type of payment

[taɪp ʌv ˈpemənt][taip ɔv ˈpeimənt]


  • Trading warranty the exemption of any ship or class type or description of ships from the payment of any fee or charge ;

    遵守船舶装运货物 种类规定的保证豁免任何一艘船舶或任何级别或种类 船舶 缴交任何费用;及

  • As a new type of payment e-cash maintains all characters of traditional cash and it is stored with digital form which can make the use more convenient . So it has become a new hotspot for research all over the world .

    电子现金作为 新型 支付 工具,具有传统现金的所有属性,并且由于其数字化的表示和存储形式,在交易中具有方便快捷等特点,目前是电子支付中的一个研究热点。

  • Where the parties to a bill of exchange have agreed otherwise regarding the type of currency in payment such agreement shall be complied with .

    汇票当事人对汇票 支付 货币 种类另有约定的,从其约定。

  • Market Inquiry has great difference it is influenced by purchase quantity purchase time type of payment enterprise credibility etc ;

    市场询价差异很大,受采购量、采购时间、 付款 方式、企业信誉等影响;

  • When the village director coming from non-elite club participates in the management the type of village director has affected village secretary ' game payment expectation and then village secretary will possibly adopts strategy of deceit .

    当来自于非精英俱乐部的村主任参与村庄的治理中后,村书记对村主任 类型的判断影响了其博弈 支付期望,进而其在与村主任的博弈中采取欺骗策略的概率增大。

  • As a matter of fact there be a third type of payment which Involve compensation by a combination of product and cash .

    事实上还有第三 支付 形式,就是用产品和现金相结合来补偿。

  • The proportion of OTC to HSD origins and type of payment of HSD show that fastening the reform of medical care system and carrying out OTC categorical management is the best method to reduce medical cost benefit people 's medical care and decrease the stress of hospitals .

    家庭备用药品中属于非处方药的比例及 支付 渠道等表明加速医疗保健制度的改革,实行OTC分类管理药品,对降低医疗费用、方便群众保健以及减轻医院工作压力都不失为上策之一。

  • Through analysis of forming reason theoretical foundation function type and characteristic to the system of transfer payment mainly have described all-sidedly that the inherent relation of theoretical systems of financial payment system .

    主要通过对转移 支付制度的形成原因、理论依据、功能、 类型与特点的分析,全面论述了财政转移支付制度理论体系的内在关系。

  • There are three factors education level type of medical expenses payment and smoking status which affect the levels of health literacy of patients with COPD . 2 .

    文化程度、医疗费用 支付 方式、吸烟情况为COPD患者健康素养的影响因素。

  • A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property .

    加速条款,要求在转让抵押财产所有权时,完全 偿还抵押贷款余额。

  • To strengthen the regulatory role of the personal income tax improve the type of property tax adjustment system and increase the special consumption tax the collection of social security taxes strengthening tax collection and management . ( 2 ) Improve the fiscal transfer payment system .

    加强个人所得税的调节作用,完善财产 税收调节体系,增加特别消费税,征收社会保障税,加强税收征收管理等。(2)完善财政转移 支付制度。

  • As one important type of non-cash payment instruments bank cards have been used most frequently in the retail consumption .

    银行卡作为重要的 现金 支付工具之一,已成为我国公众零售消费使用最频繁的 支付 工具

  • There is a type of payment in real property market where a mortgage is placed on forward house property .

    期房按揭是房地产 交易中的一 融资购房 方式

  • Based on the type of payment submitted the process invokes the corresponding credit card company to process the payment .

    根据提交的 付款 类型,此流程将调用相应的信用卡公司来处理付款。

  • The remainder of this article will demonstrate the activities that two business analyst would perform to add an additional type of payment to this process .

    本文下面将演示两名业务分析人员在向此流程中添加其他 付款 类型时需要执行的活动。

  • Finally introduce the impact on type and means of payment which the company merges of the tax revenue .

    最后介绍税收对公司并购 模式 支付 方式的影响。