunnel Kiln

    高温 隧道 用油水焦浆的开发及研究

  • The shutdown does not require any changes to the exhaust system or to the firing of the tunnel kiln and the system can be restarted by simply pushing a button .

    停机时无需对排气系统和 隧道 的烧成作任何调整改变,并可简单地通过一个按纽重启。

  • Emphasizes the 8 aspects in designing tunnel kiln ;

    着重强调了 隧道 设计思想上需要转变的概念和应重视的八个问题;

  • Own currently the latest heat tunnel kiln the coal gas computer kiln stove and new porcelain and ceramics to model a production line .

    拥有目前最新的高温 隧道 、煤气电脑窑炉及新型陶瓷成型生产线。