type of use

[taɪp ʌv juz][taip ɔv ju:z]

[计] 使用类型

  • These images can be purchased by any type of Client for any type of use anywhere in the World .

    世界各地任何客户可以购买这些照片用作任何 用途

  • The type of machinery in use the soil characteristics and the growers own technical expertise must also be considered .

    所有的机械 型号、土壤特性以及栽培者本人的技术知识也必须考虑在内。

  • Our first task is to decide which type of model to use .

    我们第一个任务在于,决定 使用什么 类型 模型。

  • Translation as a special type of language use is largely constrained by the interaction between the static semantic issues and the dynamic pragmatic factors .

    翻译可以被看做是言语 使用的一 特殊 情况,翻译过程中静态的语义问题和动态的语用问题制约翻译的成功与否。

  • Ideally it should include more than one type of land use .

    理想上,应包含一种以上土地 使用 类型

  • Since there are so many techniques with data mining the major step to creating a good model is to determine what type of technique to use .

    由于现在已经有很多数据挖掘技术,因此创建一个好的模型的最主要的步骤是决定要 使用技术。

  • Drag onto the page then right-click and choose Properties to specify type of use and controls .

    拖到绘图页上,然后右击,再选择属性,可指定 使用和控制 类型

  • After analysing the background environmental characteristics of these regions the principal components analysis technique has been applied to the analysis on the characteristics of the pollution types on the surface water run off from each type of land use .

    在分析了巢湖流域环境背景特征的基础上,应用主分量分析技术,研究了不同土地 利用 类型地表径流污染的特征。

  • Cardiologists have had to decide which type of stent to use in heart attack patients based on small randomized trials that didn 't include long-term follow-up and reported conflicting results .

    心脏病学家必须在以小没有长期随访并且报告的结果有矛盾的的随机试验的基础上,决定心脏病发作的患者 类型的支架。

  • In the merge join Transformation Editor dialog box select the type of join to use in the join type list .

    在“合并联接转换编辑器”对话框的“联接类型”列表中,选择要 的联接 类型

  • Clearly there is a relationship between the type of storyboard you use and the phase of the development lifecycle .

    很显然,你 使用的故事板 类型与开发生命周期两者是有着紧密联系的。

  • For this type of development we use advanced Web technologies such as CGI PHP ASP JSP and Java Servlets .

    对于这种 类型 开发,我们 使用一些高级的Web技术,例如CGI、PHP、ASP、JSP以及JavaServlet。

  • The application of this new model in Suzhou New District indicates that traffic demand and land use feature in new urban area can be directly correlated when each type of land use has such a generating and attracting model which corresponds to its very own trip purpose .

    苏州新区应用实例表明: 不同 类型所引起的不同目的的出行,分别建立出行产生和吸引预测模型,能够使交通需求与新区土地利用特性直接相关;

  • This is just a simple example of the type of common use cases that Aptana 's Cloud platform provides out of the box .

    这仅是 AptanaCloud平台提供的一个开箱即 的常见 用例而已。

  • Based on the results of the survey of the current situation of ecological environment in Anhui Province cultivated land is the main type of land use .

    根据安徽省生态环境现状调查的结果,耕地是安徽省主要 土地 利用 类型

  • The relative change of introduced single type of land use indicated that there was significant regional difference in the change of land use in Aksu area .

    引入的单一土地 利用 类型相对变化率,反映出阿克苏地区土地利用变化存在明显区域差异。

  • Whichever type of SCM you use there 's a universal set of benefits that you reap .

    无论您 使用 何种SCM,都会获得一些普遍的收益。

  • The type of room you use is a personal choice but certain music styles might just sound more natural in a certain type of room .

    房间的 类型 运用是一个个人风格,但某几种音乐风格就必须要在某集中房间类型中才能更自然。

  • I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe .

    我现正在汉堡参观港口,以让欧洲了解并 使用我们的 新型集装箱。

  • But sometimes you can upgrade real estate by building a more remunerative type as permitted or by going to city hall to get the land rezoned for a higher type of use .

    虽然大部分区域被规划为居民区,工业区,或其他房地产区,但偶尔你也可以通过获批(或市政厅重新规划)建造更多的其它 形式 有偿地产。

  • The Type of Land Use Change on the Environmental Impact of Remote Sensing Information Analysis

    土地 利用 类型变化对环境影响的遥感信息分析

  • Please specify the type of connection you use to for e-mail .

    请指定 用于电子邮件 连接 类型

  • Runoff and sediment yields are greatly affected by the type of land use .

    土地 利用 类型不同对产流产沙的影响程度不同。