


v.打字,用打字机打( typewrite的现在分词 )

  • Business centre located in the lobby provides full range of business service from facsimile typewriting word processor courier photocopy and equipment rental .

    位于大堂的商务中心为您提供传真、 打字、文字处理、邮递、复印、设备租用等商务服务。

  • Writing includes printing typewriting or any other intentional reduction to tangible form . Written has a corresponding meaning .

    “书面”或“书写”包括印刷、 打字或任何其他存心作出的可见方式。“书面的”具有相应的含义。

  • After graduating from high school I took a two years ' business course in one of the best commercial schools in Toledo studying both bookkeeping and typewriting .

    中学毕业后,本人在 多城最好的商校 了两年商业课程,学习簿记和 打字

  • The Business Center provides many services including fax photocopy typewriting and ticket booking etc.

    商务中心提供传真、影印、票务、 打字 等服务。

  • In office systems uncoated paper produced for typewriting similar to bond but lighter used for carbon copies .

    办公系统中用于 打字的无涂层纸,类似于证券纸,但更薄,可用于复写。

  • Using electronic variable character button ( it is a button made by mounting a matrix symbolic display on the ordinary button ) a typewriting and translating keyboard can be made for words and phrases in all Chinese and foreign languages .

    利用电子式变字符按键(一种在普通按钮上安装一个点阵式字符显示器制成的按键)可以制造二种适用于一切中外文种使用的词语 打字和词语翻译键盘。

  • It is possible to obtain the real-time algorithm of marking Chinese or English typewriting in the thesis by reducing the size of a non-fixed tree with prior knowledge .

    论文则通过加入先验知识来简化一棵成长型树的规模,使得树的 遍历成为可能,并最终获得中英文 录入实时判 算法。

  • Objective : To discover the management way of the case history quality on the net and raise the quality of the case history in new circumstance from writing to typewriting .

    前言:目的:在 手工书写的传统 纸质 病案 转向 计算机 打印的网上 病案的新形势下,探索网上病案质量管理方法,促进病案质量的提高。

  • The giving of real-time directional orders reporting of campaign complexion and monitoring of the situation are realized by multimedia communication subsystem using informational interaction such as typewriting audio video and tabula .

    多媒体通信子系统利用 文字、语音、视频和白板等信息交互方式来实现指挥命令的实时下达、战情上报、作战实时监控等行为。

  • Microcomputer management systems of the financial planning is developed in IBM PC / XT . All the programs are composed of DBASE III PLUS . The systems include the function of inputing certificate revising certificate statistics typewriting safeguard ect .

    财务计划微机管理系统是在IBMPc/XT微机上开发的,全部程序均由DBASEⅢPLUS编制而成,系统包括凭单输入、统计、 打印、维护等功能。

  • She studied shorthand and typewriting at evening classes for which the company paid .

    后来她上夜校学速记和 打字,费用由公司负担。

  • A New Typewriting and Translating Computer Keyboard for Words and Phrases

    一种可进行词语 打字和词语翻译的新型计算机键盘

  • For example when we translate the process of typewriting with a typewriter into word processing on a computer we are using a Mechanical-Age representation of a common task .

    在这种情况下,我们是在用机械时代的表现方式来处理同样的 打字任务。

  • I had to learn the alphabet ( pinyin ) and sounds all over again . The Influence of Pinyin Typewriting Experience on Orthographic and Phonological Processing of Chinese Characters

    我必须从头开始学习字母(拼音)和发音。 拼音输入法经验对汉字字形和语音加工的影响

  • History and French are ( academic ) subjects ; typewriting and bookkeeping are commercial subjects .

    历史和法语是学校的科目, 打字和速记是商业科目。

  • We compiled the PLC control software which established the function of weighing up cannon-pot and typewriting automatically after field debugging ;

    编写了PLC控制软件,并通过现场调试,实现了炮弹自动称重及 打字的功能;

  • Shorthand and typewriting have been described as the twin arts .

    速记和 打字被说成是一对孪生技巧。

  • I am proficient in typewriting and shorthand and have attained a speed of eighty and sixty words per minute respectively .

    本人精通 打字和速记,速度分别为每分钟80字和60字。

  • It 's possible to learn typewriting very quickly .

    学习是可能的 打字机 非常快。

  • I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute and typewriting at 65 words in English .

    我能速记,每分钟速度为120词,英文 打字速度每分钟65词。

  • I am also taking computer courses such as page-maker and Chinese typewriting in the evening .

    此外,我还在修读晚间电脑课程,包括中文 打字和电脑排版。

  • International Federation for stenography and typewriting ;

    国际速记和 打字联合会;

  • Provide the service of information office conference room typewriting and duplication etc.

    提供信息厅、会议室、 打字、复印等服务。

  • I graduated from the Chengdu Neusoft Institute of Information and can speak English fairly well and possess considerable proficiency in typewriting .

    我毕业于成都东软信息技术学院,能 流畅地讲英文,并能较熟练地 打字

  • She finished typewriting the letter at speed .

    她迅速 好那封信。

  • Perform miscellaneous copying and typewriting tasks .

    完成复杂的复印以及 文字 处理工作。

  • A Better Input Method of Chinese Five-stroke Type ; The Influence of Pinyin Typewriting Experience on Orthographic and Phonological Processing of Chinese Characters
