


  • Studies on Properties of Tyrosyl Residues in Photosystem ⅱ in the Presence of Anionic Surfactant

    阴离子表面活性剂存在下光系统Ⅱ中 酪氨酸残基的性能研究

  • In addition the conformation and microenvironment of tyrosyl residue of proteins were markedly affected .

    同时 构象和微极性 发生了改变。

  • The results have shown that there exist excitation energy transfers from the component at 232 nm in PS ⅱ proteins to the tyrosyl residues and from these two amino acid residues to chlorophyll a.

    在PSⅡ蛋白质 内部,存在着 232nm 酪氨酸 之间以及这两种氨基酸残基与叶绿素a之间的能量传递。

  • The results indicate that all three tyrosyl side chains of DPI are unmasked and situated on the surface of the molecule .

    这些结果说明DPI的三个 酪氨酸侧链暴露在分子表面。