



  • He was unaware of the serious consequence .

    他没有 认识 后果的严重性。

  • I suggested it because the father was unaware of the effect that his anger was having on his children .

    我之所以让他看这 影片是因为 影片中的父亲没有 意识 他发怒对他的孩子们所产生的影响。

  • I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me .

    我做事太过专心以致于对周围发生的事情 丝毫 察觉

  • This can produce unexpected results if you are unaware of the fact that the expression has side effects .

    如果您不 知道该表达式有副作用,则这会产生意外的结果。

  • It may be that you are unaware of where your hip joint is ; it is not at the waist but a good hand span below it .

    这也许是因为你 并不 晓得髋关节的位置,它不在腰部,而是位于腰部以下一手 宽处。

  • She too was not awake and presumably unaware of others ' presence with her .

    她也处于昏迷状态中,大概 知道有人和她在一起。

  • We are all unaware of the truth .

    我们都 不明真相。

  • She is probably unaware of what happened yesterday .

    她大约 知道昨天的事儿。

  • He was unaware that their talk had been overheard .

    他没 察觉 他们的谈话被偷听了。

  • They were quite unaware that her father was a shopkeeper and had been mayor .

    他们不 知道,她的父亲曾当过店主,又当过市长。

  • Those afflicted with the disease are often unaware of it in the early stages .

    这种病初起时,患者每 自觉

  • Without work-product KPIs this degradation in the code base occurs with management being unaware .

    在没有工作产品KPI的情况下,在管理层 意识的情况下,出现了代码基数的退化。

  • I was unaware that he had any complaints .

    我不 知道他有怨言。

  • He also said he was unaware of any financial settlement being paid .

    他还说他并没有 意识 任何财务结算已经被支付。

  • And your boss may simply be unaware of his or her behavior and its impact on you .

    上司对你发火了,但他可能 没有 意识 这伤害了你的感受。

  • I can 't believe that you were quite unaware of my growing affection for you .

    我不相信你一点儿都 察觉 我渐渐地爱上了你。

  • She was unaware that she was being filmed .

    她不 知道有人在拍摄她。

  • I was unaware that I had hurt him .

    我出 成心 我伤害了他。

  • He was unresponsive and seemed unaware of his surroundings except for moaning when we moved him .

    移动时,除了呻吟声外,他没什么反应,好像对周围的一切失去了 意识

  • He was unaware that they had shaken off their pursuers .

    他不 知道他们已经甩掉了追捕者。

  • I am not unaware of the problem .

    我并非 了解这一问题。

  • I was unaware that they had arrived .

    我不 知道他们已经到了。

  • Most doctors and nurses are unaware of these differences which can have life-threatening consequences for women .

    多数医生和护士没有 认识 这些差别,这些差别对于女性来说可能具有危及生命的后果。

  • He declares that this escapade is his own idea and that Hitler was unaware of it beforehand .

    他宣称,这次出奔是由于他自己的意思,希特勒事前并 不知

  • She hadn 't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents .

    她没有看那封信,所以不 知道信的内容。

  • I guess I was unaware that any final decision had been made .

    我想我没有 注意 最后的决定。

  • There may be unrecognised cases of manifest injustice of which we are unaware .

    也许还有一些我们不 知道的明显不公平现象被忽视了。

  • Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume

    许多人并不 知道他们究竟消耗掉了多少食品和饮料。

  • And if it did why was it unaware of these concerns ?

    如果董事会提前做了这件事,它又为何对 股东 的担忧 不知

  • I was unaware any of my girls needed arresting .

    我还 知道我的学生有人犯法了。