tungsten alloy

[ˈtʌŋstən ˈælˌɔɪ][ˈtʌŋstən ˈælɔi]


  • Studies the possibility on improving trursmutative soil service life based on the tungsten alloy cast iron liner which was made from tungsten slag alloy .

    以钨渣铁合金为主要合金原料制造 合金铸铁衬板,研究了稀土变质处理提高其使用寿命的可能性。

  • To comparison the corrosion behaviors of sucker rod plated tungsten alloy coatings were also carried out in this study .

    为进行对比实验,也进行了带有 合金镀层的抽油杆的腐蚀行为进行了研究。

  • The penetration and damage of concrete driven by long-rod tungsten alloy projectile under super-high speed was numerically studied with2D Lagrangian elasticity-plasticity hydrodynamic code LTZ-2D .

    采用二维拉格朗日弹塑性流体力学计算程序LTZ-2D,分析了超高速 合金长杆弹侵彻混凝土靶板的过程以及靶板的损伤破坏情况。

  • Normal penetration of tungsten alloy hollow projectiles into steel and concrete targets were performed .

    进行了 合金空心弹体垂直侵彻钢靶板和混凝土靶板的实验。

  • The contact property of Tungsten alloy during hot rolling was investigated by means of finite element method .

    采用有限元分析方法,对 基高 比重 合金在连轧过程中的接触特性进行了模拟仿真。

  • Effects of levitation melting and casting on solidification structure mechanical properties and wearing capacity of tungsten alloy cast iron have been examined .

    研究了悬浮铸造对 合金铸铁凝固组织、力学性能及耐磨性的影响。

  • The effects of copper iron carbon alloy and tungsten alloy through a series of different parameters on pulsing current treatment are analyzed .

    对纯铜、铁碳合金和 合金经行了不同实验参数的脉冲电流处理研究和理论分析。

  • Introduced the actuality of chromium alternative process situation of which tungsten alloy electroplating was carried on thorough understanding and analysis .

    介绍了当前代铬电镀工艺技术现状,对 合金电沉积进行了深入了解与分析。

  • The similarity of different scale tungsten alloy projectile penetration into concrete is studied under simulative test .

    在模拟实验条件下,研究了不同缩比件 合金弹体侵彻混凝土过程的相似性。

  • Tungsten resource is plentiful in China tungsten alloy white cast iron liner has been developed and the tungsten is used as main alloy element .

    我国钨资源丰富,以钨为主要合金元素,开发了 合金白口铸铁衬板。

  • Influences of Co and La additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of 90W-Ni-Fe tungsten alloy

    添加Co,La元素对 90W-Ni-Fe 合金性能和组织的影响

  • In this paper the adiabatic shear band in tungsten alloy material has been analyzed with finite element method and also the influence of thermodynamics parameter on shear-localized of tungsten alloy has been analyzed .

    用有限元方法分析了 合金材料中的绝热剪切带并对比分析了热力学参数对钨合金剪切局部化的影响。

  • Temperature Field and Yield Stress Grads during Wire Die-Less Drawing of Tungsten Alloy


  • This paper reviews the latest research on W-Ni-Fe W-Ni-Cu W-Cu high-density tungsten alloys . It introduces some key techniques for tungsten alloys and points out research directions of tungsten alloy materials .

    综合近年来国内外W-Ni-Fe,W-Ni-Cu,W-Cu等高密度钨合金及其材料的研究状况,介绍了有关钨合金方面的关键新技术,并且预测了今后 合金材料的研究方向。

  • The results of the study on the microstructure and mechanical properties show that the tungsten alloy produced with the milled powders has improved strength compared with that of tungsten alloys produced with the traditionally mixed powders and also maintains high ductility and toughness .

    研究了其显微组织结构和力学性能,结果表明,高能球磨粉烧结 合金较普通粉烧结钨合金在保持高延性和韧性的同时,拉伸强度明显提高;

  • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Non-Refractory Tungsten Alloy

    非难熔 合金的微观组织及力学性能

  • The influences of Ce K and Na on the structures and properties of tungsten alloy white cast iron ( TAWCI ) were researched and the idea of estimating nodular effect of carbides using the circular degree ( C.D ) was put forward .

    研究了Ce、K、Na复合变质处理对 白口铸铁组织和性能的影响,提出了评价碳化物变质效果的圆度概念。

  • Analyses on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction welded joint of dissimilar powder metallurgy tungsten alloy between 93W and 98W

    93W与98W粉末冶金 材料摩擦焊接头性能及组织分析

  • The fragments distribution characteristics of fragile tungsten alloys were studied by means of exploding tungsten alloy cylinders . The experimental results were also compared with that of 93W alloy .

    采用圆筒爆破试验方法研究了易碎型钨合金的破片分布特征,并与 93W 合金的结果进行了对比。

  • A Technical Study of Ways of Adding Ferroalloy for Low Tungsten Alloy Steel and Molybdenum Alloy Steel Smelted by Electric Arc Furnace

    电弧炉冶炼低 、钼合 金钢合金加入工艺探讨

  • In order to analyze parameters influencing the property of tungsten alloy liner the orthogonal design was applied to the test of penetration depth .

    为了分析影响 合金药型罩性能的参数,将正交设计试验用于药型罩的穿深试验。

  • This company produces straight-handle twist drill hard metal multi-aid straight-handle twist drill metal hole digger tungsten alloy saw blade and building drill .

    本公司主要生产直柄麻花钻头,硬质合金多用直柄麻花钻,金属开孔器, 合金锯片以及建工钻的专业生产厂家。

  • Determination of matrix micro-properties of tungsten alloy by inverse method and verification for its validity

    反向法确定 合金基体细观性能及其宏观验证

  • Microstructure mechanical property and recrystallization behavior of swage strengthened tungsten alloy


  • Structure of Nickel - Tungsten Alloy Electroplating


  • Our gold-plated tungsten alloy products are only for souvenir and decoration purpose the company says on its website . Here we declare : Please do not use our gold-plated tungsten alloy products for illegal purpose .

    该公司的英文网站上声明:我们生产的镀金 钨钢产品仅作为纪念品和装饰品用途,我们谨在此声明:请勿把我们生产的镀金钨钢产品用于非法用途。

  • Densification and grain growth of nano-structured tungsten alloy powder during pressureless sintering

    纳米 合金粉末常压烧结的致密化和晶粒长大

  • Study on H_2S corrosion resistance of tungsten alloy plated sucker rod

    电镀 合金抽油杆耐硫化氢腐蚀研究

  • The preparation characteristic and development of shock resistant tungsten wire nano tungsten alloy tungsten electrode and tungsten-base composite were also introduced .

    并对当前研究较多的 合金 材料,主要是耐震钨丝、纳米 合金、钨电极材料、钨基复合材料等的制备工艺、 合金性能及应用开发现状进行了阐述。

  • The investigation was made on microstructure mechanical property and recrystallization behavior of tungsten alloy with different amount of swaged deformation .

    对不同锻造变形量的 合金材料组织、性能及其再结晶行为进行了研究。