


  • Owing to a typographical error the town of Longridge was spelt as Longbridge .

    由于一个 排印错误,朗里奇镇的名称Longridge被拼为了Longbridge。

  • Editorial formatting ( use of italics superscripts Greek letter etc. ) should be consistent . Typographical formatting ( column widths type styles etc. ) should not be used .

    编辑格式(采用斜体字,上标,希腊字,等)应一致。不使用 印刷格式。

  • This paper presents a fuzzy-logic approach to analyzing typographical structures of textual blocks in order to be used for character preclassification .

    本文提出了一种用于字符预分类的模糊逻辑分析法,对文本字符作 印刷结构分析。

  • Typographical error in our acceptance letters .

    录取信 排印 的错误。

  • Article 56 The parties may within 30 days of the receipt of the award request the arbitration tribunal to correct any typographical errors calculation errors or matters which had been awarded but omitted in the award .

    第五十六条对裁决书中的文字、计算错误或者仲裁庭已经裁决但在裁决书中遗漏的事项,仲裁庭 应当 补正;当事人自收到裁决书之日起三十日内,可以请求仲裁庭补正。

  • 6The company may correct any typographical or other errors or omissions in any brochure or other published literature relating to the provision of the specified services without any liability to the client .

    公司保留纠正小册子或其它与特定服务有关的出版印刷品中的 排字或其它错误或遗漏的权利,不对客户负任何法律责任。

  • A few limited editions filled with typographical errors .

    一些充满 印刷错误、数量有限的版本。

  • Log minor defects found such as typographical errors or style inconsistencies on the Typo List .

    将微小缺陷记录到微错清单上,如 排版错误或风格不一致。

  • Using an exported configuration also reduces the risk of typographical errors especially since many of the configuration settings will not be changing .

    使用导出的设置还可以降低 打字错误的风险,尤其是许多配置设置都不会发生更改的时候。

  • Of course this introduces room for error and typographical mistakes so you need to be extra careful when you write code that deals with XML .

    当然,这样很容易出现错误和误 输入,因此在编写处理XML的代码时必须非常小心。

  • The domain is easy to spell and not prone to typographical errors .

    容易拼而且不易有 印刷 的错误的。

  • Nevertheless poets are creative in producing visual effects which is shown in English typographical poems and Chinese palindrome poems .

    这表现在 书写形式变异的英文诗和中国的 回文诗。

  • If you make typographical errors or use incorrect attributes in the XML your mistake won 't show up until a runtime exception is thrown when the look and feel is loaded .

    如果有 输入错误,或者在XML中使用了不正确的属性,这些错误只有当外观装载期间抛出一个运行时异常时才能发现。

  • Even one small typographical error can wreak havoc & make sure you make a backup copy of any file you 're planning to edit .

    一个小的 排字错误就会产生很大的影响,在编辑之前,对每个文件都要进行备份。

  • All drafts and revisions must be word-processed and thoroughly proofread for typographical grammatical and punctuation errors .

    所有的文稿和修订本必须已对 拼写、文法和标点符号错误彻底检查处理过。

  • Box : Typographical term meaning rules which enclosed type matter as a frame .

    线框: 印刷 字体 的术语。指用 线作框把字体围绕。

  • The researchers also point out that this difference in perception is reflected in the differences between Eastern and Western emoticonsthe typographical characters used to convey emotions in emails .

    研究人员同时指出,这种知觉差考试就到异也反应在东西方人使用的符号表情中。符号表情 通常在电子邮件中使用,以表达 书写者的情绪。

  • Samba ignores most typographical errors in the configuration files and doesn 't always write messages to the console when starting up .

    Samba忽略配置文件中的大多数 印刷错误,且在启动时并不总是写入消息到控制台。

  • The primary method for suggesting alternatives to typographical and spelling errors will be metaphone matching .

    针对 输入和拼写错误提供替代建议的主要方法为变音匹配。

  • I Love Typography devoted to fonts typefaces and all things typographical .

    我爱印刷术,致力于字体,字体 印刷和所有的东西。

  • Firsly this article was introduced the analyses according to several aspects that the typographical mistakes influence on students in different periods different degrees .

    从物理教材教参中的 印刷错误对学生不同时期、不同程度的影响等几个角度 归类分析,提出减少物理教材教参 印刷错误的建议。

  • Both magazines are well-known for their typographical errors .

    两本杂志都以 排印错误而出了名。

  • Sometimes it take two or more additional passes through a paper to be sure you 've found all the remaining typographical errors .

    有时,还需要对一篇文章进行两次或者两次以上的审查,以确保找出其余所有的 印刷错误。

  • 2 the content may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors .

    内容可以包含不确或 排版错误。

  • In addition to typographical conventions the following special elements are included to set off different types of information to make them easily recognizable .

    印刷 风格 ,如下特殊规则也用来分开不同的信息类别,使得他们容易分辨。

  • Information on these Websites may contain factual inaccuracies or typographical errors or be incomplete or out of date .

    这些网站上的信息可能存在内容错误或 排版错误,有些信息可能不完整或已过期。

  • In some cases you will be presented with a drop down list of possible values ; this is done wherever possible to reduce errors introduced by typographical mistakes .

    在有些情况下, 视图将向您提供可能的值的下拉列表;对于任何有可能减少由 输入过失引入的错误的情况, 视图都将向您提供这种 下拉列表。

  • Generic coding : Coding the structure of a document rather than its typographical constituents .

    总代码:文件上,除 排字 指示 其他文件结构代码。