ultimate production

[ˈʌltəmɪt prəˈdʌkʃən][ˈʌltimit prəˈdʌkʃən]


  • With maximizing profit as the ultimate goal the capitalist production mode tortures workers both physically and psychologically .

    以利润最大化为 最终目的的资本主义 生产方式,使工人的身心受到了极大摧残。

  • The ultimate consumption has the greatest inducing effect upon the production of Beijing sports industry next to it is export and the least is capital investment . 9 .

    最终消费对北京市体育产业 生产的诱发作用最大,其次是出口,最低的是资本形成(投资)。

  • Consumption is the essential elements of social reproduction process necessary condition finally complete and premise is the ultimate goal of production of economic and social life consumption is one of the important fields .

    消费是社会再生产过程的内在要素、必要条件、最终完成与前提,是 生产 最终目的,消费是经济社会生活的一个重要领域。

  • However in the process of social production consumption is the ultimate goal of production and the starting point of new production .

    而在社会生产总过程中,消费是 生产 最终目的,也是新生产的起点。

  • Aerial photography is one of primary technology measures of rapidly obtaining and updating geographical information and its technological project directly influences the ultimate production quality .

    航空摄影是快速获取和更新基础地理信息的重要技术手段之一,其技术设计直接影响航摄 成果 直至 最终 航测成图的质量。

  • Based on the enterprise life cycle and product life cycle theory the enterprise development ultimate objective is to smooth out the diversification of production so that enterprises growing power is essentially the product of technological innovation .

    基于企业生命周期和产品生命周期理论,企业成长 最终的目的无疑是顺利进行多元化 生产,这样企业增长的大动力实质上就是产品生产的技术革新。

  • Once it comes into being hydroxyl will induce a series of radical chain reaction oxygenolysis all the matter organic and organism and its ultimate production is CO_2 H_2O and a little inorganic salt without harmful poisonous residues .

    OH·一旦形成,会诱发一系列的自由基链反应,氧化分解所有的有机物质、生物体, 最终将其 降解为CO2、H2O和微量无机盐,不存在有害有毒的残留物。

  • The land ultimate production potentiality and carrying capacity were estimated ;

    采用逐步订正法估算作物 生产潜力,运用迈阿密模型对草地自然 生产力进行估算,从而计算出区域土地 极限 生产力,并估算区域 最大人口承载量;

  • The ultimate strength of intact hull and damaged structure hull of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading ( FPSO ) is studied by Idealized Structure Unit Method ( ISUM ) and considering the influence of the corrosion and collision on structure .

    利用理想单元法(ISUM)研究了浮式 生产储油船(FPSO)完整船体与受损结构船体梁 极限强度。

  • Manufacturing information is a long gradual and developing process which requirements the manufacturing enterprises achieve the ultimate goal of comprehensively improving the competitiveness of enterprises based on the business production management and product development .

    制造业信息化是一个长期的、循序渐进的发展过程,是制造企业从经营、 生产、管理和产品开发的实际需求出发、量力而行实现信息化的过程, 最终目标是全面提高企业的竞争力。

  • Our country animal husbandry maintained the high development speed the meat the egg ultimate output already is the world leader already became the world second feed production power .

    我国畜牧业保持了较高的发展速度,肉、蛋 产量已名列世界首位,已经成为世界第二饲料 生产大国。

  • Preliminary data suggested that male-sterility from this source might be used for breeding male sterile lines for the ultimate production of hybrid carrot seed .

    初步认为,检查出来的雄性不孕植株,可进一步培育胡萝卜雄性 不孕系, 生产一代杂种。

  • Wheat is one of the most important grain crops it accounting for above 35 percent of main grain demand in the world being the second grain crop in our country . The total output of wheat is 25 % of ultimate grain production throughout our country .

    小麦是最重要的粮食作物之一,占世界粮食需求总量的35%以上,也是我国第二大粮食作物,总产量约占全国粮食总 产量 25%,年平均种植面积约3000万公顷。

  • However since the household responsibility system was established in China farmers are the ultimate decision makers of agricultural production and operation .

    然而我国自实行家庭联产承包责任制以后,农民才是农业 生产经营的 最终决策者。

  • Consumer is an important component part of consumption and improving people 's living standard and quality is the ultimate goal of production . Therefore consumer study especially empirical study has been receiving focus of government and economists .

    居民消费是构成消费的重要组成部分,提高人们的生活水平与质量又是 生产 最终目的,因而对居民消费的研究,尤其是实证研究一直是政府部门、经济学家关注的热点之一。

  • Henan accelerate agricultural tourism the ultimate is to continually improve production and living conditions of farmers agricultural tourism in the new play positive role in promoting rural development .

    加快河南省农业旅游的发展, 最终就是为了不断改善农民的 生产和生活条件,发挥农业旅游在新农村建设中的积极推动作用。

  • Its ultimate home is running live in production so that it is available to the larger enterprise but you cannot just jump from test to production .

    它的 最终 目标是在 生产中实时运行,这样才能在大型企业中可用,但是您不能直接从测试环境跳到生产环境。

  • The4D geology model is helpful in finding out distribution of residual oil adjusting development plan and improving ultimate production factor .

    所建模型对认识该油田剩余油的分布状况、调整开发方案及提高 最终 采收率等有指导意义。

  • Currently commingling production is far lower than slice mining production which has reduced the ultimate recovery and seriously affects the long-term stable production .

    目前,多层合采时产量远远低于分层开采时的产量,降低了 最终采收率,严重影响了长期 稳产

  • The ultimate goal is to achieve zero defect in the whole production process .

    我们的 最终目标是整个 生产过程零缺陷。

  • The ultimate output of Chinese apple amounted to 34.7 % of worldwide production and it situated the world first .

    中国苹果 产量已位居世界第一,占世界苹果总 的34.7%。

  • The ultimate aim that the Nation implements safety production supervision is to protect the country and the people the safety of life and property promote the steady development of the national economy and finally maintain the stability and harmony of the whole society .

    国家施行安全 生产行政监管 最终目的是为了保护国家和人民的生命及财产安全,促进国家的经济又快又好的稳健发展,最终,维护整个社会的和谐安定。

  • Potato is one of the important grain crops it is first grain crop in Yulin . The total out output of potato is 20 % of ultimate grain production throughout Yulin . The plant area amounts up to 100 million ha per year .

    马铃薯是最重要的粮食作物之一,是榆林市第一大粮食作物,总产量约占 榆林粮食总 产量的20%,年平均种植面积约100万hm2。

  • The constant percentage decline is widely used for predicting the future performance and ultimate accumulation production of oil and gas wells or reservoirs .

    常数百分递减被广泛用于预测油、气井或油、气藏的未来动态和 最终累计 产量

  • There is a large number of tobacco farmers who have not received inputs on time and this may affect ultimate production .

    有大量的烟农未能按时获得投入物资,而这有可能会影响到 最终 产量

  • Long-term goals feature the development of offshore natural gas reserves to offset the ultimate decline in oil production .

    长期的目标特色是发展海外的天然气储备来弥补石油 生产 最终衰落。

  • Ultimate principle of all production

    一切 生产 终极本源

  • Marx also predicted the ultimate goal of human social production is to pursue an economical efficient and ecological economy .

    展望了人类社会 生产 终极目标是追求节约、高效、生态、环保的经济形态;直接、系统地概括了循环经济的内含、特征、实现途径等。