type of argument

[taɪp ʌv ˈɑrɡjəmənt][taip ɔv ˈɑ:ɡju:mənt]

[计] 自变量类型

  • This takes a single argument defining the reference to a file system structure ( file_system_type ) which defines the name of the file system a set of attributes and two superblock functions .

    这个函数的 参数定义一个文件系统结构( file system type)的引用,这个 结构定义文件系统的名称、一组属性和两个超级块函数。

  • They are very basic type of argument later you will see there are many types of arguments that are in these categories .

    它们是 论点的基本 类型,之后你们会看到在这些类型中间,许多种类的论点。

  • Each legal interpretation methods for example the context requires history and system suggests a explain perspective corresponding to a type of argument which we can open rational argument to justify his explanation viewpoint .

    每种法律解释方法,比如文义、历史和体系,提示一个解释视角,对应一种 类型 解释 论据,我们能据以展开理性论证来证成自己的解释观点。

  • It refers to a type of interaction in which hostile acts are exchanged between two or more parties due to participants ' differences in opinions interests or desires . The oppositional argument quarrel and dispute all belong to conflict talk .

    从广义上来说,它指由于交际双方或多方在观点、兴趣及愿望等方面存在差异而发生的一种有敌对 性质 交际行为,如: 争执性话语、争吵和反驳等。

  • The interface of the service injected is defined by either the type of the Java class field or the type of the setter method input argument .

    注入的服务的接口由Java类字段定义,或由setter方法输入 参数 类型定义。

  • Each type of format can take a numerical argument as well to tell the formatter how to properly apply the pattern .

    每一 格式都会用到一个数值 实参来告诉格式化程序如何适当地应用模式。

  • You simply type the sigil in place of the argument .

    您只需 输入这些符号来代替相应的 参数

  • Because Chinese criminal law theory is similar to the continental system it can be recognized that the indirect criminal is a special type of the perpetrating act with reference to the same kind of argument in the criminal law system in the continental system .

    我国刑法理论与大陆法系刑法理论比较接近,因此,立足于间接正犯仅仅是实行行为的一种特殊 类型这一认识,可以参考大陆法系刑法学中关于实行行为的 学说

  • Either the Java class field or the type of the setter method input argument can determine the type of the injected property .

    Java类字段或setter方法输入 参数 类型都可以由注入属性的类型确定。