


  • A probability calculation of whether a user is answer expert to a specific question is then proposed based on the TUI model .

    然后,根据 已经 获取 用户 兴趣 主题模型,我们可以有效地计算出用户是否为某一问题的特定问答专家的概率值。

  • Therapeutic effects of Tui An Yun Jing Yi on stroke : compared with randomized group of acupuncture therapy


  • Comparisons between Mohist Tui and Xiao and Aristotelian Reduction to Absurdity and Deductive Methods A NEW METHOD TO IMPLEMENT LESS DUPLICATION DEDUCTION IN DDB

    墨家 、效与亚氏 归谬法、演绎法的比较演绎数据库推理冗余的产生和一个新的处理算法

  • Observation on curative effect of urinary system 's stones treated with Chinese Traditional Medicine cooperating with Tui An Yun Jing Machine

    中医药 辨治配合 运经仪治疗泌尿系结石疗效观察

  • The experiment group was treated with 654-2 injection and Gan Xian Tui Huang Recipe and the control group was treated with routine treatment .

    实验组用肝纤 退黄方合654-2注射液治疗,对照组用常规疗法。

  • Transurethral incision ( TUI ) is a simple and safe procedure .

    经尿道 切开手术是一种简单且安全的手术。

  • Social Network of the South Confucian Scholars in Yuan Dynasty ( DAI Biao-Yuan as example ) The Situation and Mentality of the Yuan Dynasty Confucian Scholars as Seen in Tui Zhai Ji

    从社会交往看元代江南儒士的社会网络以戴表元为例《 退斋记》与 许衡刘因的出处进退元代儒士境遇心态之一斑

  • In2001 he formally acknowledged Master Chen Zhenglei as his master systematically studied Chen Style Tai Chi Lao Jia Xin Jia TaiChi Theory Tui Shou etc.

    2001年,正式拜陈正雷大师为师,系统学习陈式太极拳新、老架拳械系列、太极理论、 推手 技巧等。

  • Its deal to buy Volvo is not an open-and-shut case of Guo Jin min Tui the state advances while the private sector retreats .

    它收购沃尔沃的交易,并不能明确说明“国进民 退”趋势的盛衰。

  • All products of our company has passed the certification of ROSE by SGS and TUI .

    全系列产品价格均通过SGS公司和 德国 莱茵公司的ROSE 指令认证。

  • The Study of the Tui An Yun Jing Machine Treating Urinary system 's Stones


  • A special mode of thinking contained in the allusion tui qiao

    从“ 推敲”典故 一种特殊的思维方式

  • In 24 patients of the control group 7 patients were stable 10 patients had hypersplenia 2 patients occurred hepatocarcinoma and 5 patients were recurrent Conclusion : Effect of 654-2 injection and Gan Xian Tui Huang Recipe on hepatic fibrosis with intractable jaundice is significant .

    对照组24例中7例保持稳定,10例发生脾功能亢进,2例发生肝癌,5例再发。结论:肝纤 退黄方合654-2注射液治疗肝硬化伴顽固性黄疸具有良好疗效。

  • As time came to the modern age there appeared a number of famous calligraphers covering several generations for example Yang Yisun Wun Tonghe and Xiao Tui .

    时至近代,常熟书坛名家辈出,象杨沂孙、翁同龢、 萧蜕等都是大名鼎鼎的书法家。

  • Obiective : To observe the effect of 654-2 injection and GanXian Tui Huang Recipe on hepatic fibrosis with intractable jaundice .

    目的:观察肝纤 退黄方合654-2注射液治疗肝硬化伴顽固性黄疸的疗效,并进行理论探讨。

  • Clinical study of applying neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer Curative Effects of Chinese Herbal Lotion ( Tui Huang Xi Ye ) as Adjunctive Therapy on Neonatal Jaundice

    新辅助化疗在晚期卵巢癌治疗中的意义 退黄洗液辅助治疗新生儿黄疸的疗效观察

  • Although this seems like luck analysts say these people are often the clients - and sometimes victims - of so-called tui shou Internet marketers who stand to earn big money by thrusting them into the limelight .

    尽管似乎是运气使然,但分析人士说这些人往往是那些所谓 推手的网络行销人员的客户,有时甚至会沦为网络 炒作的牺牲品。

  • It is almost impossible to identify who is gaining fame due to the sheer weight of interest or the Internet marketing machine ( tui shou take credit either way ) .

    很难确认哪个人是凭借 公众关注还是网络行销(或者说是 推手 助力)而成名的。