unbalanced type

[ʌnˈbælənst taɪp][ʌnˈbælənst taip]


  • The exciting forces like unbalanced force due to mass eccentricity hydraulic force unbalanced magnetic pull ( UMP ) and exciting forces induced by the failure etc. are another type of important factors affecting the dynamic response of shaft system .

    外部激励指质量不平衡力、水力、 平衡磁拉力及故障因素引起的受力等。

  • Size of the two peak areas exists a premium of depression decreases premium to the edge of the peak district which both contains a certain degree of spatial continuity and spatial variability and regional unbalanced type .

    大小两个峰值区中间有一个地价凹陷,地价从峰值区中心向边缘逐渐降低,既有一定的空间连续性又存在空间变异性和区域 平衡

  • Partial discharge and monitoring of dissolving gas in oil for transformer dielectric loss factor and capacitance and three-phase unbalanced current for capacity type equipments monitoring of resistance current for metal oxide lightning arrester are mainly introduced .

    主要介绍局部放电和油中溶解气体监测;对电容 设备,主要介绍介质损耗因数、电容量及三相 平衡电流监测;

  • Significance of the Unbalanced Expression of Th1 / Th2 Type Cytokines in Human Glioma

    Th1/Th2 细胞因子在脑胶质瘤中的 均衡表达及其意义

  • The point-to-point transmission rights including balanced type and unbalanced type are established and then auction model is constructed .

    首先建立了基于最优潮流的平衡与 平衡 形式的点对点输电权,其次构造了点对点输电权拍卖的数学模型。

  • It is of built-in type double seal face multi-spring unbalanced type and drive sleeve transmission .

    内装式、双端面、多弹簧、 平衡 、传动套传动。

  • An Empirical Study on Unbalanced Development of Compulsory Education in Beijing An Investigation of the thinking type 's difference for the University Students

    北京义务教育 均衡发展的实证分析师范大学生思维 方式测试研究