tuck up

[tʌk ʌp][tʌk ʌp]


  • He mostly stayed at home tucking up the children

    他主要待在家里,帮孩子们盖好被子 睡觉

  • Lift those hips Before you tuck yourself in lie on your back on the floor with your legs up on the edge of the bed or a chair .

    在你要 躺下之前,先躺在地板 ,把脚搭在床或椅子边上。

  • To tuck up ( something ) around the body . Can you wind this film back on to its spool ?

    卷起 卷起(某物)绕在身上你能 这胶卷卷回到卷轴上去吗?

  • The boy 's mother came into the bedroom every evening to tuck him up .

    孩子的母亲每晚走进卧室给 孩子 被子

  • I would tuck my long hair up under my hat and go into a store .

    我会 我的长头发藏 帽子里然后去商店。

  • I hope all our comrades and veteran comrades most of all will so to speak tuck their tails between their legs rather than stick them up guard against conceit and rashness always remain modest and keep forging ahead .

    我希望,我们所有的同志,首先是老同志,不要翘尾巴,而要夹紧 尾巴,戒骄戒躁,永远保持谦虚进取的精神。

  • It 's the perfect spot to sample great wines tuck into some fantastic food listen to superb live music and soak up the surrounding fabulous views of Victoria Harbour .

    在景致迷人的西九龙海滨长廊 ,大家可以 畅怀品酒、 享用美食,更可 沉浸在醉人的现场乐韵及维多利亚港风光之中。

  • She tucked them up in bed

    她安顿他们上床 睡觉

  • In the old West outlaws sometimes tuck up the stage coaches .

    昔日的西部,有时 亡命 劫持 驿站马车。

  • She had gone to work believing Helen was safely tucked up in bed .

    她相信海伦已经安然 入睡 就去上班了。

  • Now snuggle right down and I 'll tuck you up . I can 't get this lid off-it seems to be nailed down .

    快缩到被子里去,我来 好。我打不开这个盖子,好像是被钉住了。

  • To tuck up ( something ) around the body . Strong winds brought the water swirling up the main street .

    卷起 卷起(某物)绕在身上强风卷起河水在大街上空盘旋。