typical element

[ˈtɪpɪkəl ˈɛləmənt][ˈtipikəl ˈelimənt]


  • Choosing typical three element airfoil and based on numerical simulation method the feasibility of MINI-TED to improve aerodynamic performance of high lift system is studied .

    典型三段 翼型为对象,采用数值模拟方法,研究了在襟翼上增加微型后缘装置提高增升装置效率的可行性;

  • Based on the design concepts of the typical element all the algorithm for elements have been established and the common and typical element library for airplane fuel system have been built .

    根据 典型 元件的设计思想,给出了各种元件 特性算法,建立了飞机燃油系统基本元件和特殊元件库。

  • The success of the former is always adhere to the traditional England cultural spirit infiltrating British culture into brand culture refining the typical England element making the improved element into a brand and it will be highly identifiable about brand and nation .

    前者的成功在于始终坚持传统英伦文化精神,将英伦文化融入品牌文化中,提炼 典型英伦 元素,并将这些提升改进后的英伦元素转化为品牌标识,具有很强的品牌和民族识别性。

  • Using samples makes it clear which element is the root element in any given document type and provides examples of typical data for each element .

    使用样例就能清楚地看出任何给定文档类型中哪个元素是根元素,并为每个 元素提供 典型数据的例子。

  • Besides the Chinese mahjong which is growing out of a vase is also a typical Chinese element .

    此外,花瓶中长出的“麻将”也是 典型的中国 元素

  • The Investigation on the Characteristics of Volatilization of Typical Trace Element During Coal Combustion

    煤燃烧过程中 典型痕量 元素挥发行为特性研究

  • The typical methods of hexahedral element mesh generation were compared . Grid-based method is highly automatic and easy to refine so it is suitable for the adaptive generation and remeshing of hexahedral element mesh .

    典型 六面体网格生成方法进行了 总结对比,得出基于栅格法六面体网格生成方法具有高度自动化和易于网格局部加密的优点,适合于六面体网格自适应生成和再生成。

  • The constitution of typical parts is an important element of group technology executing process .

    典型零件的构造是成组技术实施过程中一项重要 内容

  • You can then add the isbn element and its text node just as you might with a typical DOM element .

    然后就可以像处理 典型的DOM 元素一样,为它添加isbn元素和文本节点。

  • Urban coastal zone a typical element of the standing out coastal citys indicates the charm of the citys . but it also faces many problems in the rapid development process .

    城市滨海地区作为迅速崛起的沿海城市的 代表地段,浓缩展现了沿海城市的魅力,但是当前的城市滨海地区在高速发展中遇到了许多问题。

  • Typical finite element programs which were designed basing on the idea of procedural programming consist of thousands of lines of procedural codes .

    当前 典型的有限 程序大都以结构化编程思想为基础,由成千上万行过程化代码构成。

  • In a typical element the compressive deformation of column is less than that of soil .

    典型 单元体中桩的压缩量小于土的压缩量,而且随着径向距离的增大,这种差异就越大;

  • A concise and new formulation for establishing multi variable finite element models was derived by the weighted residual method . Its corresponding relations and degenerating relations with other typical multi variable finite element models were discussed .

    应用加权残量法基本原理,给出了建立多变量有限元模型的简明格式和新的列式,讨论了该列式与几种 典型多变量有限 模型的对应、退化和等价关系。

  • The fireplace is a typical western interior design element . It has useful function as well as decorative functions .

    壁炉是西方 典型的室内设计 元素,不仅具有使用功能,更具有装饰功能。

  • Arsenic is a typical element poisonous to human and exists generally in source water .

    砷是对人体有毒害作用的 典型 元素,且在水源水中普遍存在。

  • Selecting ethyl acetate as a typical organic pollutants containing element of oxygen we analyzed the parameters such as electrolyte type and concentration applied voltage reaction temperature and on the electrochemical degradation effects of ethyl acetate in simulated wastewater .

    探讨了乙酸乙酯作为 典型含氧 元素有机污染物,分析了电解质种类与含量、外加电压、反应温度等参数对乙酸乙酯模拟废水的电化学降解效果影响。

  • On the Norm and Boundary After normalized with the typical terrestrial element Sc iridium shows marked enrichment at the B / M boundary ;

    用地壳 元素 进行标准化之后,铱异常十分明显,而其它元素在界线附近则没有变化。

  • Through an analysis of a typical element this paper introduces in detail a mathematic method to calculate the cross section area in CAD of straight long Shaft forgings .

    本文通过一种 典型 元素,详细说明了热体积模锻直长轴类锻件计算机辅助设计(CAD)中,截面面积计算的数学解析方法。

  • With the typical element as basic operated unit the software can draw and dispose the block diagram rapidly and conveniently .

    该软件采用 典型 环节作为基本的操作单元,可快捷方便的实现结构图的绘制和处理。

  • Hence we can read that this dreamland in the novel is a typical Gothic element .

    因此,我们不难看出,小说中的这个梦境是 典型的哥特 因素

  • The role of the wave surface design based on a typical optical element light InP device having a converging diverging and other functions .

    基于 典型光学 元件对波面的作用,设计了对光具有会聚、发散等功能的磷化铟器件。

  • The Influence of the Errors of the Typical Heavy Element Abundances in Metal-poor Stars on the Component Coefficients

    恒星 典型中子俘获 元素丰度观测误差对分量系数的影响

  • Au is the typical directive indication element in whole primary halos .

    Au在整个原生晕中均是 特征直接指示 元素

  • As the most vigorous and typical element of commercial composite space public space of commercial complex becomes an indispensable part of people ' public life space in modem society .

    而且,商业建筑公共空间作为复合商业空间中最具活力和空间 特征 构成 元素,已成为现代社会提供人们的公共生活空间中不可缺少的组成部分。

  • Results revealed the presence of a typical p53 response element site in the HBV genome . This DNA-protein binding sequence can specifically bind p53 protein and stimulates the transactivating activity of p53 and HBV replication .

    结果显示,HBV基因组中存在能 p53蛋白 特异 结合的序列,使细胞内p53蛋白积聚,并反式激活,增强HBVdna的复制。

  • The network model is compared with typical finite element model . Taking a short-fiber reinforced composite as an example the accuracy and capacity of the three-dimensional network are evaluated through a comparison with the shear-lag theory .

    通过 典型算例比较了三维链网模型与有限 方法及剪滞模型的预测结果,验证了三维链网模型具有与有限元同等水平的求解能力和计算精度。

  • This paper first reviews the typical methods of finite element mesh automatic generation and discusses the advantages and the disadvantages of them . Finally according to the current status of the investigation some research topics are presented .

    回顾了有限 网格自动生成的 典型方法,分析了这些方法的优缺点,结合当前的研究现状,指出了今后一段 时期内, 有限 网格自动生成研究的重点和方向。

  • In part 2 the author discusses the Three Elements theory of typical trademark infringement constitution element . Then this part analyses the judicial application of Three Element theory and summarizes the views of the author .

    在第二部分,笔者对 典型商标侵权行为构成 要件的三要件理论予以探讨,并分析了其在我国的司法应用,总结了自己的观点。