


  • Using the program of fiber beam-column element based on flexibility method of finite element pushover analysis is taken to analyze these typification frameworks which are extracted from these structures taken into account slab effect and structures not taken into account slab effect .

    对所设计的考虑楼板作用和不考虑楼板作用的两类异形柱框架结构中各抽取一 典型框架,采用基于有限单元柔度法的纤维模型梁柱单元,进行了推覆补充分析。

  • A run block diagram of integration conduct about the simulation and flight tests in missile design typification evaluations is presented in the paper .

    给出了导弹设计 定型鉴定中仿真试验与飞行试验一体化实施的运行框图。

  • Interpretation and Typification Analysis on Coercion in Special Provisions of Criminal Law

    刑法分则中的胁迫解读与 类型 分析

  • The objects and the main items of design typification evaluations about antitank missiles are described in this paper .

    阐述了反坦克导弹设计 定型 鉴定的目的及 需要考核的主要内容。

  • The principle of compilation is to combine theory and practice to embody typification to combine static and dynamic state and to represent era .

    所依据的编纂原则一是理论和实践相结合,体现 出典 ,二是静态与动态相结合,体现出时代性。

  • To Construct the Typification : Practicing Logic of the Neighborhood Politics in Daily Life

    制造 典型:邻里政治实践的日常生活逻辑

  • Humanity Feelings of Animal Narrative & Research Significance and Feasibility Analysis of the New Century Animal Novels ' Typification

    动物叙事中的人文情怀&新世纪动物小说 类型 研究的意义与可行性探析

  • It is necessary to classify the leading case burden-of-proof into the allocation of typification and to confirm the concrete burden-of-proof allocation .

    必须对借贷案件的举证责任进行 类型化分配,确定具体的举证责任分配。

  • From the perspective of narrator this essay brings forward the conception of folk narrative and shows that typification was an important feature of folk narrative .

    文章从叙事、人物、语言等方面对 红河 本土 作家 涅努 巴西的叙事 长诗进行了较为细致的分析,揭示了文本中所体现出的民间的叙事立场和艺术

  • For the rhythms of new Chinese poetry which embodies its aesthetic value is breaking and improving the norms of the traditional Chinese poetry is emotional typification and the intellectual charm of it .

    对于新诗节奏而言,其审美价值主要体现在对传统诗歌的审美规范的突破和发展,对情感的 典型 以及它所带来的智性魅力等方面。

  • On The Relationship Between The General Regulations And The Typification In Act For Tort Liability

    论侵权责任法中一般条款和 类型 的关系

  • Historic events used in historic paintings are usually major events widely known by society . Meanwhile painters generally stress idealism and typification in their artistic expression .

    而成为历史画题材的事件,往往是该民族众所周知的大事,同时画家在表现手法上,一般都力求理想化与 典型

  • In fact Fine idealism is that refining standardization or typification the beauty in the nature and establishes one kind of surmounting in the natural beauty conforms to people common subjective desire .

    理想美实际上就是指将自然中的美加以提炼和规范化、 典型 ,建立起一种超越于自然美的,符合人们共同的主观愿望的一种完美。

  • The Necessity of Typification of Infringement Contract Debt on the Tort Law

    论我国侵权法中侵害债权 类型 之必要性& 一起 企业 产权 纠纷

  • It probes emphatically into the superiority compensations each other of the simulation and flight tests necessity of carrying out the integrated test design and check and basic train of thought and main contents in missile design typification evaluations .

    着重探讨了在导弹设计 定型鉴定中,仿真试验与飞行试验优势互补,进行一体化试验设计和考核的必要性、基本思路和主要内容。

  • Hong Kong film industry not only has the feature of ordinary commercial movie such as the typification or the star system etc but also retained its own traditional culture connotation which makes the Hong Kong commercial film attain unique aesthetic culture value to study .

    它不仅具备商业电影的一般性,如 类型 、明星制等;同时,也保留了自身传统文化内涵使香港商业电影呈现出独特的审美文化研究价值。

  • Rapid Algorithm of Building Typification Based on Data Matching

    基于数据匹配的建筑物 典型 快速算法

  • Meanwhile through the innovation with the typification of the TV-play we create more typical characters and more excellent works with typical characters and esthetic to fulfill the standard of the social reality .

    与此同时,通过电视剧 类型 的手法进行大胆创新,在符合社会真实要求的同时,创造出了性格鲜明、且具有很强艺术审美性的典型人物和优秀作品。

  • Hemingway ' novels clearly moved away from the traditional theories of imitation and reflextion and have nothing to do with the technique of typification .

    海明威小说明显跳出了摹仿说、反映论的传统,并与 典型 方法无缘。

  • The new century animal novel has increasingly shown its typification with the vigorous development of its production .

    伴随着新世纪以来动物小说创作的蓬勃发展,其 类型 表征 益彰

  • An algorithm for building typification based on data matching between multi-scale databases is proposed . The algorithm is based on the dividing and conquering strategy .

    分析了多尺度数据库和在线综合 集成的途径与网格 简化技术的矛盾及改进方法,提出了基于多尺度数据匹配的建筑物 典型 算法。

  • And outlines the superiorities exsited in using simulation techniques in antitank missile typification evaluations .

    介绍了 定型中应用仿真技术的优势所在。

  • The concerned problem about simulation test on design typification of antiship missile are briefly discussed .

    简述了反舰导弹设计 定型仿真试验的有关问题。

  • The Study on the Pure Economic Loss Caused by the Negligent Act and on It 's Typification

    过失导致的纯经济损失及 类型 研究

  • The one and the eight recorded the true and deep history its typification is obvious .

    《一个和八个》记录了真实深刻的历史,其 典型 不言而喻。

  • There is some difference in portraying the characters in novels and dramas in which drama characters are characterized by third dimension and typification while novel characters are rich and colorful .

    小说与戏曲刻画人物的方法有区别,所以,戏曲人物既富有立体感,又有 类型 的特点,而小说人物则更加丰富多彩。

  • Synchronically schematization of experiences typification of everyday communication and enhancing non-everyday thinking as common sense are three practical generative ways of everyday thinking .

    从共时态来看,经验活动的图式化,日常交往活动的 类型化,非日常思维的常识化,分别构成日常思维三条现实的生成途径。