


  • She stared at me with unbelieving eyes .

    她以 怀疑的眼光注视着我。

  • And Jesus answered and said o unbelieving and perverted generation ! How long shall I be with you ? How long shall I bear with you ? Bring him here to me .

    耶稣回答说,唉, 且悖谬的世代!我与你们同在要到几时?我忍耐你们要到 几时?把他带到我这里来吧。

  • Rumor circulated state import restriction shortly however ourselves unbelieving .

    据传进口限制是 暂时性的,但我们 这样 认为

  • In His dealings with the poor and needy and those who were unbelieving and rebellious and through His miracles He poured out His love into the hearts of sinful men .

    默默地为苦难贫穷的人群服务,向那些不 叛逆的人传道医病、行神迹,为将祂的大爱浇灌在人心中。

  • Tit . 1:15 all things are pure to the pure ; yet to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure but both their mind and their conscience are defiled .

    多一15对洁净的人, 凡物都洁净;但对污秽 的人,什么都不洁净,反而连他们的心思和良心,也都污秽了。

  • Then he said to thomas bring your finger here and see my hands and bring your hand and put it into my side ; and do not be unbelieving but believing .

    就对多马说,伸过你的指头来,摸我的手;伸出你的手来, 入我的肋旁。不要 ,总要信。

  • Adopts the most unbelieving principle to design and control the generation of instructions and decide the algorithm and to analyze the generation and execution of the key route control instruction ;

    采用最 信任原则设计控制命令生成及下达算法,就关键的进路控制命令的生成和下达进行分析。

  • Often it 's the delivery which causes the audience to smile so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a lighthearted remark .

    通常是你说话的方式使听众发笑,因此说慢一些,记住 扬扬眉毛或者 出一 难以置信的表情,这些都会向人们显示你正在说笑话。

  • But the unbelieving Jews stirred up and incensed the minds of the Gentiles against the brethren .

    那些 固执 的犹太人,却 挑拨并刺激外邦人的心,来相反弟兄们。

  • Larry confesses his plight to his unbelieving father Sir John who then joins the villagers in a hunt for the wolf .

    他承认他的困境,拉里 ,约翰爵士,他父亲就加入了村民在搜寻那只狼。

  • Cor.7:15 But if the unbelieving one separates let him separate ;

    林前七15倘若那 的人离去,就由他离去吧;

  • Unto the pure all things are pure : but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure ; but even their mind and conscience is defiled .

    在污秽 的人,什么都不洁净。连心地和 天良,也都污秽了。

  • A woman 's godly influence upon unbelieving men is very important in the Lord 's kingdom and is instrumental in leading men to Christ through God 's word .

    在主的国度里,一个敬虔女人的影响力对于 的男人是极其重要的,它有助于藉着神的话语引领他们归向基督。

  • A believing woman may work with unbelievers or have unbelieving neighbors .

    一个信主的女人可能与不信的人一起工作,或有 的邻居。

  • Endless of the impenitent and unbelieving .


  • I have become the young and hopeful man and you are the old and unbelieving one .

    我变成了一个年轻而又充满了希望的人,而你却 变成了一个老气横秋、 多愁善感的人了。

  • The stone-cutter however had never seen this spirit and only shook his head with an unbelieving air when anyone spoke of it .

    然而这位切石匠从未遇见过精灵,每次有人谈及它时,他总是摇摇头,一 怀疑的样子。

  • Mk.9:19 And He answered them and said O unbelieving generation !

    可九19耶稣回答他们说,唉, 的世代!

  • He looked at me with unbelieving eyes .

    他用 怀疑的眼光看着我。

  • A believing wife may have an unbelieving husband .

    一个信主的妻子可能有个 的丈夫;