ultimate line

[ˈʌltəmɪt laɪn][ˈʌltimit lain]

[化] 住留谱线

  • In the dancing posture it means the ultimate extension or the slow stretching of body line or certain parts of the body .

    在舞姿体态中,它是指人体 线条或身体的某个部位 极限性的的延长或者缓慢拉长;在舞者的心理感觉上,它是一种想象的、虚幻的力,支配着舞蹈者的状态。

  • Research into ultimate bearing capacity of V-type rigid-frame arch bridge in passenger special line

    客运 专线中V型刚构拱桥 极限承载力研究

  • Ultimate Loads in Characteristic Line Method and Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundation

    特征 线法的 极限荷载与地基极限承载力

  • The Experimental Investigation about Ultimate Strength of Steel Tubular Tower 's Joint Applied in Extra-High Voltage Transmission Line

    特高压输电 线路钢管塔节点 极限 承载力试验研究

  • It couldn 't be otherwise in a world where the ultimate measurement is the stock price and the bottom line .

    在这个 最终一切都以股票价值和 底限为衡量标准的世界里,其他的方式是不可能存在的。你属于哪一种?

  • Furthermore the FEM limit analysis also proves that the stress slip line ultimate load and velocity slip line are all the same if they are obtained by either associated or non-associated flow rule but only the velocity vector shows difference .

    通过极限分析有限元法,再次证明了滑移线场理论中用关联流动法则与非关联流动法则可得到相同的应力滑移线、 极限荷载及速度滑移 线,只是速度矢量方向不同。

  • The paper discusses the ultimate loads of foundations calculated with the characteristic line method and the determination of the ultimate bearing capacity of foundations .

    考虑对数螺旋 线的破坏面并结合特征 线理论,提出了一种新的浅埋条形板 极限上拔力的计算方法并编制了程序。

  • This is not only contrary to the ultimate goal of the penalty but alsoin line with the spirit of harmonious society people-oriented .

    这不仅不违背刑罚的 最终目的,而且还 符合和谐社会以人为本的精神。

  • With the ultimate goal in our mind we will definitely seize every opportunity to expand our market and find the right place for us making our company a most competitive one in its line .

    紧紧抓住建筑业发展的机遇,明确目标, 找准定位,做大做强,力争把公司建成为具有较强竞争力的企业。

  • The ultimate cause is that Chinese theoretical translation studies is still riddled with value judgements in line with the Confucian moral tradition .


  • The ultimate loading of the thick-wall cylinder based on unified plane-strain slip line field theory

    用统一平面应变滑移 线场理论求解厚壁圆筒的 极限荷载

  • Therefore theoretical line loss calculation is an important work in the electric power enterprise . By means of line loss analysis and optimization we can save energy improve economic efficiency and achieve the ultimate purpose of the line loss management work .

    因此理论线损计算是电力企业工作中的一项重要内容,同时通过线损分析与优化,实现降损节能、提高经济效益,更是 线损管理工作的 最终目的。

  • Solution of Ultimate Load for Acute Wedge by Unified Slip Line Field Method and Finite Element Method

    楔体 极限荷载的统一滑移 线与有限元解

  • From statistics investigations of ten beams test data of ultimate failure cracking line the diagonal cracking line regression equation is proposed which is used to evaluate the first diagonal cracking point ( FDCP ) development .

    根据试验梁的 极限失效 迹线的试验统计分析,给出了斜截面开裂失效迹线的数学描述,据此评定了试验梁的初始开裂点(FDCP)。

  • The ultimate resolution of Palestine problem is based on the establishment of a Palestinian State with permanent boundary line .

    巴勒斯坦问题的 最终解决将以建立独立的拥有永久边界的巴勒斯坦国而 告终

  • The ultimate result is a bright lyrical tapestry of color with shapes loosely defined by a heavy line breaking or fading against shifting planes of color as it approximates contour .

    最终的结果是一种明亮、抒情的彩色挂毯,其松散的形状是通过厚重的 线条来打破或减弱近似轮廓的变幻不动的色块来确定的。

  • Torsional ultimate bearing capacity of centrifugal concrete filled steel tube based on model of failure line

    基于破坏 线模型的离心钢管混凝土扭转 极限承载力

  • The host has ultimate control over the bus and may inhibit communication at any time by pulling the Clock line low .

    主机对总线有 最高的控制权,在任何时候通过将时钟 线拉低就可以禁止通信。

  • The ultimate settlement of Nanjing Metro Line West Extension Line tunnel is predicted by using hyperbolic functions .

    利用双曲线函数对西延 线隧道的 长期沉降进行了预测。

  • The ultimate line of the double shear strength theory in π plane is a polygonal line according to the double shear unified strength theory .

    双剪统一强度理论在π平面上的 极限 线为多条直线构成的折线,形式简单,应用方便。

  • The load & deflection curve of T-beam upon reaching the ultimate bearing capacity is close to horizontal line .

    T型梁达到 极限承载力时的荷载&挠度曲线接近水平 线

  • Various methods which take axial force in the chord into account used for the calculation of ultimate moment along an oblique plastic hinge line have been investigated and compared .

    为了计算在轴向压力作用下沿倾斜塑性铰 线 极限弯矩,研究者们提出了各种理论模型。该文对这些模型进行了分析和对比。

  • Wilson added these wicked colorized backtraces that enable you to quickly pick out the ultimate failure line and some significant points in the backtrace .

    Wilson添加了那些彩色的回溯跟踪(backtrace),它能够让你快速地找到 最终出错的那 代码,同时还有其它一些重要的回溯跟踪的功能。

  • The result indicates that FEM limit analysis is available to not only solve accurately the geotechnical problem of ultimate load on foundation but also support the clarification of the difference between associated and non-associated flow rules used in the theory of slip line field .

    说明极限分析有限元法不仅可以精确地解决求地基 极限荷载问题,而且有助于搞清滑 移线场理论中采用非关联与关联流动法则的区别。