type line

[taɪp laɪn][taip lain]

[法] 指纹的线型

  • Based on SRM-A type line the 3 twin-screw compressor specific geometrical parameters are derived by the use of the compressor flow rate formula .

    根据课题要求工况排量在3,以SRM- A型 线为原型,利用压缩机的流量计算公式,导出了双螺杆压缩机的具体几何参数。

  • The utility model discloses a capacitance type vertical line transducer for a wave metre which comprises a plurality of coaxial cables .

    本实用新型公开了一种测波仪器用的电容 垂线传感器。

  • Hot-dip galvanizing and continuous annealing dual-use line is a new type line which can better adapt to the market demand of hot-dip galvanizing products and continuous annealing Products .

    热镀锌和连续退火两用生产机组是一种新的 机组 型式,可以更好的适应市场对于热镀锌产品和连续退火产品的不同需求。

  • For those who want to follow along you may type each line of code in the code listings individually at the prompt .

    对于那些想要继续的人,可以在提示符中分别 输入代码清单中的每 代码。

  • We reference equipment all the time on cards but up until now the word has never appeared on any type line .

    装备现在是一个卡牌类别了。我们经常能见到卡牌上的“装备”,但是目前为止,这个词还没有在 类别 里面见到。

  • The switch static attribute includes information as the switch type and line number input and output standard and ID.

    开关静态属性含开关 类型 线数、输入输出 线规格和ID等信息。

  • Electricity user perspective drawing : to enquire by the customer management structure of electricity supply unit client type line electricity users etc.

    用电客户透视图:按照供电单位、 行业、客户 类型、用电客户等客户管理结构进行杳询。

  • As the main working curve line the type line of rotor is divided into six phases . Then the design of each curve line is given the clarification respectively . Third the balance analysis of VP rotor is analysed .

    转子 线是爪型转子主要的工作曲线,本文将它分为六段曲线,分别对每一段曲线的设计做了说明。第三,进行了真空泵转子的平衡分析。

  • Test and research result shows that the retrofit of backward V insulators can be carried out for 500 kV suspension insulator string and when it is big span or high difference the retrofit of backward V insulators can be through with reinforced type line clamp .

    试验研究结果表明:一般500kV线路悬垂绝缘子串均可进行倒V型绝缘子串改造;只有当大档距或大高差时,通过采用加强 大握力 线夹,也可以进行倒V型绝缘子串改造。

  • In printing lines of type that line up vertically on one side but are ragged on the other .

    在排版技术中, 的一边竖直地排齐而另一边则参差不齐的情况。

  • The reason for heat of traditional line clamp was analyzed . The advantages construction technology and its test and application conditions for a kind of new wire connector H type line clamp were introduced .

    分析了传统线夹发热的原因,介绍了一种新型线夹&H 线夹的优点、施工工艺及其试验和应用情况。

  • The overall structural design mainly includes the design of pump shells the design of rotor type line and design and check of driving shaft .

    它主要包括泵壳的设计、转子 线的设计和主动轴的设计校核。

  • This paper return the point introduced a different type helix line of design method and give concrete manufacture process .

    本文还重点介绍了 异型螺旋 线的设计方法,并给出了具体制作过程。

  • The graphic texture ( of a type line ) does not demand to be set in a specific style ;

    字体构成的文字 的图形特质不应用一种特定的风格来设定;

  • In this paper we propose a new BFGS algorithm for the no convex unconstrained optimization problems . And it prove that the method with Goldstein type line search converges globally .

    本文提出一类改进的BFGS算法,并采用 Goldstein 线搜索来研究一般非凸目标函数极小化问题,并证明了该算法的全局收敛性。

  • All types are available to draw every type of line from delicate extra-fine to soft and thick .

    从纤细的极细 笔到软质的粗 线笔,各种类型我们都能提供。

  • Based on momentum differential equations of liquid and solid phase of the solid-liquid two-phase fluids and on the solid liquid phase coupling equation have derived the blade type line equation based on boundary layer theory .

    在固液两相流的液相和固相动量微分方程、连续方程及固液相耦合方程的基础上,推导了基于边界层理论的叶片 线方程。

  • So common type tile line of small and medium-sized enterprise and economic carton to behind the western part of the country can 't eliminated .

    所以,普通 线还适应中小型纸箱企业和经济落后的西部地区,不能淘汰。

  • Whether each type line is to meet the conditions of anti-icing and ice-melting by load current and following analysis the stability of system after adjusting operation mode for according with the requirements .

    举例分析每一 线路是否满足负荷电流防(融)冰条件,并对满足防(融)冰要求的 线路,紧接着分析调整运行方式后系统的稳定性。

  • For manual coding what you really need is a setText () method so that you can type one line of code instead of three .

    对于手工编码,实际需要的是setText()方法,以便可以只 输入代码,而不是三行代码都输入。

  • The pulse type line laser is a nanosecond grade green laser .

    所述脉冲 线激光器为纳秒级脉冲绿光激光器。

  • Fluotec halothane testing instrument made in Britain was used to test 196 pigs of Chinese lean type line DIV (♀ 151 、♂ 45 ) The results showed that two pigs were positive with the positive rate of 1.03 % .

    采用英国产Fluotec 半封闭 氟烷麻醉仪,对中国瘦肉猪新品系D 196头仔猪进行氟烷测验(其中公45、母151),结果2头呈阳性反应,阳性率为1.03%。

  • In this chapter we point out that the Armijo - type line search will make the step k very small even close to zero in some cases which leads to the pathological problem .

    在本章中,我们指出采用Armijo 线搜索,在某些情况下易使步长变的很小,甚至趋于零,这将在计算过程中导致病态现象。

  • In this case we can see the file being looked up was in fact a directory ( see the File type line ) .

    在这里,我们可以看到所查询的文件事实上是一个目录(见文件 类型 )。

  • In this article I choose type 100 dreg thick liquid pump as the instance using the boundary layer theory designs the parametric equation of the blade type line .

    以100型渣浆泵为实例,利用边界层理论设计出了叶片 线的参数方程。

  • A Kind of Vortex Type Line Geometry Parameter Optimization Method

    涡旋压缩 机型 线几何参数的优化设计方法研究

  • Analysis on Wrapping Occuring during Conductor Stringing with 1-rope Pulling 6-conductor under Tension for 500 kV Compact Type Line

    500kV紧凑 线路一牵六张力放线导线发生缠绕现象的分析

  • Short circuit strength calculation of main coil of open type line traps

    开启 线路阻波器强流线圈短路强度的设计计算