


  • Someone called his drawings as Neo-Orientalism painting and thought he built an unawakened altruism world .

    有人将他的绘画称为“新东方主义”绘画,认为他营造了一种 分、 浑然 、混沌 一的世界。

  • The unawakened has a sence of being and doing and therefore must have a vision or goal in mind .

    觉醒 有存在与行动的分别,因此心里必须有一个愿景或者目标。

  • No one in the neighbouring flats was unawakened by the noise .

    那噪音 四邻

  • The unawakened must practice humility .

    觉醒 必须练习谦卑。

  • The unawakened must learn to direct to control and to quieten thoughts by ruling over them .

    觉醒 必须学习去引导、去控制和平息意念。

  • Scatter as from an unextinguished hearth Ashes and sparks my words among mankind ! be through my lips to unawakened Earth .

    就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星!从还未熄灭的 炉火向人间播散!让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇。

  • The unawakened one tries to understand what life is .


  • But after tooth is unplugged Liang always unawakened eventually Liang was diagnosed as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy has been in a persistent vegetative state .

    但病牙被拔除后,梁某始终 ,最终梁某被诊断为缺血缺氧性脑病,一直处于植物生存状态。

  • The unawakened one is not ready to die .


  • Pay no attention to the fear that exists amongst the unawakened but keep your attention tuned within to me and your Indwelling Father Fragments .

    不去关注未 觉醒 人群 存在的恐惧,而是持续地把你的注意力调频 对准我,以及你的父的片段。

  • In this story Lu Hsun writes mainly about a peasant who is backward and politically unawakened .

    鲁迅在这篇小说里面,主要是写一个落后的 觉悟的农民。

  • The world is full of people who are doing but it 's mostly unawakened doing .

    这世界到处都是在 的人,但大多数都是 意识的做

  • The unawakened one experiences freedom in the presence of choice and hope .


  • The unawakened one having a mind struggles with the mind of others .

    一个 觉醒的人会有一个与其他人思想 斗争的头脑。

  • The unawakened one dreams all the time .

    觉醒的人一直 生活在梦中。